
Sunday, 31 December 2023

For All Mankind — Series 4 Episode 8 — “Legacy” — A Review

30th December, 2023: an introduction!

Right … 

Is it Chicken Kiev … or Chicken Kyiv?

The war in Ukraine is such that we show our support for one or the other side by spelling the name of the dish — and the city — as Kiev: the Russian way.

Or Kyiv, the Ukrainian way.

Either way … ?

I don’t know that it matters, much, right here and now.

What matters?

Is simply the fact that — once I’ve eaten the one I’m having for dinner? — I’ll be watching “Legacy”, the next episode of For All Mankind.

Then telling you all about it!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-12-2023 — The Big Fat Review of the Year.

31st December, 2023: The Big Fat Review of the Year.

Just as a thought … ?

Can someone remind me to not upload to iCloud … when I’m trying to upload files to YouTube?

I’ve extra iCloud storage: that I’m now using to store large files on.

Or, at least, I’m in the process of upload large amounts of files on.

Or to, I should say!

At any rate, I’m uploading files to my iCloud storage.

And upload today’s Teaser video to YouTube.

The latter — as, I suspect, a result of the former! — is taking its time!

You have to love bandwidth issues, don’t you … ?


As you know … ?

I’ve had a lot of help, just recently: both in attempting to fix my old iMac.

And in acquiring a new one.

So … ?

I thought I’d show you what I’ve bought with your money.

And let you know I have it hooked up to a 24” Benq monitor over HDMI, two external hard drives*, a blu-ray drive, a webcam and a pair of speakers.

With the drives, webcam and speakers hooked up via a couple of hubs.

I hope that’s interesting: and suggests possible set-ups for others.


Saturday, 30 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th December 2024.

30th December, 2023.

It hs to be said: stuff is occurring.


For starters?

I’ve used a new — cheap! — lavaliar mic to record today’s introductory video.

Could you give it a watch, please?   And let me know what you think?

I’m not convinced it’s very loud … !


Moving on … ?

I’ve got various files uploading to my iCloud storage space.

It’s worth it, I think: even if it will take time.


I’ve got other bits of software working with my new machine.

Including MakeMKV: which comes in handy, if you need to back-up blu-rays and DVDs.

Oh, and HandBrake.

Which is something of an old friend, and seems speedy: at least, on this version of macOS.

Quite what’ll happen in later versions, I don’t know.

I’ve also got a lot more space on my main hard drive: a result, I suspect, of this machine dropping some software in some formats, in favour of others.

That’s, hopefully, usable.

I’ve also managed to change the highlight colours the thing uses.

Partly?   Partly because the purple I’m now using seems to show up better on the monitor I’m using.

But also … because I was getting bored of green,


As a last thought?

This year’s New Year’s Honours list has been published.

Amongst others?

Micheal Eavis — founder of the Glastonbury Festival — has received a knighthood.

Well done him: there’s only so many people who’ve pulled off cultural phenomena.

Amongst the others?

Is actress, Emilia Clarke: best known for TV series, Game Of Thrones.

Did you also know she’s in The Amazon Maurice?

It gives me an excuse to wave my review of it at you … !


Friday, 29 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-12-2023 — Mongolia.

29th December, 2023: Mongolia.

Oh … 

I’ve found a feature!

You’ve possibly worked out I’ve got a new Mac mini: the base line model.


I’m grateful for it, and to everyone whose helped me buy it.

Whilst I’m aware of its limitations?

I’m also aware it’s running macOS Sonoma: with all the subtle differences from its predecessor, Ventura, the OS I’m more familiar with, that that implies.

So, I’m getting used to things, still.

I do know I managed to record some footage for the video versions of upcoming Teasers: and noticed that there was an extra icon in the Menu Bar, when I had QuickTime set to record.

Of a camera.

It turns out the icon has a group of dropdown settings, for recording with QuickTime: including what it calls a ‘Voice Isolation’ mode.

A hum reduction setting, in other words.

I don’t know how much use it will be: nor how well it would show up.

But it certainly could be useful.


Thursday, 28 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th December, 2023 Teaser.

28th December, 2023.

Right … 

I owe people a BIG “Thank You”.

As you know, my iMac — the machine that formed the technological backbone of both this blog, and my YouTube channel — rolled over and died, a few days ago.

And, thanks to the generosity of friends, family, and readers, I was able to fund repairs.

In theory.

Had the thing been fixable?   Fixing would’ve happened.

And insurance, extra storage, and extra cloud storage, would’ve happened.

It wasn’t.

Neither did the planned extras.


Thanks to the generosity of many, I was able to fund buying a base-model, Mac mini.

One I was initially told would be delivered, tomorrow.

But eventually arrived, yesterday.

I am grateful for that.

As it only took an hour or so for me to;
  • Set up.
  • Sync most of my bookmarks and passwords.
  • Find and sync my Photo and media library.
  • Download and install operating system updates.
  • Download and install newer versions of software.
I’m grateful.

To everyone that’s helped, and that the process went well.


Just in case you have donated?

And want to know what your money’s paid for?

It’s a 2023 model Mac mini: with 8gb of RAM, a 256gb solid state drive, and an M2 system-on-a-chip.

Attached to a Benq monitor, the Apple mouse and keyboard from my iMac, an external blu-ray drive, and both my media storage and Time Machine external hard drives.

Things I’ve owned for a while.

It’s not the most powerful machine in Apple’s current line-up* but — thus far — it seems to be working well: at least for my basic needs.
  • Handbrake, iMovie, and the various media/productivity apps, are working well.
  • My data is safe, useable and accessible.
  • Drag and Drop is working the way I expect it to.
  • I’m back using familiar keyboard shortcuts.
  • Formatting blog posts with my preferred software, is working!
Granted: I’ll need to replace it with something newer, at some point.

And — under ideal circumstances — I would’ve got something far more powerful.


I’m grateful for what I’ve been given!


As a last thought?

How do I feel about what’s happened?

There’s possibly a lot to say, there.

Grateful for the help I’ve received: that’s the important thing to stress.

But also?

Deeply upset about my iMac crashing the way it has.

I’ve had several Macs, over the years.

And, usually?

The build quality has been pretty damn good.

I’ve still got a sixteen-year-old, Mac Pro tower, that is showing its age: but still useable for some tasks.

And my original Mac mini only needs a replacement hard drive — if I can find one — to be functional, again.

So, for a six year old, 2017, iMac to go under the way mine did?   With short circuiting, a knackered power supply, and a duff screen?

Is shocking, to say the least.


Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 27-12-2023 — 361

23rd December, 2023: 361.

Right ... it’s officially Wednesday.

And frankly?   I was expecting a new Mac Mini, on Friday: Friday the 29th, I should say.

Apparently, though?

It’s now due, today.

I’ve even been sent text messages about it.

I can only hope it gets here soon: it would be nice to set things up, early!


Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Doctor Who — Christmas Special — “The Church on Ruby Road” — A Review

25th December, 2023: the Intro.

Right ...

It’s Christmas Day.


Until the replacement Mac turns up, I’m stuck writing this post with my back-up laptop.

Yes: I’m grateful to everyone who’s helped me buy that replacement machine.


Angry at having to use a machine that was only ever meant as a ... a ... a toy, almost: a spare, rather than a main machine.

Cie la vie!

Friday -- the date when the new machine turns up?

Can’t come soon enough.

At any rate?

I'm writing this introduction early on Christmas day: in the expectation I'll be finishing it on Boxing Day: and will be letting you know what I thought of “The Church on Ruby Road”, as soon as I can!


Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 26-12-2023 — The Exorcist

26th December, 2023: The Exorcist.

Right, then ...

Let's do the happy thing, shall we?

And wish my nephew, Jude, a happy birthday!

Happy Birth, Jude!

You can make him very happy by subscribing to one of his main channels: here or here!

Or you can follow Bobby the Cat!



Moving on ... ?

You've possibly worked out yesterday was Christmas Day.

Gifts were given -- I'm hoping the one's I've been able to afford have gone down well -- and gifts received.

You can tell we're getting old, can't you?


Socks, underpants and gift cards seem to be the order of the day!


I now own an air fryer.

Which could prove useful.

Once I work out how to do baked potatoes with it>

It does tell me how long to do potato gratin.



I got to meet Bobby the Cat.

Who's a slippery customer if ever I saw one!


Just as on last sad piece of news?

Those of us of a certain age will remember Richard Franklin: who playe Captain Mike Yates, during the Pertwee years of Dr Who.


He died, yesterday, at the age of 87: after a long illness.

He'll be much missed.


Monday, 25 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 25-12-2023 — Christmas Day

25th December, 2023: Christmas Day.

It's official: it's Christmas Day.

A time of great joy,wonderment, peace, love, wossname and unlimited bowls of rice pudding.

I feel vaguely cynical, already.


Can only hope the things the day is supposed to symbolise -- peace, love, understanding -- takes some sort of hold in the world.

It could be nice.


Things go on, though.

Including video reviews.

My most recent, of the seventh episode of For All Mankind, is something you can watch, here.

There's also something of an apology -- and confession -- for those who've donated money to me, over the past few days.

So you know?

My normally very reliable iMac failed on me, last week.


I managed to take it to a local repair shop: after several friends  and family members made some very generous donations.

Friday, just gone?   The 22nd of this year?

Was when I was told it would be ready to pick up.

It wasn't.

Nor was it ready, Saturday: there were expensive sounding issues.

So?   I told the shop I'd look in on Sunday -- yesterday, Christmas Eve -- as they were open: to do the inevitable talk.

They hadn't fixed it.


They'd replaced the power supply that was causing issues, but found they were having issues with the screen ... and with the motherboard, and the central processor: and were finding something short-circuiting, somewhere.

They couldn't -- in the time allowed, and for the agreed price -- fix the thing.

I felt that, under the circumstances, taking the thing off them, and back home, would be the best bet.

The possible upside?

Was that people had donated enough for me to buy a replacement Mac: an M2 Mac mini which is scheduled to arrive on Friday.

I'm looking forward to that.

As helpful as the back-up laptop is, it would be nice to use the keyboard shortcuts I'm used to.

There is one thing, though.

I feel I should apologise to you, if you were one of the donors I'm grateful to.

After all, you donated your hard earned cash to me: in the expectation I'd spend the money on a repair, rather than a replacement.

I can only apologise.

At any rate?

Happy Christmas!


Sunday, 24 December 2023

For All Mankind — Series 4 Episode 7 — “Crossing the Line” — A Review

23rd December, 2023: an introduction.

Right … it’s Saturday night as I write this.


Once again, I’m using the back-up laptop to do so.

It’s not a nice experience: but will do for now.

Until my iMac gets back from the repair shop.

I’ve spoken to the shop: and it could well be ready, tomorrow.

The place is a short train journey away.

On a day when the trains aren’t running!



At any rate?

It’s Saturday.

And ... ?

As I’m going to be watching Dr Who on Monday, I’m going to be watching “Crossing the Line”, the next episode of For All Mankind, tonight.

Then telling you about it, tomorrow evening!

Hopefully, I'll see you then!


Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 24-12-2023 — On Christmas Eve in the Morning!

24th December, 2023: Christmas Eve.

Right ... I'm hoping your Christmas is going well.

Or well enough that you don't need help!

I am truly grateful to everyone that's put in to the iMac repair fund: it's helped a lot.

And ... ?

There's a distinct possibility I may -- may -- be able to pick it up today.

I hope so.

My only problem?

I'm not too sure what the trains are doing, today.

I need to get to Shenfield and back: so not knowing?

Is inconvenient!


Saturday, 23 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 23rd December 2023

23rd December, 2023.

Right ... it's Saturday, the day after my iMac was supposed to be repaired.

So ... ?

You're possibly expecting me to tell you I've brought it home, safe, well, and working.


You'd be wrong.

They've managed to fix the power supply which was causing the main problem.


Apparently, the screen's having trouble: and they have to get a component.

Understandably?   I'm not pleased.

Especially given the time of year.

It's adding time to the process that I'm definitely unhappy with!


Friday, 22 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 22nd December 2023

22nd December, 2023.

This is not a day for things to be acting up!

As you're possibly aware?

I'm due to pick up my main computer -- a 2017 21.5" iMac -- from a repair shop in Shenfield, today.

In the hope that it's;
  • Repairable.
  • Repaired.
  • Working.
  • Cheap!

I'm definitely anxious about the situation!


Thursday, 21 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 21-12-2023 — The Daleks

21st December, 2023: The Daleks.

It's officially Thursday.


I'm counting down the days until my iMac's repaired: it's due, tomorrow.

Not that I'm feeling anxious, or anything.

But I'm feeling anxious!

You possibly couldn't tell, could you!?


At any rate ... ?

In amongst all the various shades of panic, anxiety and caffeinated drinks?

I had a workman visit!

To repair the extractor fan in my bathroom.


He couldn't do it: as, apparently, he didn't have the right kit with him.

Or it was too fiddly a job for the kit he had.

That was disappointing.

But at least he was able to arrange for another appointment: when he could bring the relevant stuff.


Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 20-12-2023 — The Bard

20th December, 2023: The Bard.

Hmmm ...

I have to admit: I've had another donor put some cash into the repair fund.

They know who they are: and have been suitably thanked!

But saying 'Thank You', again, today?

Does seem a good idea.

Thanks: it's much appreciated!


I have to confess, though, I am extremely nervous about the repair: which is due to be completed on Friday.

Will the shop be able to do anything?

At what cost?

Will my iMac be in working order when I get it home?

Will it work in the shop?

But not on my desk?

Will the oh-so-important back-up drives still work?

I'm feeling very anxious about this.

I rely on that machine for my digital life, and as a source of entertainment, so much that it being in for repair is definitely causing anxiety!

I can only hope that, come Friday?

All is well!


Tuesday, 19 December 2023

For All Mankind — Series 4 Episode 6 — “Leningrad” — A Review

18th December, 2023: the Introduction.

Right ... it's Monday.

And ... ?

Dinner is, as ever, cooking: steak and chips.

With vegetables.


I'm worried.

Because I'm very aware that the introduction video on this post ... isn't up to my usual standard.


My usual daily driver -- a 21.5", 2017 iMac -- is being repaired: and it's going to cost a fortune to do.

Times are tough: and I hate to ask.

But, if you can help, financially -- by pressing this link, or pressing the Donate button in the sidebar -- I'd appreciate.


At any rate?

It's Monday, 18th December, the last of the cards are posted -- after forgetting to take them with me, when I went out -- dinner's doing, and?

I'm going to be watching “Leningrad”, the sixth episode of For All Mankind's fourth series, tonight.

And publishing this review, tomorrow: on the 19th December.


I'll see you then!


Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 19th December 2023

19th December, 2023.

Right ... it's officially Tuesday.

That means I've got my nephew over, later.


We'll be able to get something done.

Which won't be easy: given my iMac's in for repair!

We'll have to see.


In other news?

In a piece for the BBC, former TV presenter, Esther Rantzen, has announced she has stage 4 lung cancer.

And has announced she's become a member of Dignitas: the Swiss clinic that operates an Assisted Dying facility in Zurich.

I've always felt conflicted about the idea.

I can't see myself -- as I am, today -- wanting or needing it.

But?   But always felt Terry Pratchett's arguments in favour, persuaded me that legalising it would be a good thing.

It's there: if you need it.

So?   Esther announcing this?

I think that can only be a good thing.


Monday, 18 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-12-2023 — International Migrants Day

18th December, 2023: International Migrants Day.

Right ... just for once ... ?

I've not got to get up early on a Monday morning.


Because my weight management class is cancelled: until the second Monday in January.

That's something I feel mixed about.

No: my weight's not being monitored.

Something I'm mildly anxious about: but can at least check, at home.

But, yes: it does mean I get an extra few hours sleep.

That's something to be thankful for.


As a brief thought ... ?

I've made a video: to thank people for the help they've given towards the iMac repair fund.

It's also an attempt at some sort of financial transparency.

To explain to everyone who's helped, what I'm planning to do with any excess, should the repair be both successful ... and I have any!

I'm planning to get extra back up: cloud and physical.

And insurance: I'd hate to do through this again!

But, as a last thought ... ?

I'll say it again, to those who've helped.

Thank you: you've been life savers!


Sunday, 17 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 17th December 2023

17th December, 2023.

It's got to be said: I owe my online friends -- and my family -- a huge thank you.

Thank you, everyone!

Especially regular commenter, Debbi: whose contribution to my iMac repair fund came through, this morning!

Cheers, Debbi!


Come Friday, when the repair is due to be finished, those contributions will be money well spent!


I caught the first episode of The Mayfair Witches, on the iPlayer, last night.

That first episode?

Tonally, it was ever so slightly The Witches of Eastwick meets Dynasty: but entertaining enough.

So I thought I'd watch the second episode.

The cast of the opening scenes?   Of the few minutes I saw?

Had just about acceptable Irish accents: just about acceptable, Hollywood Irish accents.

Perfectly acceptable, Hollywood Irish accepts.

Apart from one small, minor, trivial, detail.

No, seriously, a minor detail.

The scene was set in Scotland.

I turned off.



Saturday, 16 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-12-2023 — Going to the Boston Tea Party.

16th December, 2023.

Right ...

I've managed to take my iMac into the repair shop.



It seems it's not the power supply unit that's the issue.

It's -- potentially -- a problem with the motherboard.

At the least, a short-circuited component.

At the most?   Replacing the whole thing.

I'm told that'll be some £300.

Some £120 more that I actually have.

If any one else can help?

I'd love to hear from you.


To be frank, though?

I can't complain much: especially about the amount of help I've had, so far.

A big thanks got to Olga, Carly and Sue: who've all put into to the fund.

It's been gratefully received: and much appreciated.

My only problem?

I can't access anything on my external drives.

Which is frustrating: there's a couple of links -- and their associated passwords -- on there that I can't access.

But at least I can contact the relevant bodies about that.

My only issue?

And it's minor, considering the money involved.

My only real issue is using my back-up, Ubuntu MATE based machine.

And that's mostly due to unfamilierity: the shortcuts and apps are very different.

Let's just say I'm doing a lot of swearing, there!


Friday, 15 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th December 2023.

15th December, 2023.

Right ... I have a dentist appointment, today.

With the hygienists, so you know.

Then ... ?

Have to get back here, for a visit ... from a boiler repair man.

I had one, yesterday: from my landlord, checking on why the boiler was heating the flat ... but not heating the water, much.

It turns out it's a valve: and that, as it's still under warranty?

The manufacturers are able to replace it.

Their repair man is due, this afternoon!


On other fronts?

I owe regular commenter, Olga, a big thank you!

Thank you, Olga!

Her donation has done me a huge favour: and will allow me to start moving on the repair of the iMac that's an integral part of this blog, and the associated YouTube channel.

Sean Holland, of Tyche's Games has also offered to help: he -- and partner, Laura -- have relied on it for promotion ideas for some time, now.

At any rate ... ?

Thank you both!


Thursday, 14 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th December 2023.

14th December, 2023.

I think I can officially say I have a problem

I use a Mac: and have done for a while.


Whilst my bath was being repaired?

The dratted thing gave out in me.

Its been having issues for a while: kernel panics on restarting, not switching back on after restarts, needing an unexpected fuse change, what have you.

I tried updating it, yesterday: totally forgetting why I hadn't thus far.

Only to find the thing had died.

From the little I could tell ... ?

Something's gone wrong with either the (non-removeable) power cable, or the power button ...

Or -- as the one repairman I've managed to speak to suggested -- the power supply unit, itself.

I'll be blunt, here.

I need that machine working, in order to keep this blog, my YouTube channel, Jude's channels, and my personal life, going: and to access the benefits system, and the tribunals I'm involved with.

If any one can help with the £150 fee the repair shop wants?

I'd be eternally grateful!


Wednesday, 13 December 2023

An Appeal ...

I HAVE to admit, I'm in a right old state.
I need £150 ... !
My Mac - the 2017 model that's the heart of Nik Nak's Old Peculiar - has just died on me.

From the little I know ... ?

The power supply unit is causing issues.

I've been quoted £150 for a repair.

If any one can help, I'd appreciate hearing about it!

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th December 2023.

13th December, 2023.

It’s officially Wednesday.

And … I’m definitely feeling a little bit tired.

Late night reviews are unhelpful, like that.

I’m up slightly earlier — again! — as I’ve got a repairmen in to fix my bath.

He’s hear now, I should add.

The reason this post is late?

Is because we had a hell of a time, finding the tap that turned off the water supply.

Heigh ho!


Tuesday, 12 December 2023

For All Mankind — Series 4 Episode 5 — “Goldilocks” — A Review

11th December, 2023: an introduction and announcement.

Right … 

I’m writing this — as I always do — on a Monday evening: as potatoes are boiling.

And now in the oven.

Yep: I’m making my own chips.

At any rate … ?

I’m doing dinner.

And, once that — and tonight’s I’m Sorry, I Haven’t A Clue listened to — I’ll be watching “Goldilocks”, the next episode of For All Mankind’s fourth series.

I’ll have my written and video reviews up, tomorrow night!

I’ll see you then … 


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-12-2023 — International Day of Neutrality.

12th December, 2023: International Day of Neutrality.

Right … 

It’s Tuesday.

And … ?

I’ve got some sleep … and some Dread Zeppelin on in the background.

There’s possibly stranger bands to start the day with … 


Yes: so you know … ?

Yes: I’m officially Jude sitting, today.

And being joined by Mikey the Rabbit … but not Bobby the Cat!

Heigh ho!


Monday, 11 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th December 2023

11th December, 2023.

Right then … 

It’s officially Monday morning: and I’m up early, again.


It’s the last of my weight management meetings for the year.

Here’s hoping I’ve lost weight.


I’m feeling more tired than I should … because … ?

Frankly, I finished my review of “The Giggle”, the last of the Doctor Who anniversary specials.

I hope you enjoy it … !


Sunday, 10 December 2023

Dr Who 60th Anniversary Specials — The Giggle — A Review

9th December, 2023: the Intro.

Right … I have a potato, in the oven!

A baking potato.

A big, baking potato!

Which … is possibly not something you want to know about!

At any rate … ?

If you’re a Dr Who fan, you’ll be interested to hear that an animated version of the William Hartnell story, The Celestial Toymaker, is due to be released in January 2024.

You’ll also know that today is 9th December: that “The Giggle”, the last of the Dr Who 60th anniversary specials, is to air on BBC1, at 18:30.

I’m looking forward to that.

I’ll be watching it.

Then post the rest of this review on 10th December.

I’ll let you know what the spud’s like … 


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-12-2023 — Thailand

10th December, 2023: Thailand.

Yes: it’s Sunday.

And … ?

I’ve managed to get hold of some spare fuses!

And not for want of trying!

I went into my local Sainsbury’s, yesterday: as I need to get some food.

So?   I thought I’d ask about fuses.

They’re listed on the website, after all!

I went through three different assistants — one of whom, in the shop’s branch of Argos, thought I was talking about defusers! — before we worked out the shop had no fuses.

Plenty of charging cables, lightbulbs and USB adaptors … but no fuses.

Or plugs, come to that … !

I ended up buying a packet of fuses in my local Nisa’s, just around the corner.

There’s possibly an irony, there … 


Saturday, 9 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th December 2023.

9th December, 2023.

Right … 

Panic over!

My Mac crashed, this morning: while I was putting stuff together for this post!

Thankfully?   Replacing the fuse helped.

I’m going to have to get some more!


Oh, the other thing … ?

Yes: I’m going to be watching “The Giggle”, the next of the Dr Who anniversary episodes, tonight.

It looks interesting: but we’ll have to see what happens when my review goes up!


Friday, 8 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th December 2023.

8th December, 2023.

Right … it’s officially Friday!

Meaning … ?

Well, shopping may well occur.

I put in a second request for for help from the Essential Living Fund: the card came through, yesterday.

It’s helped already: adding more money to my utilities!

But … ?

I’m going to have to give them a call, this morning.

They’ve got my birthday wrong!

I know that sounds a little petty … but you need to feed in the correct one, to check your balance over the phone!

