Friday 9 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-8-2024 The Death of Sharon Tate

9th August, 2024: The Death of Sharon Tate.

Right, it’s officially the case … that it’s Friday.

And … ?

Today sees the debut of Breakingbreak dancing, in other words — to the Olympics.


I wouldn’t’ve expected that, forty years ago.

And have to wonder what on Earth Daisy ‘Baby Love’ Castro, or Break Machine, make of that!


OK, as I’m showing you videos?

Here’s Jude’s latest … 

If you could hit the Like button, I know I’d appreciate it!

I have to admit to a certain amount of pride in Jude: as well as making a video well, and quickly, he showed a certain amount of concern for his ol’ uncle.

And … ?

Certainly knows how to banter, during a game of Armagetron!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring six out of six, and Mum scoring five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Sharon Tate was killed on 9th August, 1969.   By members of a gang led by whom: Charles Manson, David Berkowitz or Walter Hill?

Q2)        The gang were known as the what: the Bloods, the Crips or the Family?

Q3)        Tate, herself, had been married to which director?

Q4)        The murders took place in which US state: Oregon, California or New Mexico?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The murderous group’s leader died in prison. In which year: 2015, 2017 or 2019?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        8th August, 1945, say the signing of the London Charter: the Charter that set up the Nuremberg Trials.   The Charter was signed by representatives from the UK, USA, USSR and where: France, Spain or Germany?
A1)        France.

Q2)        Nuremberg, itself, is where: France, Spain or Germany?
A2)        Germany.

Q3)        Hostage, John McCarthy, was released on 8th August, 1991.   He’d been held hostage by terrorists, where: Syria, Lebanon or Israel?
A3)        Lebanon.

Q4)        8th August, 2022, saw the FBI raid whose home: Donald Trump’s, Joe Biden’s or Kamala Harris’s?
A4)        Donald Trump’s.

Q5)        8th August is the feast day of Saint Mary Mackillop.   She’s the patron saint of the archdiocese of where: Brisbane, Melbourne or Perth?
A5)        The Archdiocese of Brisbane.

Q6)        Finally … ?   8th August is International Cat Day.   Which ‘M’ is a slang term for a cat?
A6)        Moggy.
Here’s a thought …
“The perpetrators killed five people on the night of August 8–9”.
From the Wikipedia entry on the murders.
And, given the murderer’s leader lifted the title, a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I can imagine, Olga!   🤣   I’m told doctors are experts at graveyard humour§!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Moggy is an old term, Debbi: it’s been around for years.   There’s a series of children’s books, the Meg and Mog books, about a witch and her cat.   Guess which one’s the cat … 
        I don’t think the comments have changed much at my end, Debbi.   But I can now drag-and-drop both videos and pictures.   That’s a good thing, I think.

§        Harry Hill was a doctor, Olga: as was Graeme Garden of the Goodies.   (Apparently, Garden’s had midwifery training: there’s possibly jokes!)


Mum said...

1 Charles Manson
2 Family
3 Roman Polanski
4 California
5 2017

Olga said...

Q1) Charles Manson

Q2) the Family

Q3) Roman Polanski

Q4) California

Q5) 2017
Oh, yes, you're right about doctors' sense of humour. I'd say surgeons were notable for that, I imagine because they had even more stress, but it could get a bit over the top. I remember we were operating (I was only helping out) on an elderly man with a hernia, and because of his age and his health problems, they were doing it under local anaesthetic, but they seemed to forget that the patient was awake (usually they are under general anaesthetic), and they were telling jokes, etc. I gave the surgeon a stern look (we wore hats, masks, and the lot, so not much you could use to send a message without talking, but it seemed to work, as he stopped. I kept thinking the poor man would be horrified, although perhaps he enjoyed having something else to think about (and I'm not sure how good his hearing was, but... not appropriate).

Debbi said...

They're very different at my end.

1. Charles Manson
2. the Family
3. Roman Polanski
4. California
5. 2017