Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The Daily Teaser …


It’s almost here …

Right at the moment, I’ve bit of a confession to make, here.

Right at the moment, I’ve a video uploading to YouTube that I’m going to embed into this post.

Here’s the good bit.

It’s today’s Teaser …

Nut I’ll be writing it up, as well …

But I’m happily waffling, to give it time to stew …

At any rate, yesterday’s Teaser saw Simon and Andrea going head to head, with both getting 6 out of 6 and both putting in a relevant quote.

But saw Simon pipping Andrea to the Official First-In-Clap.

You know, I could be making gags about the two of you rubbing in ointment, but that would be rude, wouldn’t it?

Or ambiguous, at any rate. (I’m tempted to put in a smiley, but … )

At any rate, let’s see what people make of today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License* …

Q1) Which US public holiday falls on January 19th, this year?

Q2) More to the point, in which year did all 50 US states celebrate this holiday?

Q3) 19th January, 1977, saw the only recorded fall of snow in which East Coast US city?

Q4) 19th January, 2006, saw NASA launch the New Horizon’s probe: to which planet is this probe headed?

Q5) And finally … 19th January, 1983, saw Apple, Inc, introduce the LISA: this was the first computer to use a what?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 18th January, 1778, saw Captain James Cook and his crew becaome the first Europeans to visit which islands?

A1) The Hawaiian Islands. (Which he iniatially named the Sandwich Islands.)

Q2) 18th January, 1919, saw the start of the conference that formally brought World War one to an end: in which French city was this?

A2) Versailles.

Q3) Today in 1882, saw the birth of which English author?

A3) Alan Alexander Milne: he of Winnie the Pooh fame.

Q4) 22 years later, 18th January, 1904, saw the birth of which English actor?

A4) Cary Grant.

Q5) 18th January, 1967, saw who sentenced to life imprisonment for murder?

A5) Albert DeSalvo: The Boston Strangler.

Q6) And finally … Today in 1963 saw the death of which Labour party leader?

A6) Hugh Gaitskill.

Enjoy those, everyone …

Oh, and enjoy the Pigbag tune. There’s a bit of history, there …


Simon said...

1. Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr
2. 2000
3. Miami, Fla
4. Pluto
5. Mouse

tim said...

q1 Martin Luther King day
q2 2000
q3 miami
q4 jupiter
q5 graphical user interface

Nik Nak said...

Ooh …

Four out of five …

Jan said...

q1 Martin Luther King day
q2 2000
q3 Miami
q4 Jupiter
q5 A graphical user interface, or GUI.

Anonymous said...

Q1. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Q2. 2000
Q3. Miami, Florida
Q4. Pluto
Q5. A Graphical User Interface

Andrea @pinkylips29
Simon how's that ointment working?

Ten thousand fools proclaim themselves into obscurity, while one wise man forgets himself into immortality.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Anonymous said...

Q1 Martin Luther King Jr. Day which was yesterday Monday 18th January 2010
Q2 1993
Q3 Miami Florida
Q4 Pluto (not now a planet but a dwarf planet)
Q5 graphical user interface (GUI) and a Computer Mouse


tim said...

heres my quote of the day.......

A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad. ~Arnold H. Glasgow