Q1) Today is the Feast Day — according to the Roman Catholic Church — of Saint Frumentius; in which modern African country is he particularly venerated? (It’s the successor state to the ancient Axumite Empire, if we need any help …)
Q2) It’s also the birthday — in 1914 — of which extremely Welsh poet?
Q3) Which poet was born on 27th October, 1932?
Q4) Those poets share their birthdays with composer, Niccolo Pagannini; which musical instrument did he play?
Q5) And finally, October 27th, 1275, is the traditional founding date of which Dutch city?
Q1) Today is the Feast day of which sainted English king?
A1) Saint Alfred the Great.
Q2) Which kingdom was Saint Alfred the king of?
A2) Wessex.
Q3) October 26th, 1881, saw which famous shootout take place in Arizona? (Andrea, as our resident American, I’m expecting you to do well!)
A3) The Gunfight at the OK Corral.
Q4) 26thOctober, 1965, saw which band named as MBE’s?
A4) The Beatles.
Q5) One year earlier, 26th October, 1964 saw the last person to be executed in which English speaking country?
A5) Australia.
Q6) 26th October, 1972, saw the death of Igor Sikorsky, the man who built the world’s first mass produced what?
A6) Helicopter.
Q7) 26th October, 1951, saw who become Prime Minister of Great Britain, after winning the General Election?
A7) Winston Churchill.
Q8) And finally, today in 2000, saw the publication of the heavily critical Phillips Report into government handling of which two diseases?
A8) BSE and vCJD.
q1 ethiopia
q2 dylan thomas
q3 sylivia plath
q4 violin
q5 amsterdam
Goodd luck today pj, hope all goess well
Q1 Ethiopia
Q2 Dylan Thomas
Q3 Sylvia Plath
Q4 Violinist, Violist and Guitarist
Q5 Amsterdam
Q1. Ethiopia
Q2. Dylan Thomas
I knew the message of the winter,
The darted hail, the childish snow,
And the wind was my sister suitor
"Before I Knocked"
Q3. Sylvia Plath
The night is only a sort of carbon paper,Blueblack, with the much-poked periods of stars Letting in the light
Q4. Violin
Q5. Amsterdam
Andrea @pinkylips29
Sorry about the poetry lines you know I can't help myself!
That’s ok, Andrea; Tim and Trevor are great guys, but don’t exactly get poetical … !!
Tim, Trevor, now is not the time to tell me you know a rhyme for ‘buck’!
humpty dumpty sat on the wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall
all the kings horses and all the kings men...........
said fuck it hes only an egg......
sorry andrea i no its not exactly like urs but pauls right im hardly poetical.....
Tim that is a true verse of beauty!
Brought me to tears! (of laughter!)
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