Sunday, 2 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-3-2025 — Saint Chad

2nd March, 2025: Saint Chad.

It’s officially Sunday … and … ?

The heating is definitely on: it’s nippy for the time of year.

But … ?

There’s sunshine, out: and birdsong.

Spring is rapidly turning up.


We’ll have a nice summer … that’s not too hot!


WhatsApp had spasms, the other day.

Why … ?

I still don’t know.

But, seemingly, the problems are now resolved.

In all that … ?

Microsoft picked the wrong time to tell us they’re closing down Skype … 


Just as a last thought … ?

I’m working on a review: of Apple TV+’s The Gorge.

Hopefully, that’ll be up by tomorrow, at the latest.

Assuming all goes well.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten and Mum on nine.

Irene§ put her answers, here: and scored seven points.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        2nd March is the feast of Saint Chad of where: Mercia, Wessex or Tyldesdale?

Q2)        The area concerned was in what’s now where: England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?

Q3)        Saint Chad is also the patron saint of where: Lichfield, Staffordshire or Stoke on Trent?

Q4)        According to the Venerable Bede, Chad was a student on Holy Island.   Holy Island is also known as which ‘L’?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Mr Chad was a bit of graffiti.   It became popular, when: WW1, WW2 or the First Gulf War?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Ohio was admitted to the USA.   On 1st March of which year: 1803, 1805 or 1807?
A1)        1803.

Q2)        It was which state to do so: the sixteenth, seventeenth or eighteenth?
A2)        The seventeenth.

Q3)        How many US presidents have come from Ohio: six, seven or eight?
A3)        Seven.

Q4)        Ohio was on which side during the US Civil War: Union or Confederate?
A4)        Union.

Q5)        How many stars are on Ohio’s flag: sixteen, seventeen or eighteen?
A5)        Seventeen.

Q6)        What’s Ohio’s capital: Cleveland, Columbus or Cincinnati?
A6)        Columbus.

Q7)        Devo, Tin Huey and The Waitresses are from which Ohio city: Akron, Barberton or Cairo?
A7)        Akron.

Q8)        The Cincinnati Reds are from Ohio.   They play what: basketball, American Football, baseball or pickleball?
A8)        Baseball.

Q9)        Buckeye candies are from Ohio.   They’re made from peanut butter fudge, covered in what?
A9)        Chocolate.   (The buckeye nuts they’re based on, look suspiciously like conkers …)

Q10)        Finally … ?   Waynesville, Ohio, hold’s an annual what festival: spam festival, sauerkraut festival or sausage festival?
A10)        Sauerkraut festival.
Here’s an observation …
“Most of what is known of Chad comes from the writings of the Venerable Bede and the biography of Bishop Wilfrid written by Stephen of Ripon.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Saint Chad.
And a hint …

The next ten question set is on 14th March.   It’s about Michael Caine.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Apparently, Olga, he’s been talking about a potential third term.   The only upside to that is that we can finally use the phrase “trampling on the Constitution.”   (I’m no expert on US constitutional law: but believe modifying the Constitution needs X-amount of states to approve any changes.   Hopefully, any moves of his run out of time.)

        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, that there is Debbi: a lot of it goes unrecognised, too.   At ANY rate … ?   I hope the footage looks good!   (I’m assuming you’re using Final Cut, is that right?   I wish I could afford it!)

§        I’ve JUST got your messages, Irene … your answers went through on the video for the 28th: so I’ve just had to add your answers to yesterday’s post, and your score to today’s.   (Although, strictly, you missed the 7am deadline.)
        “Publishing Failed”, you say?   That’s the first time I’ve seen that: so couldn’t tell you how to get around it.   But would suggest what I usually do: writing your answers in Google Docs/Notes/TextEdit/NotePad/what-have-you, then copying them over: that usually seems to help.   Mum¶, Olga¶ and Debbi¶ may be able to help.

¶        Mum, Olga, Debbi, have you any ideas for Irene … ?   She got a Publishing Failed message, yesterday.


Olga said...

Q1) Mercia

Q2) England

Q3) Lichfield

Q4) Lindisfarne

Q5) WW2
Sorry about Irene. I had similar problems in other blogs, and sometimes trying later seems to sort the problem, although I do what you suggest and copy the questions into a document, answer them all, and then cut and paste into your page, because otherwise it might take too long to answer. (And that way you have the answers if, for some reason, they don't go through). But I normally use my computer and not the phone, so I'm not sure if there might be other issues.
Oh, Trump will try anything. In theory the American Constitution was created with the intention of preventing another king trying to take over (or somebody to try to become a King or an Emperor or... a Dictator?) So there is a system of checks and balances, but it all depends on who has the majority in the Senate and the House. But, I think many Republicans are having 'a few doubts' about Trump by now (if they didn't to begin with). That he will try, I have no doubt. Yesterday I kept reading that he was very angry with the Zelenski debacle because he wanted to get the peace signed because he wants to get the Nobel Peace Prize (although he keeps writing the Noble). Of course, Obama got it (mind you, I don't think he deserved it, but well, compared to this one he is Mother Teresa), and he is nothing if not envious and mean-spirited.

Mum said...

1 Mercia
2 England
3 Lichfield
4 Lindisfarne
5 WW2

Anonymous said...


Debbi said...

So ... point off for not adding "festival" to "sauerkraut", I guess? :)

1. Mercia
2. England
3. Lichfield
4. Lindisfarne
5. WW2

Kilroy was here, too! :)