Friday, 14 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-2-2025 — Dracula.

14th February, 2025: Dracula.

I have to admit to feeling slightly rushed, this morning.


Apple asked for me bank card details: despite having not had to, for some years.

Yes, before you ask: it’s definitely a genuine request, I checked the email.

 But quite what happened, there?

I don’t know.


There’s a woman the BBC are calling Beth: who was involved with a man the Beeb are referring to as ‘Agent X*’.

Who, as it turned out, was both a paid informant for MI5 … and who abused his by-now ex-partner, Beth.

The twists … ?

That Agent X was a Neo-nazi.

And MI5 lied in court about what they knew about him, at least three times.

Going by this piece?

Beth’s sueing MI5, I should add: and wants an apology.

Right now?

Given that my bedtime read is Thunderball?

I can only conclude the espionage business, the real espionage business, is not especially pleasant … 


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s [insert number here] questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The first sound version of Dracula was released on 14th February.   Of which year of the 1930s?

Q2)        It was directed by whom: Tod Browning, James Whale or Ed Wood?

Q3)        Who played Dracula, in this version of Dracula: Christopher Lee, Gary Oldman or Bela Lugosi?

Q4)        Who distributed Dracula: Universal, Warner Brothers or RKO?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The film was added to the library of Congress.   In which year: 1998, 2000 or 2002?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        13th February is World Radio Day.   If your computer is connected to a router by radio signal, that radio signal is the Wi … what?
A1)        WiFi.

Q2)        Bluetooth is a short-range radio system that can connect things over short ranges.   It’s named after a king of where: Norway, Sweden or Denmark?
A2)        Denmark.   (He was King Harald Bluetooth, and presumably never brushed …)

Q3)        The ‘AM’ in AM radio stands for Amplitude what?
A3)        Amplitude Modulation.

Q4)        The ‘FM’ in FM radio stands for what modulation?
A4)        Frequency.

Q5)        Finally … ?   In the UK, digital radio stations are broadcast under the label, ‘DAB’.    In other words, as Digital Audio what?
A5)        Digital Audio Broadcasts.
Here’s a thought …
“I never drink … wine … ”
Count Dracula.
A trailer …

And a song …

The next ten question set is on 19th February: it’s about EastEnders.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        If I’ve understood the terms correctly?   An officer of MI5 and MI6 would be someone like George Smiley: he works directly for them.   By contrast?   An agent, by contrast, is someone the officer pays for information.   At least one regular in one pub I worked in, was an asbestos buyer: regularly visiting Apartheid-era South Africa, where much of it was sourced, at the time.   He’d always said he was an agent for MI6: a paid informant, in other words, who passed information about the country to SIS.

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Well … the carpenter’s visit went well, Olga: he managed to fix the doors of the cupboard under the sink, and do the cupboard-lowering assessment.   Apparently, it’s the first time he’s seen that sort of request: so I guess I’m lucky.
        We’ve got a couple of those lockers near me: one’s in the local hotel, the other’s in Nisa’s.   And I think a few of the corner shops run Returns services.

§        Very true, Debbi: you have to love a wizard … !
        Actually, talking of wizards, Debbi¶ … ?   Do you remember we vaguely talked about a Neuromancer character called the Finn?   There’s a good fan image of him on Deviantart, although I don’t think they got the hair right.   Second from the left …

¶        I’ve just seen the images from the graphic novel version the book, Debbi.   The loo of the Finn is very good: but their version of Julius Deane is spot on.   A dead ringer for Joe Turkel in Blade Runner


Mum said...

1 1931
2 Tod Browning
3 Bela Lugosi
4 Universal
5 2000

Olga said...

Q1) 1931

Q2) Tod Browning

Q3) Bela Lugosi

Q4) Universal

Q5) 2000
Good to know things went well. It's still a mystery what happened to the relaxation balls that were supposed to get to the locker on Tuesday, and although the thing I was waiting for yesterday (a pair of trainers, those that are called barefoot) got there OK, when I checked this morning it still didn't register that I had gone to pick it up, although I went yesterday afternoon. Now it has updated, but normally it happens pretty close to immediately, so I am wondering if the whole system is a bit off. We shall see. I tried to phone today about the missing balls... Still missing and nobody seems to know what happened to them. Not very relaxing, let me tell you.
I am sure you have checked with Apple directly that they are the ones asking for the info, because the e-mails are getting better (and every so often I got requests from Apple for my details, and I have no business with Apple, so they are definitely scams).

Debbi said...

I would think espionage would not be the easiest, most fun job. :)

The movies tend to glamorize these things, don't they?

1. 1931
2. Tod Browning
3. Bela Lugosi
4. Universal
5. 2000

Been a while since I read Neuromancer. I just got a review copy of the graphic novel version of Raymond Chandler's Trouble is My Business. Right up my alley. :)