Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-3-1968 — World Obesity Day.

4th March, 2025: World Obesity Day.

Right: it’s official.

I am another day older, and another year older: as today is my birthday.

Yes, that’s right.

I’m twenty-one again!

At any rate … ?

I’ve made a video: and thought you might like to share it.


You’ll possibly have noticed it’s World Obesity Day.

I’m over-weight, myself: and working on trying to lose some weight.

So, finding out it’s World Obesity Day?   A day that’s supposed to highlight the issue?

It only seemed right to use it as a theme!

And to highlight this piece on the BBC’s website!

That doesn’t mean I’m telling you what my BMI is … just why I chose today’s theme.


Oh, and before I forget … ?

The trailer for Dr Who’s second season has dropped.

It looks like this series could be interesting!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The Day also saw Irene§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th March is World Obesity Day.   It’s organised by the World Obesity Federation. Working with whom: the WHO, the IMF or the EU?

Q2)        You’re obese if you have a BMI higher than what: twenty-five, thirty or thirty-five?

Q3)        ‘BMI’ stands for Body Mass what?

Q4)        We can help ourselves lose weight by monitoring our whats: diets, dysentery or dog bothering?

Q5)        Finally … ?   We can help ourselves lose weight by getting some what: exercise, exorcisms or existential dread … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd March is World Hearing Day.   According to an office run by whom: the WHO, the IMF or the EU?
A1)        The World Health Organisation, or WHO.

Q2)        The day is designed to help prevent hearing what?
A2)        Hearing loss.

Q3)        Humans hear with what: their eyes, ears or noses?
A3)        Their ears.

Q4)        The organ also helps us what: balance, see or smell?
A4)        Balance.

Q5)        Finally … ?   If we cannot hear, we are which ‘D’?
A5)        Deaf.
Here’s a thought …

“World Obesity Day, an internationally recognised event, moved to March 4 in 2020”.
From the Wikipedia entry on World Obesity Day.

And a video …

The next ten question set is on 14th March.

It’s about Michael Caine.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        That’s a very good point, Olga.   Elon’s outfits aren’t exactly Whiter House.   (At least the President wears a suit.   Not a very good suit, but … … )
        Oh, talking of the president?   There’s more Duck means doing the rounds …

        Hello, Mum!   (See you later!)

        Cheers, Debbi!   I still feel about twenty.   Apart from my knees!   My knees feel like this guy … 

§        Oooh, Maldon, Irene!   Very swish!   At any rate, thanking you!


Mum said...

2 30
3 Index
4 Diets
5 Exercise

Irene said...

1. World Obesity Federation
2. 30
3. Index
4. Diets
5. Exercise

Olga said...

Happy Birthday, Paul! I hope you get to do something fun today.

Q2) twenty

Q3) Index

Q4) diets

Q5) exercise
I’ve been reading several articles recently about the BMI and how a lot of experts don’t think it is the best way to assess and decide on obesity, as some very muscular people would come up with a high index whilst in their case they don’t have a lot of fat, so some advocate for measuring the fat content of the body, rather than just the weight and the height. Also, in some ethnicities, the cutting off point is lower. (I remember one of my bosses was from India, and they were at higher risk, even at lower BMI. He went out running every day and was very watchful of his diet. My other boss, on the other hand, wouldn’t have exercised even if they paid him very well… Not that he was obese, though, but he didn’t take good care of himself either. He loved gar, and by the time I left he was already having some health problems. They were complete opposites but they got on well).
And Donald Duck as president is spot on! (More sophisticated than Trump, though!)

Debbi said...

You'll always be younger than me. :)

1. the WHO
2. thirty
3. Index
4. diets
5. exercise

Hope it was a great day!