You know, that’s fascinating …
The BBC’s got a report on — by tech reporter, Rory Cellen-Jones — about how those with severe physical disabilities can use technology to improve their lives.
Fascinating stuff: there was even a clip from a chap with motor neurone disease was being helped.
But lets get moving on, shall we … ?
Yes, lets …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Trevor and a welcomed back Kaiju putting in their answers: with both scoring 6 out of 6, it also saw Kaiju giving us a quick potted history of the AIDS Awareness Ribbon, and Trevor quoting Woody Allen.
Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video*.
Q1) 2nd December, 1755, saw the destruction of which of the Eddystone Lighthouses: first, second or third … ?Q2) 2nd December, 1923, saw the birth of which Greek soprano … ?Q3) 2nd December, 1977, saw South African security police cleared of whose death … ?Q4) 2nd December, 1804, saw who crowned as Emperor of France … ?Q5) And finally … 2nd December, 1961, saw Fidel Castro announce that Cuba was to adopt what: Communism, capitalism or a panda called Bang-Hung?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st December, 2001, saw the landing of the last plane of which airline … ?A1) TWA.Q2) 1st December is Grand Union Day: in which European country … ?A2) Romania.Q3) 1st December is also World AIDS Day: what colour is the ribbon worn to mark the day … ?A3) Red.Q4) 1st December, 1958 saw which country become independent from France … ?A4) The Central African Republic.Q5) 1st December, 1973, saw the death of the first Prime Minister of Israel: what was his name … ?A5) David Ben-Gurion.Q6) And finally … 1st December, 1913, saw the first underground railway open in Latin American: but in which Argentine city … ?A6) Buenos Aires.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later. Assuming I can get through the snow …
* Actually, Kaiju, I’m assuming you’ve got your browser up and working … ? Can you and Trevor let me know how those are rendering … ? Thanks … !
Q1 Second
Q2 Maria Callas
Q3 Steve Biko
Q4 Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte)
Q5 Communism (Castro is a Marxist-Lenin ist)
“All universal moral principles are idle fancies.”
“Are wars anything but the means whereby a nation is nourished, whereby it is strengthened, whereby it is buttressed?”
“In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice.”
“It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure.”
“Religions are the cradles of despotism.”
“Truth titillates the imagination far less than fiction.”
“What is more immoral than war?”
“Your body is the church where Nature asks to be reverenced.”
Quotes by Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade died 2nd December 1814.
The video goes Q1 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q5. I do not like it. Very loud start very odd voice.
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