Tuesday 2 December 2008

Tonight, Tonight

Phew … Got THAT table round done!

I had a bit of a rush on, this morning, and it was only when I got to work, that I realised I hadn’t done this week’s table round.

Come to think of it, I didn’t have the first idea where to start; – and no idea of any saints days, major anniversaries, or celebrity dead people I could start with.   Although an old friend did suggest doing a Joe Strummer themed round, the anniversary of his death is still a couple of weeks away … and I think people are going be otherwise occupied …

But still, given half an hour floating around the BBC’s news site means I can resort to pub Quiz cliqué.

The Current Events Table Round.

I’ve always said doing these shows a lack of imagination.

But in my case, it’s more a case of just usually not being bothered!

But there goes, see what you make of this batch.

Q1) Who has Barack Obama named as his named as his secretary of State, this week?

Q2) Who have British Airways announced they are in merger talks with?

Q3) Which famously troubled popstar appeared on the “X Factor”, over the weekend?

Q4) One leap-second gets added to our clocks, at the end of this year.   Which metal is used in atomic clocks, to help define that second; – Cæsium, Uranium, or Radium?

Q5) Protestors have blockaded which Thai city’s  airport’s, this week?

And I’m hoping someone reads this lot to give themselves a five point advantage.   Although if the AKA-47’s ever do ……!

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