
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-5-2024 — The World Series of Poker

28th May, 2024: the World Series of Poker.

It’s Tuesday.

It’s therefore Yay Day.

If you’re in the mood to leap out on someone and go “Yay!”

I’m not.

I’d end up with someone giving me a funny look!


Oh, just as an entertaining thought … ?

Apparently, the Wu-Tang Clan have released the world’s rarest album: Once Upon a Time in Shaolin.

There’s only one copy.


That copy’s going on display — at a museum in Tasmania — soon.


I know for a fact it’s not the only ‘rarest album’

It shares that distinction with Jarre’s Music for Supermarkets*.



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        28th May, 2024, sees the start of the 2024 World Series of Poker.   It’s being held just outside which Nevadan city?

Q2)        How many events are scheduled for the tournament: 97, 98 or 99?

Q3)        The events are being held in two venues: the Horseshoe and the Paris.   The pair are what: Casino-hotels, brothels or football arenas?

Q4)        The highest non-cash prize you can win at the tournament, is a what: stetson, bracelet or chicken dinner?

Q5)        Finally … ?   And according to Wikipedia?   What’s the theoretical highest poker hand: an ace-high royal flush, a king-high straight or five of a kind.
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        27th May saw the birth of actor, Christopher Lee.   22nd May of which year of the 1920s?
A1)        1922.

Q2)        He played a famous vampire in seven films.   For which studio: Hammer, Warner Brothers or Rank?
A2)        Hammer.

Q3)        He played a famous vampire in seven films.   Which vampire?
A3)        Dracula.

Q4)        He played Francisco Scaramanga in which James Bond film: Live and Let Die, The Man with the Golden Gun or The Spy Who Loved Me?
A4)        The Man with the Golden Gun.

Q5)        Who played James Bond, in that film?
A5)        Roger Moore.

Q6)        Which writer was Lee’s step cousin?
A6)        Who else: James Bond creator, Ian Fleming.

Q7)        He played the Creature: in 1957’s The Curse of Frankenstein.   Who played Victor Frankenstein in The Curse of Frankenstein: Vincent Price, Peter Cushing or Boris Karloff?
A7)        Peter Cushing.   Cue the music!

Q8)        Lee appeared in The Face of Fu Manchu.   As who?
A8)        Fu Manchu.   (These days?   I suspect they’d hire someone Chinese.)

Q9)        He played a wizard in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films.   Which wizard: Radagast, Gandalf or Saruman?
A9)        Saruman.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Which 1973 film did Lee call his best: A Touch of Class, White Cargo or The Wicker Man
A10)        The Wicker Man.
Here’s a thought …
“If after ten minutes at the poker table you do not know who the patsy is—you are the patsy.”
Martin J. Whitman.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Jarre only ever allowed one — one — broadcast of the thing: on Radio Luxembourg.   And, before it started playing?   Told people to pirate it!!   How many of those bootleg copies, survive?   I don’t know!¶

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Yes: I’ve done a Peter Cushing one, Olga¹: here!   But I’ve also added a note to my database: Hammer was founded in November of 1934, so I might just do something!
        At any rate, it looks like the parade went well: the costumes look huge!   And there was giant chess, too?   (I’m hopeless at chess.   Backgammon, though?)
        Give my regards to Jordi, please!

§        Well, yeah: that would help, Debbi!   At any rate, one of these days, I’ll have to re-watch The Prisoner: it strikes me I’ve never given it the review treatment.
        It’s possibly just you, Debbi.   But, saying that?   I did notice that “It’s racist, my dear” line of Sîan’s!   And it can’t be any worse than Anne Robinson’s choice comments about the Welsh: it ended up with her getting shot by a Dalek!   (It’s looking good!)

¶        Jarre has reworked some of the tracks for other albums: including a tune called “Music for Supermarkets” on his Planet Jarre collection.   He’s also covered “Popcorn”. 

¹        If memory serves, Olga, we ended up talking about numbered lists.   Gosh, we’re so exciting!


  1. 1 Las Vegas
    2 99
    3 Hotels
    4 Bracelet
    5 Royal Flush

  2. Q1) Las Vegas

    Q2) 99

    Q3) Casino-hotels

    Q4) A bracelet

    Q5) an ace-high royal flush (I think).
    Well, Jordi’s wife is going to have an operation this Friday to sort out the fracture in her arm, so it looks like no holidays, at least at the moment. Perhaps a change of dates later on.
    Yes the day went well, although as we were busy with the programmes, I didn't realise all that was going on until I watched the pictures later. Oh, well, we can't be everywhere at the same time (yet)!

  3. A complete review of The Prisoner would be a fun project. I've actually thought of doing my own.

    1. Las Vegas
    2. 99
    3. casino-hotels
    4. bracelet
    5. five of a kind

    My only worry is that I'll get "hate mail" from the Six of One Society. :) Then, again, maybe they'd like it. Who knows? *shrug*


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