
Tuesday 6 June 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6-6-2023 — An ‘L’ of a Trip.

6th June, 2023: “The ‘L’”.

Yes: it’s Tuesday.

Which means, of course, that my nephew’s over later.

So you can expect more videos, this afternoon.

And evening!   I watched the next episode of The Mandalorian, last night.

You can expect that, too.


OK: I’m something of a Mac fan*.

So very aware they’ve announced a lot of new stuff.

Including the Vision Pro, their premium headset.

Which looks nice.

But what caught my eye?

Was the new MacPro: which looks — to my untrained eye — like a good successor to the last Intel machine.

But I’m no industry pro: not someone who could tell you otherwise.

I AM aware the new (base) Pro costs £7, 199: roughly £1, 500 more that the previous base model.

But, where the previous, fully specced, version would cost up to £55, 000?

This new one would cost around £13, 000.

More than I’d see in a year, I know that: but cheaper for the sort of people who’d be buying it.

The new version also looks like it would have a far more powerful graphics capability … but a lot less maximum RAM.

We’ll have to see how well it the new one does with the movie studios it’s designed for.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi¶ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        6th June, 1892, saw the opening of the ‘L’.   The ‘L’ is the rapid transit system, where: Chicago, New York or Seattle?

Q2)        The ‘L’ has eight main lines: named after colours.   Name one of those lines.

Q3)        The ‘L’ in the name is short for what: elevated, escalated or eggnog? 

Q4)        The transit authority that runs the ‘L’ gave its name to a US rock band.   What’s that band now called?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Docklands Light Railway is also an ‘L’.   In which city: London, Manchester or Liverpool?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        5th June, 1829, saw the HMS Pickle capture the slave ship, Voladora.   Whilst both were off the coast of where: Cuba, Chile or Jamaica?
A1)        Cuba.

Q2)        5th June is World Environment Day.   For 2023, the organisers are trying to get us to beat what: killer smog, plastic pollution or CFCs?
A2)        Plastic pollution.

Q3)        Tethys’ Festival was performed: on 5th June, 1610.   The masque was performed to celebrate Prince Henry’s investiture. As Prince of where?
A3)        Prince of Wales.   You can read about the festival, here.

Q4)        The DSV Alvin was commissioned: on 5th June, 1964.   DSV, in this case, stands for Deep-Submergence what?
A4)        Vehicle.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sportsman, Alfie Turcotte, was born on 5th June, 1965.   He plays what: baseball, American Football or ice hockey?
A5)        Ice hockey.
Here’s a thought … 
“The oldest sections of the ‘L’ started operations in 1892, making it the second-oldest rapid transit system in the Americas …”.
From the Wikipedia entry on the ‘L’.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Whatever the merits of the new Pro are?   I was expecting it to be the last model to transition from Intel to Apple Silicon processors.   Apple did the same thing with their top of the line computers, when they went from PowerPC to Intel chips.

        It looks like I’m up, there, Olga: we had a VERY long discussion about that!   Mostly to see what I could do!
        And here’s hoping they come up with something on the benefit fronts: it’s always swings And roundabouts!

        Hello, Mum!

        As I recall, Debbi, he turned down the James Bond role at least twice.   That snd the gunplay didn’t appeal!

§        As I said, yesterday, Trevor?   I did double check: both Olga and Mum got q1 wrong, putting 1976, instead of 1977.   Debbi got q4 wrong: putting digital, instead of analogue.   You can double check here answers: here.


  1. Q1) Chicago

    Q2) Pink Line

    Q3) elevated

    Q4) Chicago

    Q5) London
    Yes, fingers crossed on the benefits front.

  2. 1 Chicargo
    2 Orange line
    3 Elevated
    4 Chicago
    5 London

  3. Yes, he objected to Bond for a few reasons, as I recall.

    1. Chicago
    2. blue
    3. elevated
    4. Chicago
    5. London

    I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to ride your L there. I used to ride the L from Queens into Manhattan a lot when I was a kid. Also, to Coney Island. It's been ages. :)


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