Saturday 10 August 2024

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga — A Review.

9th August, 2024: an introduction.

Right … it’s a hot, sweaty, Friday afternoon.

And, frankly?

I’m planning on watching a movie.

After I’ve had dinner, obviously.

I’ll be watching Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, later, then letting you know what I though by Sunday night.

Catch you then.


9th August, 2024: Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.

        Part One: A Summary.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga opens with the sounds of voices from differing radio stations: telling us that the world is slowly collapsing into chaos.

Whilst a narrator — the heavily tattooed History Man (George Shevtsov) — tells us that that the world has fallen apart, and asked how we’re managing to survive.

We then have a title card: telling us part one of the film is the ‘The Pole of Inaccessibility’: and shows us a young Furiosa (Alyla Browne) picking peaches with her friend Valkyrie (Dylan Adonis) … only to be interrupted by a gang of bikers who’ve stopped to repair their machines.

The scene shifts to part two, ‘Lessons from the wasteland’.

And shows us that the young Furiosa has been captured by a gang led by Dementus (Chris Hemsworth).

And tells us that the villainous leader is determined to find the Green Place, and to capture the Citadel run by Immortan Joe (Lachy Hulme) … 

Only to be repelled by Joe’s Warboys.

Part three?   ‘The Stowaway’?   Shows us an adult Furiosa (Anya Taylor-Joy), disguised as a teenage boy, has now joined Immortal Joe’s Citadel: to try and stow away on the next supply run to Gas Town.

A trip she expects to go quietly … but that goes very badly for her, the War Boys on the mission … and for Praetorian Jack, the driver of the War Rig.


10th August, 2024.

        Part Two: Thoughts.

Now … what did I make of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga?

First things first, lets get the duration out of the way, shall we?

You’re possibly aware, by now, that I’m diabetic, use the loo a lot … and have the attention span of a gnat … !

So something the length of Furiosa, at roughly two and a half hours?

Was something I was worried about.

I didn’t want to sit through a poorly-paced yawn-festival, one my concentration — and bladder — would insist I switch off.

I don’t think I should have worried.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is a very well paced piece of work: the action flies past.

Which is possibly an extra point: the action.


Furiosa isn’t a huge action piece: there’s few battles, per se.

But there’s enough fights and chases to keep a viewers attention: and the War Rig that’s a centrepiece of the action is a gorgeous thing to look at.

Especially in close up: the thing’s got a lot of embossed decoration that is very eye-catching.

Which brings me to my next point.

The cast.

Taylor-Joy herself?

Is great as Furiosa: although, as wonderful as she was, I think I preferred Theron’s performance.

Tom Burke as Praetorian Jack … ?

For starters, I felt the character was an interesting one: and well played, at that.

But also a replacement for Mad Max, himself: the character for whom the franchise is named.

Indeed, Jack’s mentioning a V8 car — akin to Max’s own V8 Interceptor — had me convinced the character was Max!

Either way … ?   I felt the character was a suitable replacement for the franchise’s main figure: and one that stood out, for me.

The real star of the film, though … ?

For me, the real star of the film was Chris Hemsworth as the biker warlord, Dementus.

I would love to saw “It’s not often the villain steals the show”.

And would love to say it with a straight face.


I’d be talking about of my rear, though!

Heath Ledger’s Joker, the Hopkins’ version of Hannibal Lecter, Ricardo Montalban’s Khan … 

I could go on, couldn’t I … ?

But … ?

While there’s possibly bigger and better villains … ?

I think we can say Dementus was the foul smelling heart of the movie.


        Part Three: In Conclusion.

So … what did I make of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga … ?

Is it good, bad or indifferent?


I still — here and now — think there’s better entries in the franchise.

I felt that Mad Max: Fury Road was possibly the best of the series.

And that Mad Max Two: The Road Warrior is the film that defined the Mad Max universe.

But … ?

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is well worth watching: whatever my personal preferences, it’s got some good performances, it’s beautiful design work, and it’s got a scene stealing villain.

It’s well worth watching.


        Part Four: Last Words.

Just as last words … ?

I don’t know that movies I’ll be watching next.

But … ?

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And feel free to follow my blog: that way, you can have a go at the Daily Teaser.

I’ll see you the next time I see you!

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.

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