Wednesday 24 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th July 2024

24th July, 2024.

I had blood tests, yesterday!

At Basildon Hospital.

Which — it has to be said — went well enough: and should be useful for the Colonoscopy I’m due to have in a couple of weeks time.

The big problem … ?

Was getting home.

The (non-emergency) patient transport didn’t turn up: meaning I was stuck in Basildon from 14:30, ’til 18:30.

When I got a train home!

I can’t fault the hospital staff for:
  • Keep me informed of what was happening.
  • Doing their basic job.
Nor can I totally blame the patient transport division, who were extremely short handed.

They did, at least, keep the hospital informed of what was happening and offered to pay for a taxi.

But … ?

I feel both annoyed, angered, and deeply frustrated.

As what should have been a half hour wait … turned into a four hour one!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring six out of six, and Mum on five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Which US state was readmitted to Congress on 24th July, 1866: Alabama, Tennessee or California?

Q2)        The Menin Gate was unveiled in Ypres: on 24th July, 1927.   The First World War Memorial is in which European country?

Q3)        The Carnival of Awussu takes place on 24th July.   Where: Algeria, Egypt or Tunisia?

Q4)        24th July is the feast day of Saint Christina the what: Astonishing, Astounding or Astringent?

Q5)        Finally … ?   24th July, 2022, saw the death of actor, David Warner.   He played photographer, Keith Jennings, in which 1976, horror film?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        23rd July is the feast day of Saint Bridget of where: Norway, Sweden or Denmark?
A1)        Sweden.

Q2)        More to the point, Bridget’s the patron saint of where: Europe, Africa or North America?
A2)        Europe.

Q3)        Haile Selassie’s birthday is marked on 23rd July.   By whom: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Rastafarians or Buddhists?
A3)        Rastafarians.

Q4)        The law that founded University of Ljubljana went into force: on 23rd July, 1919.   The University is in what’s now which European country: Slovenia, Slovakia or Switzerland?
A4)        Slovenia.

Q5)        Vic Morrow was killed in a helicopter crash: on 23rd July, 1982.   He was killed whilst filming what: War Games, Videodrome or Twilight Zone: The Movie?
A5)        Twilight Zone: The Movie.

Q6)        Finally … ?   Singer, Amy Winehouse, died on 23rd July, 2011.   How old was she: 26, 27 or 28 … ?
A6)        27.
Here’s a thought …
“It’s all out of one’s hands.   One goes and does one’s best.   That’s what Albert Finney says — one main hit, that’s all you can hope for.”
RIP David Warner, 29 July 1941 – 24 July 2022.
A song …

And an earworm§ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The blood test went well enough, Olga: but getting home was a pain in the bum!   I’m just grateful I had enough cash to get the train¶!
        Congratulations on the teeth!   You should get used to the soon.   I’m just trying not to compare you to Dr Teeth!

        Hello, Mum!

        There’s possibly a song in there, Debbi!

§        I was an usher at the Dominion Theatre in London, in the early 1990s: and lucky enough to be working on the night of the ’92 Royal Variety Performance.
        As I recall?   It was the last public engagement of King Charles and his late first wife, Diana: before their divorce.   We got quite a talking to from the manager!
        At any rate?   Gloria Estefan played: as she was, apparently, a favourite of Diana’s.   It was quite a good performance: but very loud.   That keyboard riff went right through you!

        It’s one hell of a train trip, Olga.   Basildon to Upminster, changing at Upminster to Romford, then change at Romford to Brentwood.   A direct route would be nice!


Olga said...

Q1) Tennessee

Q2) Belgium

Q3) Tunisia

Q4) Astonishing (I had to check why she was given that name. Well… Times were different, but I think she would have been given a psychiatric diagnosis these days).

Q5) The Omen (That movie has one of the scariest soundtracks I’ve heard).
Your experience sounds like a nightmare, and reminds me of our wait for the ambulance with my mother, although that was an ambulance and it was a Sunday, so hardly surprising.
And the many changes to get to your place puts me in mind of a time when I was going for an interview at a university (Norwich, I think), and, unfortunately, I had a minor accident with the car, which ended up in the garage, so I had to get there by train, and what would have been a two hours drive or so, ended up being an 8 hours train journey each way. It was exhausting, and not very good to put you in the right frame of mind for an interview. (It was to become a student there, not for a job, but they were very choosy. I ended up going to Sussex and really enjoyed it, but one of the professors from there was my external examiner for the PhD, and he was really nice).
Some train routes can be a nightmare. I am a fan of trains, but sometimes they're just too much of a headache and can work out really expensive as well.
I hope the blood tests results are good after all that.

Mum said...

1 Tennesee
2 Belguim
3 Egypt
4 Astonishing
5 The Omen

Debbi said...

Four hours? My gosh. Yeah, can't blame you for feeling annoyed.

1. Tennessee
2. Belgium
3. Tunisia
4. Astonishing
5. The Omen (He seemed to specialize in horror and suspenseful movies. He certainly made a convincing Jack the Ripper.)