Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5/3/2025 — Judge Dredd is Watching You.

5th March, 2025: Judge Dredd is Watching You!

Right … it’s now — officially — Wednesday … !

And … ?

A day I’m feeling stuffed: in the wake of a celebratory birthday meal.

Japanese, so you know.

The beef was nice: I’m just not sure about the sashimi … !


I had a text, yesterday: from a woman claiming to be called Hannah.

The conversation went like this: 

I started getting suspicious … roughly when ‘Hannah’ asked if the person organising recruitment could send me the details through WhatsApp: something I’d not come across before.

So I told her I’d be happier if they emailed me: I was assuming a genuine recruiter would have accessed my CV, and have my email.


‘Hannah’ asked if she could give me the details.

I — slightly tetchily — asked if I needed to drive.

I don’t, so it’s the first thing I ask about, when genuine recruiters contact me.

That was a question that got ignored: instead, ‘Hannah’ assured me the job wouldn’t interfere with my current job, and that the post was relaxing.


I think we can say the conversation went well.

Once I’d twigged that ‘Hannah’ wasn’t going to answer my questions: and told me to “have a nice life”!

At any rate … ?

Once the chat — Chat?   Exchange of messages! — finished?

I did a little digging: and found that the recruiters ‘Hannah’ claimed to be from, were genuine.

But — after emailing them — found that the exchange had been exactly what I’d thought it was.

Not from them, and thus, in all probability, a scam.

Or, at least, an attempted scam.

I’m just glad I realised in time.


Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-3-1968 — World Obesity Day.

4th March, 2025: World Obesity Day.

Right: it’s official.

I am another day older, and another year older: as today is my birthday.

Yes, that’s right.

I’m twenty-one again!

At any rate … ?

I’ve made a video: and thought you might like to share it.


You’ll possibly have noticed it’s World Obesity Day.

I’m over-weight, myself: and working on trying to lose some weight.

So, finding out it’s World Obesity Day?   A day that’s supposed to highlight the issue?

It only seemed right to use it as a theme!

And to highlight this piece on the BBC’s website!

That doesn’t mean I’m telling you what my BMI is … just why I chose today’s theme.


Oh, and before I forget … ?

The trailer for Dr Who’s second season has dropped.

It looks like this series could be interesting!


Monday, 3 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-3-2025 — World Hearing Day

3rd March, 2025: World Hearing Day.

It’s officially official: I’m knackered!


Well, I’m up early: for my weight management meeting.

The morning after a late night, posting written and video reviews of Apple TV+’s The Gorge.

That’s a well made, but flawed, movie.


Talking of videos … ?

The trailer for Dr Who’s second season/fifteenth series has now been released: and makes the upcoming series look interesting.

And interestingly dark.

I can only hope two things.

One?   Ncuti keeps the bowler.

Two?   Daleks crop up somewhere!

Now … does anyone else think that “outside the universe” line mean there’s going to be more from the Pantheon … ?

We won’t know, until the series starts airing on the 12th April.


Sunday, 2 March 2025

The Gorge — A Review.


28th February, 2025: The Gorge.

If you’re reading this … ?

You’re possibly aware of the day of the week you’re reading this on: but not necessarily when I started writing the thing!

So you know?

I’ve started writing this piece on Friday, 28th February, 2025: with the intention of finishing it by Sunday, 2nd February.


At any rate?

I have little in the way of cash, or company.

So … ?

I’m going to watch a film.

Then … ?   By Sunday?

Tell you what I thought about it.


I’ll’ve enjoyed it!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-3-2025 — Saint Chad

2nd March, 2025: Saint Chad.

It’s officially Sunday … and … ?

The heating is definitely on: it’s nippy for the time of year.

But … ?

There’s sunshine, out: and birdsong.

Spring is rapidly turning up.


We’ll have a nice summer … that’s not too hot!


WhatsApp had spasms, the other day.

Why … ?

I still don’t know.

But, seemingly, the problems are now resolved.

In all that … ?

Microsoft picked the wrong time to tell us they’re closing down Skype … 


Just as a last thought … ?

I’m working on a review: of Apple TV+’s The Gorge.

Hopefully, that’ll be up by tomorrow, at the latest.

Assuming all goes well.


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-3-2025 — Ohio.

1st March, 2025: Ohio.

I think it’s official: I had a late night, last night.

Please don’t ask why!

It’s complicatedly messy!

At any rate … ?

I’ll have the film review up, later: once I’ve had more sleep … !


Friday, 28 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th February 2025.

28th February, 2025.

Right, then: it’s Friday.

And … ?

I’m officially punctuated!

Which is an odd way of saying I’ve had my Mounjaro injection, but there you go.

At any rate: I’m up early, as my neighbourhood officer is due to visit.

To assess whether lowering the kitchen cupboards is a good idea, and makes my flat safer.

Although I think my landlords prefer the word ‘affordable’.


You’re possibly following the news, aren’t you?

You’re possibly aware, then, that Sir Keir Starmer, the UK’s Prime Minister, visited the US President, yesterday.

I turned off the news coverage: there’s only so much creepiness I can cope with.

But … ?

I know that the PM’s invited the President to the UK: for a state visit.

The twit’s coming here.

Ye gods.


Thursday, 27 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-2-2025 — The Dominican Republic

27th February, 2025: The Dominican Republic.

Oh, right … that’s a date … !

The BBC have officially announce that the new series of Doctor Who — series fifteen, or season two, what-ever it’s being called, this week — is due to start airing from 12th April, this year.

I’m looking forward to that.

As good as Ncuti Gatwa’s initial performance was, I’m hoping he’ll be a little more restrained, this go-around.

At any rate … ?

You can read more, here.

And oggle my review of season one, here: 


What was one thing and another … ?

The Prime Minister is heading for the US: to visit the US president.

Sir Keir has my sympathies: the last thing I’d want to do is deal with a gibbe twerp nutcas person like the current holder of the office.

The president says the USA shouldn’t be involved in Ukraine’s security: unlike Sir Keir, who believes US involvement is crucial.


Letting Ukraine join NATO seems to be the best thing.

Except someone doesn’t like that idea, either.

Heigh-ho … 


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-2-2025 — 2000AD

26th February, 2025: 2000ad.

It’s officially Wednesday.

And … ?

Stuff is, as they say, going on.

Or, at least, it will be going on: on Friday.

I’ve got my landlady heading over: to do an assessment for needed work in my kitchen.

I think I’m going to have to wipe some surfaces … 


I’ve got the radio on, at the moment: and?

The presenters are interviewing a director: about the fact Demi Moore’s The Substance is heavily tipped for this year’s Oscars.


It’s the first horror film to get nominated: since The Silence of the Lambs.

I have to ask, though … is Silence a horror film?

I’d’ve called it a gruesome crime thriller, myself … 


Talking of films?

I tried sitting down with Alien: Romulus, last night.

And … ?

It’s well made, nicely acted, the effects are good.

The design work is very impressive.

The mixture of CGI, motion capture, AI deep fake technology and animatronics, used to recreate the late Ian Holm for the flick?

Very impressive: and scarier than the aliens.

But … ?

It really didn’t hold my attention.

That’s a shame: the world building is very good.


Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th February 2025.

25th February, 2025.

It’s official.

I’ve woken up with an earworm: Patti’s Smith’s “Horses”*.


I don’t know.

But it’s a hell of a tune to have stuck in your head.


I do know I had a CD, delivered, yesterday: a copy of Ian Dury compilation, Reasons to be Cheerful.


Because I’d bought it, obviously.

I’d bought it … ?

Because one specific track, the studio version of “Spasticus (Autisticus)”, possibly Dury’s finest and most personal work, isn’t available from Apple or Spotify.


I don’t know.

But that’s a shame.

It’s a powerful piece.


Mike Amesbury has been given a ten week sentence: for punching someone.

Or — to be more precise — has been given a ten week sentence: for punching a constituent.

He’s an MP.

And an MP who hasn’t been suspended from his job as MP.


I don’t know.

But … ?

From the little I know, anyone else would be fired, if they received gaol-time.


Monday, 24 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th February 2025.

24th February, 2025.

Right then … it’s Monday: and … ¿

That’s question mark’s upside down!

And it’s a Monday.

So I’m early, so I can get to my Weight Management class.

I’m only hoping I’ve lost something!

Apart from my wits!


Sunday, 23 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-2-2025 — Brunei

23rd February, 2023: Brunei.

Yes: it’s official.

I’ve got the radio on.

The programme that covered the history of underwear has now finished: and been replaced by Sunday.

Which is telling how the restoration of many churches is being delayed, and a brief tour of a robe-making factory.

Hand-made robes, I should add, none of your machine embroidery!

At any rate … ?

The programme’s also reminded us that Muhsin Hendricks — the world’s first openly gay imam — has been shot.

In what’s assumed to be a hate crime by someone opposed to Hendricks’ sexuality.

My sympathies to the imam’s family and partner.

But I have to admit to a strange chain of thought.

I’ve heard the word ‘martyr’ used many times: by the sort of people who organised the 9/11 attacks.

The terrorists called the attackers ‘martyrs’, and ‘heroes’.

And … ?

I think whoever carried out the murder of Muhsin Hendricks, sees himself in the same way: as a hero, as someone happy to die in a just cause.

When in truth?

The killer has martyred his victim: in a murder that will see Imam Hendricks remembered as a champion.


Saturday, 22 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-2-2025 — Kyle MacLachlan

22nd February, 2025: Kyle MacLachlan

Right … it’s now officially Saturday.

And I’ve got “ Prisencolinensinainciusol” earworming its way through my head … !

It’s possibly the one song you can’t mention on X or Bluesky: because the title’s got two many characters … !

Why I’ve got it in my head?

Is possibly easier to say: I’ve caught an advert on YouTube that uses it as a tune.



Have you heard the term, ‘cuckooing’?

It’s where a vulnerable person’s home is taken over by drug dealers: so it can be used as a base.

I’ve known it happen in my area: at least once in Railway Square, Victoria Road/Masefield Court and here on Rollason Way.

It’s not nice, I know that.

So … ?

I’m thankful that the government’s planning to introduce legislation to make it illegal.

Anything that helps can only be good.


Friday, 21 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-2-2025 — The New Yorker.

21st February, 2025: The New Yorker.

It’s officially official: I’ve got an earworm!

“Horses”: the title track from Patti Smith’s album of the same name.


Well, I don’t know: I’d probably need to be a neuroscientist to tell you that!


Oh … 

That’s news.

Apparently?   Barbara Broccoli and Micheal G. Wilson — the creative team behind the James Bond franchise — have sold the creative rights to Amazon.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about that.


Can appreciate it’s going to provoke strong feelings.

Just like Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars.



Thursday, 20 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th February 2025.

20th February, 2025.

You know, Brentwood Council’s a contradictory thing.

In a piece for the BBC news site, yesterday, the Council announced a planned pilot scheme: that will reduce black bin bag collections from once a week, to once a fortnight.

In an effort, we’re told, to “encourage recycling”.

Can I use the word “bollocks”, here?


The Council had a recycling scheme: that saw residents putting recyclable waste into orange bags, then — in flats like those in Rollason Way — putting those bags into communal recycling bins.

In the parts of town where the scheme operated, recycling waste went into the orange bags, food waste goes into food waste caddies, garden waste into green bags, everything else went into black bin bags, collected — usually — once a week.

The orange bags were phased out, a couple of years ago: replaced by blue sacks for cardboard and paper waste, and white ones for plastics.

Which get left on the kerbside on the relevant day.

Except … ?

Except those sacks aren’t used here on Rollason Way, nor in council-run properties in Railway Square, nor in Drake House, on the other side of Brentwood High Street.

Nor outside the (privately owned and rented) flats in Saint James Road or Wharf Road, around the corner from me.

Nor, I suspect, in the council-run Four Oaks, where I used to live.

Nor, I suspect, in other flats: private, or socially housed.

Yes, they’re used in streets with houses: you’ll see them out on collection day

But they’re not used in communal housing.

I can remember getting the letter about the oranges bags being phased out: it told us we’d be contacted about the blue/white bags, and the various collection dates.

We’ve not heard a word, since.

And, given I live in a ground floor flat?

I can see that nobody — nobody — in Rollason Way is putting out those sacks.

If they were, I would notice: and, I suspect, be tripping over the things on collection day.

As would everyone else.

I have sent an email to Barry Aspinell, the councillor named in the article: and to the councillors for the Brentwood West ward.

But fully expect to hear nothing.

And fully expect to repeat to use the B word, again.

“Encouraging recycling”?


This is a cost cutting exercise.


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-2-2025 — EastEnders

19th February, 2025: EastEnders.

Right … it’s now, officially, Wednesday … !

Which means … ?

Well, it means that — if you]re a fan of TV show, EastEnders — you’re probably going to be marking the show’s anniversary, by watching tonight’s episode.

Not something I’m going to be doing: I’m not one for the soaps.

But … ?

I can remember that first episode.

And the stinks the show’s caused, over the years.

With story lines going from divorce, to affairs, to faked cancer scare, to utility fraud, to domestic abuse, to lord knows what else … !

The show — in the phrase the actors use to describe an episode’s cliff hangers — has the doof doof* … !


At any rate, with all that said … ?

My nephew, Jude, was over last night: concerned that he couldn’t stream from his Playstation, to YouTube.

I think we have the problem solved: but won’t know for until he let’s me know.

At any rate … ?

Here’s his latest video … 

Have fun with that!


Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-2-2025 — The Gambia

18th February, 2025: Gambia.

It’s official: I’ve lost weight … !

Not much: some two hundred grams.

But enough to keep me pleased.

Now all I need to do … ?

Is keep at it!


My wrist hurts.

Oh, at least, the left hand side of the bone in my arm that connects to the wrist.

It’s not painfully painful … but it’s certainly noticeable.

Especially as a pain in my left arm gives me issues … as it would to anyone left-handed.

Heigh … ho!


I don’t think it’s been posted to the BBC’s news sites, as yet.

But … ?

I’ve got the Today programme on, in the background

Who’ve told us of another chapter in the on-going post office scandal.

As you probably know, many sub-postmasters — franchisees — have been wrongfully convicted of various shades of fraud and theft: after faults developed in the Horizon IT systems Fujitsu built for the Post Office.

Developed … and hidden.

Going by today’s news?

The Post Office has renewed Fujitsu’s contract: until October 2026.

I know building, testing, then releasing, these large scale systems takes time.

I know that as well as you do.

But … ?

Extending Fujitsu’s contract, because — as I suspect — the Post Office hasn’t planned for a replacement, years ago … ?

Is just plain stupid.


Monday, 17 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-2-2025 — Michael Jordan

17th February, 2025.


It’s Monday … !

The starting day of a new week, one that lets hop, skip, jump, and dance: whilst waving our hands around, excitedly … !

OK … maybe not … !

At any rate … ?

I’ll be off to my weight management group, this morning.

My weight was up, last week.

Hopefully, I’ll’ve lost some!


Hmmm … 

It seems British PM, Keir Starmer, has stated he is happy to put British troops on the ground, in the Ukraine.

I’m not sure I like that idea.

It’s … … 

Well, I don’t know that I can express why I think it’s a bad idea: but I feel it’s a bad idea.

Even if it seems to be part of a European peace-keeping force.

The Today programme has also told us that some US Government figures — I believe they’re quoting Marco Rubio — have said that Ukraine joining NATO would be bad.

As it would not guarantee peace, or prevent another invasion … 

I’m … 

Somehow, I’m not surprised about it.

And feeling deeply cynical.


Sunday, 16 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th February 2025.

16th February, 2025.

The US government is in trouble.

They, and their President, are attempting to cut costs.

And laid off a large number of staff, recently: with that cost cutting process in mind.

That’s no bad thing, done well.

But … ?

According to at least one news report I’ve seen, they are desperately trying to rehire some staff: in particular, some of the staff in the agency that oversees nuclear safety.

But having trouble finding them.

“You couldn’t make it up” is an over-used phrase.

So, instead, I’ll say this: 

“You twerps!”


Elon Musk is heavily involved with the current US government.

And — famously — takes his kids to work.


I don’t know.

But it’s speculated he does so to try and improve his image.


And I wish I’d bookmarked the relevant answer: but an answer I saw on Quora, yesterday, introduced an interesting piece of speculation.

In the wake of the shooting of a health company CEO in the US, he’s doing it not to improve his image … but so he has a human shield, in case someone tries shooting him.

I don’t think he’s that callous.

But … ?

That was an answer that made a lot of sense … 


It seems that US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, is off to Russia: to try and negotiate an end to the Ukraine War with Vladimir Putin.

With very little input from President Zelensky, or Ukraine: and with a lot of unwanted territorial concessions.

I’m a very amateur historian: very amateur.

So … ?

I automatically thought about World War Two.

And the German annexation of the Sudetenland, in what was then Czechoslovakia.

A move that was supposed to appease Hitler, and persuade him to stop invading places.

It didn’t work.

I really don’t know if it will work now: we don’t need World War Three.


If Rubio comes back home, and talks of “peace in our time”, we could have problems … 


Saturday, 15 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th February 2025.

15th February 2025.

Right … 

I’ve been doing this — writing this blog — for some time.

And, as part of that … ?

I’ve been opening emails … and pressing various button, to publish posts.

Except this morning.

As … ?

As, it turns out, BT’s email service is down.


I don’t know.

But it’s tempting to blame the current US president!

At any rate … ?

I get the feeling that — once the service is back up — my email client’s going to be swamped … !


Hmmm … 

I’ve just noticed this piece on the BBC’s Red button service, telling us how a prisoner in HMP Peterborough has been given time for assault.

Telling us the inmate attacked a guard with sugar dissolved in boiling hot water.

Don’t ask how I know … 

But they used to call that ‘jugging’ … 


Friday, 14 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-2-2025 — Dracula.

14th February, 2025: Dracula.

I have to admit to feeling slightly rushed, this morning.


Apple asked for me bank card details: despite having not had to, for some years.

Yes, before you ask: it’s definitely a genuine request, I checked the email.

 But quite what happened, there?

I don’t know.


There’s a woman the BBC are calling Beth: who was involved with a man the Beeb are referring to as ‘Agent X*’.

Who, as it turned out, was both a paid informant for MI5 … and who abused his by-now ex-partner, Beth.

The twists … ?

That Agent X was a Neo-nazi.

And MI5 lied in court about what they knew about him, at least three times.

Going by this piece?

Beth’s sueing MI5, I should add: and wants an apology.

Right now?

Given that my bedtime read is Thunderball?

I can only conclude the espionage business, the real espionage business, is not especially pleasant … 
