Wednesday 12 August 2009

Stuff, Stuff, Stuffity Stuff!

12th August, 2009.

Well …

That seems to work …

I’ve managed to hand out several copies of the Ubuntu ‘live’ disc, over the past few days; mostly ones that people have seemed happy to get.

I’ll be honest, I’m hoping one or two folk will happily install it, and leave a comment or two.

But I do know, though, that Brasero seems to burn copies of the Jaunty Jackalope .iso file somewhat more reliably than Disc Utility does.

Saying that, Disc Utility does have the handy ability to burn an given file to both the exterior drive, and the Mini’s onboard SuperDrive; simultaneously …

Which is officially A Handy Thing to Know.


Either way, I know that, while I’ve been experimenting with the Mini’s capabilities, I’ve had a vintage William Hartnell era “Dr Who” story playing; the 1964 “Dalek Invasion of Earth”.

So you know, this was the second appearance of the Doctor’s by now iconic enemies; and “Dalek Invasion of Earth” sees the villainous Daleks invading Earth.

Hmm …

Should I give myself a pat on the back for stating the bloody obvious, there?

Maybe … !

But don’t forget, this was the second time viewers had seen the neo-fascist villains.

And the “Doctor Who” production office decided to bring home the Dalek terror, not by seeing them on their home planet, as in the original “The Dead Planet”.


They decided that having Daleks wandering around London and Bedfordshire would be far nastier!

I can’t help but wonder what the effect on audiences was, back then.

I do know that seeing Daleks in Trafalgar Square was quite something.

As was the ending …

Ever since the show’s beginning, in November of ’63, The Doctor had been accompanied by his granddaughter, Susan — played by Carole Anne Ford. “Dalek Invasion of Earth” is her last appearance.

The farewell scene sets the standard for such scenes in “Doctor Who”; with a powerful speech from Hartnell, wishing Susan well, and that she is still his granddaughter

It’s powerful, riveting stuff.

Powerful, riveting stuff that I wish I could find on YouTube.

Because that one scene …

Is really worth watching.


Saying that, I’ve just had another look …

Here …

It’s the first time “Doctor Who” had such a scene.

It wasn’t the last.

And I don’t think it will be bettered.

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