
Saturday 31 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-8-2024 — Trinidad and Tobago

31st August, 2024: Trinidad and Tobago.


It’s Saturday: and the last day of August!

Which means … ?

We can run up and down the High Street in our underwear.

Although, frankly?

I’m planning to avoid it.

I don’t know I’d impress anyone: not with my legs!


At any rate … ?

You’re possibly aware I’m struggling with both my weight, and with type 2 diabetes.

As such?

I had been on Ozempic* — Semaglutide, to use the technical term — to help with both.

Until it ran out!

So, when the Today programme used the word, this morning … ?

I noticed.

The reason for the mention … ?

Is that — according to recent research — it’s got additional health benefits.

With a headline quote that tells us it has “anti-aging” effects.

I’m thinking a few of things.

One?   That’s going to increase demand.

Two?   The research has handed the manufacturers a huge bit of free advertising.

Three?   Those same manufacturers will see their share price will go up!



Friday 30 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-8-2024 — Melbourne

30th August, 2024: Melbourne.

Right … Fridays … !

It’s a day for fun, laughter, stuff, and — possibly — frolics.

Or, if you’re me, taking another shot of Mounjaro.

Quite why the stuff leaves me with the jitters?

I really don’t know!


JUST in case you wondered … ?

Yes: my nephew, Jude, was over, last night!

As well as managing another video … ?

We managed to have an exciting adventure in Sainbury’s.

Buying kale for Mikey the Rabbit.

It’s a bit of a social whirl … !


Thursday 29 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-8-2024 — What the EMF?

29th August, 2024: What the EMF?

Right … Thursday … 

Is the day after Wednesday: but you knew that.

And the day after my Job Centre Case worker suggested a remote job I could apply for.

They even gave me a link to follow.

That lead to a page that said it would be ‘assess my system for compatibility’.


My recent model Mac isn’t compatible with their system, regardless of browser*.

And I can’t use the library computers: as they don’t have the webcams the site tells me I need.

I’m looking at the characters in Brazil, 1984 and Paranoia … and envying their easy life.


Wednesday 28 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th August 2024.

28th August, 2024.

Right then … 

One peril of unemployment when you have chronic conditions … is that, occasionally, you have to have a meeting with a work coach.

My next one … ?

Is today: by phone, at 11:40.

I’m expecting it to be polite … but not necessarily productive*.


Hmmm … 

It turns out my nephew fancies a new phone for Christmas.

Nice … bar the fact I’ve seen the price of the model he fancies!

Put it this way:
  • He doesn’t want the newly released Barbie phone.
  • He does want one that’s considerably more expensive than the new Mac I got, this year!

Kids, eh … ?


Tuesday 27 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th August 2024.

27th August, 2024.

It’s now no longer a public holiday!

Which means … ?

It’s no longer a public holiday.

Which is nice: it means the buses are no longer running a Sunday service.

Gosh, the excitement!


Occasionally … ?

I’ll have the news on.

And … ?

I notice that Australia’s now introduced a Right to Disconnect law: a law that allows Australian workers the right to refuse a call from work, after hours.

I don’t know if the UK has anything similar.

But think it should: I’ve had a few calls like that, myself.


Just as an extra piece of news … ?

The famously fractious Gallagher brothers — Noel and Liam — have announced they’re to re-form Oasis*: the band that made them famous.

Why … ?

No-one knows.

But I did hear talk that says Noel’s in the midst of a messy divorce.

If that’s that case?

Well … he’s got to raise the alimony payments, somehow … !


Monday 26 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th August 2024.

26th August, 2024.

It’s Monday … and I’m up late!

With (informal) permission, I should add.

Assuming ‘permission’ is the right word.

At any rate … ?

It’s bank holiday Monday.

Which means I’ve got the day off from my weight management class: as it’s shut.

OK: I can’t track my weight journey.

But at least I avoid walking up Warley Hill!


Sunday 25 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th August 2024

25th August, 2024.

Right then … Sundays … !

And, frankly?

I’m expecting a quiet one.

Although … I might just watch some more of The Big Bang Theory.

It’s rather fun!


While we’re talking about videos … ?

My nephew, Jude, has done another one!

I hope that picks up a few likes, and a few extra subscribers: the amount of work he puts in deserves it, I think.


Saturday 24 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th August 2024.

24th August, 2024.

It’s officially official: I’ve had a haircut!

Or, at least, just about managed to afford a haircut, a jar of Marmite from Amazon, and an electric screwdriver.


You really need to work to unscrew a lid!


Friday 23 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-8-2024 — Dungeons and Dragons

23rd August, 2024: Dungeons & Dragons.

Right then … it’s officially Friday!

Which frankly, means it’s payday.

Getting bills paid, and some shopping done?

Would be nice!


You may or may not be in the UK, or remember a vintage science-fiction show called Blake’s 7.

It seems the BBC — the show’s owners — have to decided to give it the Dr Who Collection treatment: with the first series due for release on 11th November.

I might just have to beg, borrow or steal copies of that!

It should — assuming as many of the surviving cast agree to take part — have some interesting extra features.


Thursday 22 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-8-2024 — Motor Maniac

22nd August, 2024: Motor Maniac.

Right then … it’s official.

It’s Thursday!

And … ?

I managed to avoid boredom, last night.

By watching 2001: A Space Odyssey for the second time in about five years.

It still looks good: even on TV.

I am very aware it’s been very influential.

Especially the Stargate sequence: it’s inspired countless wormhole effects!

But I’m also aware that, however good it looks on TV — and it looks very good on TV — it’s worth your time watching it on the big screen: as I did, when I first saw it*†.

That … ?

Is the way to catch it!


Wednesday 21 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st August 2024.

21st August, 2024.

It’s officially Wednesday … !

And, frankly?

The day’s going to be quiet.

It’s official: I’ve no forms to fill in, no phone calls to make, no weight management class until after the bank holiday … 

And no invasive medical procedures planned for the immediate future.

Or laxatives!

That’s something to be thankful for.

But also means that — bar the earworms! — I’m going to be bored silly!


Tuesday 20 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-8-2024 — World Mosquito Day

20th August, 2024: World Mosquito Day.


It’s Tuesday!

Which means … ?

I’m mildly annoyed.

I’ve been posting links to the Daily Teaser to X/Twitter and to Facebook, for some years, now.

And, more recently, to Instagram.

And, yesterday?

Facebook decided to take the link to the written version of the Teaser, down" for only the second time in a long while.


Because it was spam!

One of these, I’ll work out what Facebook’s thinking!


Monday 19 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-8-2024 — World Humanitarian Day

19th August, 2024: World Humanitarian Day.

Right … it’s Monday … !

And … ?

I’ve got to be in Brentwood, today: for my usual weight management meeting.

I was up a few grams, last week.

Which surprised me, a week after the colonoscopy I had.

Here’s hoping.


I keep an eye on the technology news.

So was very aware of this piece from the BBC’s news site: that tells us how motion-capture performers are having to do explicit scenes … 

Without being informed in advance.

Hmmm … 

I can understand games companies wanting to keep their plotlines undercover.

They don’t want spoilers getting loose: nor have rivals pinching their ideas.

But … ?

Something I’ve noticed?

Is that a workforce will be far happier: if they know, in advance, what they’re going to be doing!

If someone could mention that to the offending games companies, those companies will have an easier time of things!


Sunday 18 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th August, 2024.

18th August, 2024.

It’s officially official: it’s Sunday … !

Which means … ?

Jude’s done another video.

I have to admit, he puts a lot of effort into these!


I’ve been binge watching The Big Bang Theory, just recently: as it’s on Channel Four’s catchup service.

I’d never seen it on the original broadcast.

And … ?

It’s a delight!

I’ve got one question.

What’s Penny’s surname???????????

We never find out!


Saturday 17 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-8-2024 — Indonesia

17th August, 2024: Indonesia.

Right then: it’s definitely Saturday!

And, hopefully … ?

My nephew will be over*.

Which is a good thing: I wanted to show him the screen recording trick I’ve discovered!


Friday 16 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th August 2024.

16th August, 2024.

Right … it’s officially Friday.

And, frankly?

I’m expecting a nice quiet day: until my nephew turns up … tomorrow!



Thursday 15 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-8-2024 — Santa Muerte.

15th August, 2024: Santa Muerte.

It’s officially official: it’s Thursday.

Which, hopefully, means I’m Jude sitting, today.

And … ?

Rather pleased about a minor — very minor — hack I’ve discovered.

It turns out if you press the relevant button on the game controller for my Apple TV, you can record the screen.

Or, at least, record Sonic the Hedgehog 1.

But it could come in handy, somewhere*!


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-8-2024 — The Falkland Islands.

14th August, 2024: the Falkland Islands.

Right … Wednesdays … !

It’s officially Wednesday: and the day after my court hearing was cancelled.

I’ve climbed down a touch.

OK: I can understand the recent riots have caused delays … 

But I’m still not happy about it.

You can possibly imagine!


Tuesday 13 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-8-2024 — International Left Hander’s Day

13th August, 2024: International Left Hander’s Day.

It’s officially official: it’s International Left Hander’s Day.

Which means … ?

If you’re a fellow southpaw that’s reading this, you’re allowed to swap the buttons around on the family laptop.

Oh … and put the left handed kitchen scissors in the top of the drawer: so right handers pick them up first!

This is not a day for revolution.

It’s a day to tell right handers how it feels*!


On a more serious note … ?

I’ve got a formal hearing, today: over whether I’m due Personal Independence Payment, or PIP.

I am nervous.

Understandably, I think.

I’ve had some helpful advice from a couple of friends.

But … ?

Am still nervous.

I never know if I will get extra help: nor, if I do, how much help.

I don’t know for sure … but I think it was a well known Australian Dr Who girl† who said that ‘if’ was the biggest word in the English language.


Monday 12 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th August 2024.

12th August, 2024.

Right … it’s Monday … !

And … ?

Frankly, I’ve got the Eurhythmics’ Doubleplusgood on in the background.

Mostly … because it’s a good tune, but also because the earworms have started early, this morning* … !


At any rate … ?

It’s a Monday: which means I’m off to my weight management class.

Hopefully, I’ll have lost some weight.

Especially after the colonoscopy!


Sunday 11 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-8-2024 — Fly Me To The Moon

11th August, 2024: Fly Me To The Moon.

Right … Sundays … !

It’s officially Sunday … and?

I’ll happily admit to feeling tired.

Late night movie review writing … takes it out of a body!

That said … ?

Granted, I’m a touch harsh on Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.


I still think it’s worth watching … 


Actually, on Thursday?

I re-watched Disney’s Tron, on Thursday.

After having mentioned it to my nephew.

Yes, it’s a silly as it ever was.

And, frankly?   Not — as far as I can tell — something that’s as technically as accurate as Brainstorm or Mr Robot.

For all its silliness, though?

Tron is a good looking piece.


Saturday 10 August 2024

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga — A Review.

9th August, 2024: an introduction.

Right … it’s a hot, sweaty, Friday afternoon.

And, frankly?

I’m planning on watching a movie.

After I’ve had dinner, obviously.

I’ll be watching Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, later, then letting you know what I though by Sunday night.

Catch you then.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th August 2024.

10th August, 2024.

Right then … it’s Saturday … … !

And, frankly?

I’m expecting a nice, quiet day: that, thankfully, doesn’t include minor surgical procedures!


At any rate … ?

I’m aware I’ve a movie review to finish: I caught Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, last night, and wanted to tell people about it.

That’ll go live, later!


Friday 9 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-8-2024 The Death of Sharon Tate

9th August, 2024: The Death of Sharon Tate.

Right, it’s officially the case … that it’s Friday.

And … ?

Today sees the debut of Breakingbreak dancing, in other words — to the Olympics.


I wouldn’t’ve expected that, forty years ago.

And have to wonder what on Earth Daisy ‘Baby Love’ Castro, or Break Machine, make of that!


OK, as I’m showing you videos?

Here’s Jude’s latest … 

If you could hit the Like button, I know I’d appreciate it!

I have to admit to a certain amount of pride in Jude: as well as making a video well, and quickly, he showed a certain amount of concern for his ol’ uncle.

And … ?

Certainly knows how to banter, during a game of Armagetron!


Thursday 8 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th August 2024.

8th August, 2024.

It’s official: it’s Thursday!

And, frankly?

My internal organs seem to be calming down!

I’m thankful!

And farting a lot less!


A few days ago, I reported a huge pile of rubbish: that had been piled up over the road from my flat.

It was cleared up, a couple of days later.

By, I assumed, Brentwood Council.

At least, I assumed the unmarked van the cleared it was from Brentwood Council.

Until I checked my emails: and found the one from the council that said “We’re taking no action: the rubbish is on private land.”

There’s an old saying: that says your left hand should not know what your right hand is doing.

By the look of things … ?

Brentwood Council is trying to practise that!


Wednesday 7 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th August 2024.

7th August, 2024.

Right … it’s official.

I had a colonoscopy, yesterday.

And … ?

Quite frankly, I’m not feeling as woozy as I was expecting to be.

And I’m trying to remember if the connected the sedative I was supposed to have.

From what I recall?

There wasn’t anything connected to the cannula I had in my left hand.

And the camera I had inserted in my rear??

Felt a little more uncomfortable than the last time I had the procedure.

I’m feeling hungry, sleepy … but definitely not woozy.

On the upside … ?

I have managed to have a couple of polyps removed: and should hear, soon, if they’re benign or otherwise.

Here’s hoping.


With the riots going on … ?

I’m grateful Brentwood hasn’t been affected.

I’m very aware I live near a mosque: one of the types of place that’s been targeted.

And near a hotel: one that — as far as I know — isn’t putting up asylum seekers.

Like I say: I’m grateful.

What I’m not impressed about … ?

Is Elon Musk getting involved.

The guy may be a rocket launching genius … but I’d rather he didn’t poke his nose in!


Tuesday 6 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daly Teaser — 6-8-2024 — Killers.

6th August, 2024.

Right then: it’s officially official.

This Teaser post is for Tuesday: but being started on Monday.


On Tuesday, 6th August, I’ll be at Basildon Hospital: having a colonoscopy.


I’ll be in the clear.

But if push comes to shove*?

This examination should find anything worrying, ahead of time.


Monday 5 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-8-2024 — Burkina Faso

5th August, 2024: Burkina Faso.

It’s official: I’m not up early!

I’ve taken the day off from my weight management class, today: as I’m having to fast, in preparation for a colonscopy, tomorrow.

Fast … 

And take what’s called a bowel prep.


With the sedatives and relaxants you have to take, the procedure, itself, is uncomfortable, invasive and not necessarily what I’d call fun.


It’s a lot better than the bowel prep!

Doubleplusungood’ still seems the only word to use, here!

Especially as I need to stay near a bathroom!


Sunday 4 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th August 2024.

4th August, 2024.

It’s Sunday … 

And, frankly … ?

I am tired!

It’s my own damn fault: for binge watching the first series of The Big Bang Series!


If you’re in the UK … ?

You’re possibly aware that newsreader, Huw Edwards, and pled guilty to charges of making and owning indecent images of children.

His former employer, the BBC?

Is now deleting anything that features him from their archive: including from an episode of Dr Who that he appeared in.

That episode’s begin removed, it seems, until Edwards’ part of it can be replaced.

I think I’d be happier if they didn’t.

Although I know Aunty Beeb did something similar with A Fix With Sontarans, the Children in Need special that feature Jimmy Saville.

In the case of Edwards … ?

I think that putting up some sort of trigger warning — as the BBC were once doing with the iPlayer version of Porridge — would be more appropriate.

I’m very aware, though, that Edwards was the face of the BBC’s coverage of both Charles 3rd’s coronation … and the late Queen’s death.

Quite what the BBC will be doing, there … ?

I don’t know.
