
Sunday 29 October 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th October 2023.

29th October, 2023.

Yes: it’s Sunday morning.

And … ?

I’ve put my clocks back.

OK, OK … I’ve put two of them back: the ones on my phone, and computer, are updated automatically.

At any rate?   The UK is now officially in Greenwich Mean Time, rather than British Summer Time.

Yay … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message about signs.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        29th October is Coronation Day.   It marks the coronation of King Sihamoni of where: Cambodia, Indonesia or Laos?

Q2)        29th October is the feast day of Saint Abraham of Rostov.   Where is Rostov: Russia, Hungary or Bulgaria?

Q3)        Sir Walter Raleigh was executed.   On 29th October of which year: 1617, 1618 or 1619?

Q4)        The biggest jewel heist in US history took place: on 29th October, 1964.   It was led by Murph the who: Surf, Turf or Smurf?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Footballer, Billy Walker, was born on 29th October, 1897.   He played for whom: Aston Villa, West Ham or Manchester United?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th October is Ohi Day.   Where: Albania, Greece or Turkey?
A1)        Greece.

Q2)        According to the ASIFA, 28th October is International what Day: International Animation Day, International Film Day or International Radio Day?
A2)        International Animation Day.

Q3)        28th October is the feast day of Saint Jude.   He’s the patron saint of where: Armenia, Bulgaria or Czechia?
A3)        Armenia.

Q4)        28th October, 1950, saw the birth of journalist, Sihem Bensedrine.   She’s from which North African nation?
A4)        Tunisia.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Actress, Annie Potts, was born on 28th October, 1952.   She played which character in the Toy Story franchise: Bo Peep, Mrs Potatohead or Trixie?
A5)        Bo Peep.

Here’s a thought …
“I always loved the Patti Smith lyric, ‘Jesus died for somebody’s sins but not mine.’   I got sent home from school wearing a Patti Smith T-shirt with that line on.”
Winona Ryder, born October 29, 1971.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Well … going by Google Translate, Olga, pilón means pylon: we both know how reliable that is¶!   And I can’t see how Wimpy would be either a pylon: or a bonus.
        Actually, a bonus could be a reasonable translation, I think.   If you bought a lot of burgers, and got a free extra one, he’d happily take it off your hands!
        At any rate … Brentwood’s newest restaurant opened a few months ago.   It’s a branch of Wimpy’s!   Someone bought the franchise!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        It does come in handy, Debbi!   The picture’s from a site called Night Cafe: feeding ‘Dalek’, ‘Cyberman’, or Sontaran, into the mix is interesting.

§        Oh … that seems a little disappointing, Trevor!   I was expecting something bigger … … 

        It’s as reliable as “the man in the pub”!


  1. Q1) Cambodia

    Q2) Russia

    Q3) 1618

    Q4) Surf

    Q5) Aston Villa

    No, the translation isn't too bad, although we watch a quiz programme called "Pasapalabra" and in the last round, contestants have to guess words starting by all (or almost all) of the alphabet letters, based on a definition given by the presenter, and, to be honest, some of the bizarre words that come up, and some of the meanings some standard words have are mind-blowing. (There must be, or must have been, a similar programme on TV there, but I can't recall ever coming across it while I was there).
    Yes, I've changed three or four clocks, and still have a few more to come...

  2. 1 Cambodia
    2 Russia
    3 1618
    4 Surf
    5 Aston Villa

  3. I'm conducting a few experiments of my own with ChatGPT! :)

    1. Cambodia
    2. Russia
    3. 1618
    4. Surf
    5. Aston Villa


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