Wednesday 12 May 2010

Security Issues

Hmmmm …

I don’t know whether I should be seriously worried, or not.


Just a short time ago, I happened to go online check my googlemail account, and clear out the spam folder.

And got the (pictured) warning from Google, telling me that someone — a week ago — had tried to get into my googlemail account.

Just a touch worrying.

I’m just thankful that, buried in the OS X Utilities folder, is a little piece of software called Network Utility.

Not that I’m completely sure how to make full use of it, but it did come in handy, today.

Especially Network Utility’s Traceroute option.

I used it to trace the IP address that Google told me had looked at my inbox.

Apparently, it’s a residential IP address, in Washington DC, and — seemingly — linked to a couple of political think-tanks.

My personal response was to do two things.

The main one was to change the password on my Googlemail account.

After I’d sat here, staring at my monitor for ten minutes, going “What the bloody hell’s all that about … ?”

Well, you wouldn’t you … ?

Thoughts, anybody … ?


Combom said...

the feds want ur blog :)

Nik Nak said...

No, the Republicans: that’s even WORSE!!!