Friday 20 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th September 2024

20th September, 2024.

Right … it’s officially Friday … and I’ve got time on my hands!

Or, at least, enough time on my hands to have a phone appointment, this afternoon: with my surgery’s diabetes nurse.


My sugar levels will have gone down: and I’ll be able to watch the next episode of The Celestial Toymaker with some good news.


Just as a pointless piece of news?

Did you ever hear of Subbuteo?

It’s a tabletop version of football: where you flick miniature footballers around as part of the game.

I’ve not seen or heard or it: since working in a toy-shop, many years ago.

Until this morning!

It turns out the Subbuteo World Cup starts today: in Tunbridge Wells.

That’s very retro!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s political questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        20th September is the Feast day of Saint Eustace.   He’s the patron Saint of where: Barcelona, Madrid or Valencia?

Q2)        20th September is Constitution Day.   Where: India, Nepal or Pakistan … ?

Q3)        20th September, 2024, is World Cleanup Day.   When was it first marked: 2016, 2018 or 2020?

Q4)        Sophia Loren was born on 20th September, 1934.   Where: Italy, France or Romania?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The US embassy in Beirut was attacked by a suicide bomber.   On 20th September of which year of the 1980s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        19th September is International Talk Like A What Day: pirate, pansy or potato?
A1)        Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Q2)        19th September saw an earthquake hit Mexico.   19th September of which year of the 1980s?
A2)        1985.

Q3)        Flipper debuted on 19th September, 1964.   What was Flipper: a dog, a dolphin or a seal?
A3)        A dolphin. Lassie was a dog: Salty was a seal.

Q4)        19th September is the feast day of Saint Januarius.   He’s the patron saint of what: Accident and Emergency departments, blood banks or hospices?
A4)        Blood banks.

Q5)        Finally … ?   19th September, 1898, saw the birth of Giuseppe Saragat.   He was the fifth president of where: Italy, the Fifth French Republic or Spain?
A5)        Italy.
Here’s a thought …
“Ten years from now, no one is going to care how quickly the books came out.   The only thing that will matter, the only thing anyone will remember, is how good they were.   That’s my main concern, and always will be.”
George R. R. Martin, born September 20, 1948.
A song …

And some background music§ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I remember Skippy, Olga!   And Lassie.   Oh, and Salty the Seal: the theme tune was quite catchy.   So was the theme from The Lost Islands: it’s an easy listening classic.
        I’d worked out how they were made, Olga: that’s the obvious bit.   What I’m curious about … ?   Is this: how did they get the spiked pagers to all those people?   It’s not like you can walk up to someone you’ve never met, and say “Here, have a free pager”.   It’s like finding a USB stick someone’s dropped: you’re bloody careful about using it.
        Oh … I wondered what Tio Pepe, meant!

        Hello, Mum!

        That reminds me, Debbi, I need to start planning another Brexit set: it’s the tenth anniversary in 2026: about eighteen months from now.   (It’s the silliest decision we made.)

§        “Being Boiled” is the only silk-worm farming protest song I’ve ever heard of …


Mum said...

1 Madrid
2 India
3 2018
4 Italy
5 1983

Olga said...

Q1) Madrid (I’ve never heard of it. Isidro (Isidore), yes, but Eustaquio… no, although I’m not from Madrid and many cities have more than one. We have three saints in Barcelona, well, one is a Virgin, la Verge de la Mercè (next week, on the 24th of September), Santa Eulàlia and Santa Madrona).

Q2) Nepal

Q3) 2018

Q4) Italy

Q5) 1984
Yes, it is intriguing. But it seems they created a company and somehow they supplied all of the equipement. One imagines there must have been somebody inside who managed to get into the purchases team (if there is such a thing) or they infiltrated whatever place they were buying them from. And, now, of course, there are the walkie talkies as well. It works like a long-con (thinking about what I read about it). Somebody must have earned their confidence, showed them the equipment and convinced them to buy it there, perhaps offering an untraceable purchase... They're not going to tell us how they did it, for evident reasons, so it will remain speculation at best.
I hope the news from the phone call are good. Fingers crossed!

Debbi said...

I think George R.R. Martin is onto something there. :)

1. Madrid
2. Nepal
3. 2018
4. Italy
5. 1983