
Sunday 30 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-6-2024 — International Day of Parliamentarism

30th June, 2024: International Day of Parliamentarism.

It’s officially Sunday … 

And officially the day after I forgot to poster a letter!

It’s OK: I can post it, today, even though it won’t get picked up until tomorrow.

There’s hoping it get’s dealt with, quickly, at the other end!


Saturday 29 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th June 2024.

29th June, 2024.

Right, then: it’s Saturday.

And I’ve just had a phone call from — assuming I’ve used my landline handset correctly — 01899 565244.

Yes: you’re right.

Two minutes to eight in the morning, and I’ve got myself a Microsoft Technical Department scammer phoning!

I actually strung him along for about five minutes.

It turns out that he had the wrong address listed for me.

The right post code, right phone number, but the wrong address.

And — as always in these situations — thought I had a Windows PC.

Like I say … it took me five minutes or so to explain Macs didn’t need security updates from Microsoft!

Hey … ho!


Friday 28 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-6-2024 — Mel Brooks

28th June, 2024: Mel Brooks.

Right … it’s a Friday.

And, for once, this week?

I have very little in my diary: bar setting up a few bits and bobs!



You’r possibly aware that — here in the UK — it’s election time: and that D-Day is next Thursday.

You possibly may not bet aware of some of the ins-and-outs … beyond the fact there’s a lot of parties to choose from.

Reform UK — led by former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage — are one of them: and are slightly more right-of-centre than I’m comfortable voting for.

Going by news from Channel Four, last night?

It’s turns out some of the party’s campaigners are even more hard right than we thought: with at least a couple making comments — on camera — that count as homophobic, racist, and lord knows what else.

As much as I’m not voting for Reform?

I’m willing to bet that some people in Brentwood — given those views — will.

Some folks in my home town can be a little bit nasty, like that.


Thursday 27 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-6-2024 — Djibouti

27th June, 2024: Djibouti.

Right then … it’s Thursday!

And … ?

I managed to have my most recent meeting with my Job Centre case worker, yesterday morning: by phone, thankfully.

I don’t know if I’ll end up getting the job she suggested I apply for — in Pitsea — but it’s the first I’ve seen in a while.


JUST as a thought … ?

It’s election year in the UK.

The things a week away, so you know.


I thought I’d give you a few thoughts from earlier this years: about spoiling my vote.

I hope I get a few views!


I’m not the only one posting videos!

Yes: Jude’s posted another one, this week.

If you could hit the ‘Like’ button on it — and as many of the Mikey videos you see floating past — you’ll make my nephew very happy!


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th June, 2024.

26th June, 2024.

It’s official: yesterday was Tuesday, and today is Wednesday!

And … ?

I’ve managed to have a phone appointment with my GP.

We’ve managed to sort out a few things.


The low blood pressure is partly due to the diabetes: but being amplified by the heat.

Hence the blurred vision and dizzy spells.

They’ve seriously stressed keeping hydrated: especially in this hot spell.

They’ve also confirmed a mental health referral has been made: but could take until 2025 to turn up.

It’s important, rather than urgent: so I’m not too concerned.

But, obviously?   And as far as I’m concerned?   The sooner the better.

As an additional point … ?

I’ve ALSO been prescribed Mounjaro: as a replacement for the Ozempic I’m using.


There’s plenty of this stuff!


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-6-2024 — Croatia.

25th June, 2024: Croatia.

Right, then: Tuesdays!

You’d not think they’d be busy: would you … ?

Well … it’s not … 

Except, of course, today?

I’m expecting a phone appointment with my GP.

They’re a little concerned: as, the last time I had my blood pressure checked, it was a touch on the low side.


We’ll be able to do something about that, that won’t involve stockings!


Monday 24 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-6-2024 — Counting Coup

24th June, 2024: Counting Coup.

La la … !

Monday, Monday!

Yes: it’s Monday, again.

And I’m off to my weight management class.

Hopefully, I’d’ve lost the two hundred grams that I gained, last week.


If you’re following the UK’s election news … ?

You’ll probably realise there’s a lot going on.

Including the minor — ha! — scandal: of various Tory party members who’ve been caught placing bets on when an election would be … a suspiciously short time before the election was announced.

More suspects were announced, today.


I’m still laughing my head off!


Sunday 23 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd June 2024

23rd June, 20241.

Right, then … 

It’s officially Sunday!

And, frankly, I am knackered.

It’s my own damn fault: making a mistake with my most recent review, and having to re-do it will do that to a body … !



Saturday 22 June 2024

Doctor Who — Series 14/Season 1 - Episode 8 — “Empire of Death” — A Review

22nd June, 2024: the introduction.

Yes: it’s officially Saturday, 22nd June.

And … ?

Once I’ve done a few things around the flat?

I’ll be plonking myself on a comfy chair: and watching the last episode of this series of Doctor Who.

I’m looking forward both to it … and finding out what others think.

I’ll be back … after a pause!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-6-2024 — Ms Streep

22nd June, 2024: Meryl Streep.

It’s officially official.

It’s Saturday!

Which means that I’ll be watching Empire of Death, the last episode of Dr Who’s first season.

Or fourteenth series.

Depending on who you ask, of course.

At ANY rate … ?

If you want to watch the reviews, so far?

They’re here: 


Friday 21 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-6-2024 — New Hampshire

21st June, 2024: New Hampshire.


It’s Friday!

Which means it’s payday: and I can sort out my bills, and get some shopping.

Oh … 

I also have some new medication: replacing the Trulicity I had been on.

Yes: I now have four weeks supply of 1mg doses of Ozempic.


Those supplies can be maintained.

As helpful as the Trulicity was, I believe it wasn’t quite as effective as the Ozempic.


As a side point?

The World Health Organization has issued a global alert: warning people about fake Ozempic being sold online.

The alert is a good thing to see, I think.

But also … ?

Not — given the demand for the stuff — what I’d call surprising!

People will buy anything!


As a final thought … ?

I managed to catch the most recent version of Tales of the TARDIS, last night.

An updated — and very relevant — version of Pyramids of Mars, the first Dr Who story to feature Sutekh.

It was rather good to see the old story: albeit it in a somewhat edited form.

The updated effects were very good.

As was the framing story: of the Doctor and Ruby discussing how the Doctor could dealt with the revamped villain.


I can only hope the BBC gives this — and the other Tales of the TARDIS — a blu-ray release: I think they deserve to be seen by as many people as possible.


Thursday 20 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-6-2024 — Lionel’s Not Messi

20th June, 2024: Lionel Richie.

Heigh ho … it’s Thursday … !

And, possibly?

A day where some emergency medication has been sorted out.

I’ll be in town, later to find out.

Here’s hoping … !


Oh, in the UK … ?

It’s election time!

And one piece of news?

Shows me that at least two Conservative Party members — one a candidate, and one, a worker for the Prime Minister — have been caught with their pants downs.

Or — like a member of the PM’s bodyguard squad — caught putting bets on when the election would be: days before the PM announced it.

There’s possibly a lot I could say, or do.

Instead … ?

I’m just going to point at the PM, and laugh!


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th June 2024.

19th June, 2024.

Right … … Wednesdays … 

It’s now a Wednesday: and … ?

I managed to have a diabetic review, yesterday: along side a review of my medication.


I’ll be able to get a replacement for the unavailable Trulicity* by Friday: the day I’m due to take it.

Here’s hoping.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-6-2024 — Mr McCartney

18th June, 2024: Sir Paul McCartney.

It’s officially official: it’s Tuesday … !

But you knew that.

Personally … ?

I know I’m going to be stuck indoors, this morning.

I’m waiting for a phone call from my surgery, for my latest diabetic review.

Hopefully … ?

I’ll be able to get a replacement for the now unavailable trulicity, quickly.


You’re possibly very aware that there’s a general election due to take place in the UK: on the 4th July.

And that I’ll be voting Green: because of their offer to increase Universal Credit.

I did notice, however, that John Swinney — the Scottish First Minister — has proposed a social energy tariff: cheap energy prices for those of us on low incomes.

As someone on a cheap internet deal, a cheap deal aimed, again, at those of us low incomes?

I would seriously welcome that!

There’s only one problem.

Mr Swinney’s not standing in Essex: he’s the Scottish First Minister.


Social tariffs are needed south of Hadrian’s Wall, as well as north of it.


Monday 17 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th June 2024

17th June, 2024.

It’s officially Monday.


I’m up early, again!

I’m off to my usual weight management meeting!

Here’s hoping I can sustain last week’s loss!


Sunday 16 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-6-2024 — Sussex

16th June, 2024: Sussex.


It’s officially Sunday!

Which means, of course, that we’re all filled with the joys of spring.

Yeah, right … !

At any rate … ?

I’ve finished both a written and video review of yesterday’s episode of Dr Who: and feel pleased about it.

Feel free to hit the ‘Like’ button!


Saturday 15 June 2024

Doctor Who — Series 14/Season 1 - Episode 7 — “The Legend of Ruby Sunday” — A Review


15th May, 2024: an introduction.

Right … 

It’s Saturday!

And, yes: I’ve got the theme tune to Tiswas banging around my head.

It’s that “Saturday is Tiswas Day” line!



At any rate … ?

It’s Saturday.


That means I’ll be watching “The Legend of Ruby Sunday”: the seventh episode of this current series of Doctor Who, today.

The BBC iPlayer version, rather than the broadcast one.

I’ll let you know what I though, by tomorrow night at the latest.

I’ll see you then.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th June 2024.

15th June, 2024.

Right … Saturdays … Is the day of the week to be doing something.

If you have the time, money or inclination!

Which frankly?

I don’t!

No … I intend to watch TV at some option, today.

The penultimate episode of Dr Who’s on!


Did I mention my pharmacist is wonderful?

My pharmacist is wonderful!

I’ve run out of one specific medication — Trulicity — yesterday.

And, at the time I picked up the rest of my meds?

They had no alternatives.

However … ?

I managed to email my pharmacist: who was able to recommend a couple of (thankfully available) alternatives.

Hopefully, when I talk to the surgery on Tuesday?

We’ll be able to sort something out.


Friday 14 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-6-2024 — Che.

14th June, 2024: Che.

Right … it’s Friday.

And I’ve got most of the medications I need.

I got ’em, yesterday.

But … ?

There’s always something, isn’t there?

It turns out that the Trulicity I was using … isn’t available.

From anywhere in town.


There’s manufacturing issues affecting it, and the alternatives.

Including Semaglutide, the wonder drug that’s the active ingredient in things like Ozempic and Wegovy.

Which means … ?

Right now, I’ve used my last Trulicity pen, this morning.

Frankly, until I have my next diabetic review — on Tuesday — I have no idea what to do … !

Bar sending an email!


Thursday 13 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th June, 2024.

13th June, 2024.

Right … it’s Thursday!

Which, frankly, means I’m going to have to pick up medication, at some point!

Assuming the pharmacist has them.

Here’s hoping!


I’m going to surprise people: and tell you I’ve made up my mind about who to vote for in next month’s General Election.

The Greens.

They’ve finally released their manifesto, this year.

And … ?

Are promising to increase Universal Credit by some forty pounds a week.

Granted, given the way elections in the UK go, it’s unaffordable, unrealistic and never going to happen.


They’ve put money, albeit theoretical money, on the table: that tells me what they want to do for people in my shoes.

That’s not something I’ve seen in the Conservative or Liberal Democrat manifestos.

Nor expect to see in Labour’s, when they publish theirs.

It’s … 

Well … let’s just say politics can be unsurprising … 


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-6-2024 — Helsinki

12th June, 2024: Helsinki.

Right … Wednesdays … 

Wednesdays means all sorts of things.

On this particular Wednesday?

It means I’m back at the dentist for the second day in a row: for a hygienist visit!

Gosh, the excitement!


I’m following election news.

Or, at least, have half an ear on it.

And … ?

In the news, this morning, tells us that a recently published report says that ‘Voter confidence at record low’.

Are we surprised?

At any rate … ?

It seems the Greens are to release their manifesto, today.

I’m looking forward to that.

Their position on unemployment benefits will be a decider for me.


JUST as a final thought … ?

I keep having an Instagrammer called YowieDeschanel float across my time line.

She’s a bit … hypnotic … … 

It’s the way her daisy wobbles, isn’t it … ?


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th June, 2024.

11th June, 2024.

Right, then: it’s officially Busy Tuesday … !

Well, I say ‘busy’ … when I actually mean I have a dental check-up.

I’m just glad I’m not in one of the Dental Deserts the Local Government Authority’s been highlighting!


Did I mention it’s my sister’s birthday, tomorrow?

If you’d like to wish Anna a happy birthday, fell free,

The oddity?

Is that we’re celebrating with a finally meal, tonight: at a newly opened Japanese restaurant in Brentwood High Street.

That’s going to be an experience.

I’ve never had Japanese food in my life: and wouldn’t know how to use chopsticks if you paid me!

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Yes: it was the start of Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference, yesterday: the Conference where Apple announces a whole range of new stuff!

OK: Apple’s new AI features — branded under the name Apple Intelligence — sound like they could be either useful: or a nightmare.

But hopefully won’t take up much space*.

About the only thing that caught my eye as being handy?

Were the new wind tiling features.

As someone with just one monitor?

That strikes me as useful!


Monday 10 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th June, 2024.

10th June, 2024.

Right, then … Mondays!

I almost always have an early start on Mondays.

Because it’s the day of a weight management course I’m on.


I’ll have lost weight, today.

We’ll have to see.


Sunday 9 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-6-2024 — Murcia

9th June, 2024: Murcia.

Right … Sundays … 

Yes, it’s Sunday: and I think I need more sleep!

After posting a late night review of “Rogue”.

What makes it worth it … ?

Is simply the fact I’ve had comments on it, already!

I like that!


Saturday 8 June 2024

Doctor Who — Series 14/Season 1 — Episode 6 — “Rogue” — A Review

8th June, 2024: an introduction.

Yes: it’s officially Saturday!

Which — bar the overcast weather? — is nice.

At any rate, it’s a Saturday: and once where — once I’ve eaten? — will see me watching “Rogue”, the most recent episode of Dr Who.


It’ll continue the positive trend of this new season, and add something new to the show.

I’ll be able to tell you what I thought about it, by tomorrow at the latest.

See you then!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th June 2024.

8th June, 2024.

Right … Saturday … 

It’s a Saturday: which means I’ve missed the big political debate, last night.

In favour of episode two of the latest Star Wars series, The Acolyte.

Lightsabers, Jedi and Wookies, had more appeal.

On the election front?

Rishi Sunak’s still facing flack about not staying for the whole of the D-Day commemorations.

A commemoration that — as it turned out — President Volodymyr Zelensky of the Ukraine, attended.

President Zelensky: president of a country currently being invaded by Russia.

President Zelenshy, a man who’s nation is being invaded, and who you would forgive for not being there … attended a ceremony during his country’s worst patch in recent history.

President Zelensky of the Ukraine is looking a lot better, politically, than the British PM.

And if it wasn’t for the fact he’s busy, I’d suggest the President stand for Parliament!

Actually, on the election front?

It seems the Greens are facing issues: as they’re having to drop candidates who are making anti-semitic social media posts.

I hope they sort that out by the time the manifesto’s published.

I’d like to vote — or not vote — for them: on the basis of that, rather than anti-semitic posts*.


Friday 7 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-6-2024 — World Food Safety Day

7th June, 2024: World Food Safety Day.

Right … it’s Friday … 

Which means … ?

It’s the day after the D-Day commemorations.

A set of commemorations that saw Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, leaving early to record an interview.

And, as a result?

Having to issue an apology.

I know elections are important to politicians … 

But the optics of that, don’t look good.
