Thursday 18 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th July, 2024

18th July, 2024.


It’s Thursday!

Which means — obviously — that’s it’s the day after Wednesday: and after my nephew has released his latest masterpiece.

Feel free to hit the like button!


Oh … I had the radio on, earlier: and heard current, Labour, Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, tell that he’s “ … initiated a process.”

Rather than “… started something.”

There’s possibly other examples in that interview.

And, although I can’t find any right now?

There’s possibly plenty of Conservative equivalents: point them out to me, when you find them!

The Who had a point, in “Won’t Get Fooled, Again”:
“… the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right.”

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th July is the feast day of Saint Eadburh of Bicester§.   Where is Bicester: Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire or Hampshire?

Q2)        18th July, 1870, saw the First Vatican Council declare that the Pope was what: Catholic, Liberal or Infallible?

Q3)        Which US city declared itself bankrupt on 18th July, 2013: New York, Detroit or Chicago?

Q4)        Actor, Mark Sinclair, was born on 18th July, 1967.   How is he better known: Harrison Ford, Vin Diesel or Christian Bale?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Actress, Kristen Bell, was born on 18th July, 1980. She’s voice’s Princess Anna, in which animated film: Toy Story, Frozen or Ralph Breaks the Internet?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th July is the International Day of Criminal Justice.   According to whom: the United Nations, the International Criminal Court or the World Health Organisation?
A1)        The International Criminal Court.

Q2)        The body concerned is headquartered, where: the Hague, Rome or Geneva?
A2)        The Hague.

Q3)        The body prosecutes individuals who commit crimes against whom: humanity, sheep or Martians?
A3)        Humanity.

Q4)        This body prosecutes individuals.   Who decides disputes between states: the United Nations/UN, the International Court Of Justice/ICJ or the International Monetary Fund/IMF?
A4)        The International Court Of Justice or ICJ.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The UK’s Supreme Court sits, where: London, Manchester or Edinburgh?
A5)        London.
Here’s a thought …
“I try to stay as classy as possible and provide a little mystery.”
Kristen Bell, 18th July, 1980.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The same site does eye surgery and obstetrics, Olga?   Not at the same time, I hope!   And Sant Pau’s looks incredible.   Some of the architecture looks similar to the now closed Warley Hospital: but a lot lighter.   Warley could have done with a similar light tone: it was the main psychiatric hospital for this part of Essex, and parts were quite dingy.

        Hello, Mum!

‡        I’m saying nothing about lawyers, Debbi!   (Did I mention a Star Wars series called The Acolyte?   It’s interestingly twisty.)

§        It’s spent Bicester: but pronounced bister.


Olga said...

Q1) Oxfordshire

Q2) Infallible

Q3) Detroit

Q4) Vin Diesel

Q5) Frozen

Mum said...

1 Oxfordshire
2 Catholic
3 New York
4 Vin Diesel
5 Frozen

Debbi said...

We aren't all bad. :)

1. Oxfordshire
2. Infallible
3. Detroit
4. Vin Diesel
5. Frozen

Yes, the Who had it right. :)