Saturday 22 December 2018

Mad Max Two The Road Warrior — A Review

21st December, 2018.

I think I can say I’ve cracked one small thing.

Granted: I’ve not got a green office partition, nor green dye, spare bedsheets and a frame … ?

I have been able to turn a slide in Keynote into a bit of animation.

That bit of animation at the start of the video … ?

Yeah … 

Never mind … 


At any rate, I’m job-hunting, at the moment.

About the one upside?

Is that I’ve got time to catch a film or two … or threeor … 

You get my point.

I’m the same with TV shows: most recently?

Most recently, I’ve caught El Ministerio del Tiempo: which is riveting stuff.

But, given I’ve been having something of a film thing going on … ?

Given that last night, I saw the original Mad Max, last night?

Specifically to see the sequel*?

To see … Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior.

Now … am I right?

Is this where Mad Max, started?


Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior opens with a series of with a series of flashbacks to the original Mad Max: told by an unnamed narrator.

The action … ?

Then widens.

Shows us the familiar face of Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson), a man wondering the waste of post-apocalypse Australia, searching for ammunition, petrol … and dog food for Dog, the one creature he has to care for.

During that opening?

The film shows us Max being ambushed by a biker gang: one that’s easily fended off, and looted of fuel.

It’s only after this happens?

Max finds a seemingly abandoned gyrocopter … 

And manages to not loot that.

The gyro’s pilot is still very alive, VERY touchy about people nicking his fuel, and very handy with poisonous snakes …


Now … 

Was Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior good, I hear you ask?

Was it … ?

Oh, Lordy, yes.

Whilst the original Mad Max is a great watch, it was George Miller’s first attempt at a film.

And, while the original is both entertaining, and watchable?

Miller has — with the help of experience and a better budget — managed to knock out a non-stop action film that serves as the model for the rest of the films in the series, and — with its mix of spikes, leather and lord knows what else — influence the look of many an apocalypse to come†.

AND managed to make a sequel that’s one heck of an improvement on a slow moving original.


I think when people say Mad Max, Mad Max 2 is what they’re talking about.

Go watch!
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior

*        Friend, and Old Peculiar regular, Debbi Mack, had mentioned, whilst we were talking about The Babadook.

†        In other words, the villains have wondered out of a BDSM meeting and decided to look really butch!

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