5th March, 2025: Judge Dredd is Watching You!
Right … it’s now — officially — Wednesday … !
And … ?
A day I’m feeling stuffed: in the wake of a celebratory birthday meal.
Japanese, so you know.
The beef was nice: I’m just not sure about the sashimi … !
I had a text, yesterday: from a woman claiming to be called Hannah.
The conversation went like this:
I started getting suspicious … roughly when ‘Hannah’ asked if the person organising recruitment could send me the details through WhatsApp: something I’d not come across before.
So I told her I’d be happier if they emailed me: I was assuming a genuine recruiter would have accessed my CV, and have my email.
‘Hannah’ asked if she could give me the details.
I — slightly tetchily — asked if I needed to drive.
I don’t, so it’s the first thing I ask about, when genuine recruiters contact me.
That was a question that got ignored: instead, ‘Hannah’ assured me the job wouldn’t interfere with my current job, and that the post was relaxing.
I think we can say the conversation went well.
Once I’d twigged that ‘Hannah’ wasn’t going to answer my questions: and told me to “have a nice life”!
At any rate … ?
Once the chat — Chat? Exchange of messages! — finished?
I did a little digging: and found that the recruiters ‘Hannah’ claimed to be from, were genuine.
But — after emailing them — found that the exchange had been exactly what I’d thought it was.
Not from them, and thus, in all probability, a scam.
Or, at least, an attempted scam.
I’m just glad I realised in time.
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Irene†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Mum, Irene and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Olga on four.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) Judge Dredd first appeared 5th March, 1977, in a comic called 2000AD. 2000AD is a comic originally published, where: the US, UK or France?Q2) Dredd works in Mega-City One. For Mega-City One’s what: Justice Department, Public Health Service or Highways Maintenance Division?Q3) Dredd, himself, is a what: clone, alien or mutant?Q4) Traditionally, Dredd’s what is never shown: face, hands or boots?Q5) Finally … ? Alan Grant, John Wagner and Pat Mills, have all done what for Judge Dredd: written, drawn or lettered the strip?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 4th March is World Obesity Day. It’s organised by the World Obesity Federation. Working with whom: the WHO, the IMF or the EU?A1) The World Health Organisation, or WHO. (The World Obesity Federation’s site can be found, . At the time of writing, the World Obesity Day site seems to be having issues with its security certificate: and gives a 403 error.)Q2) You’re obese if you have a BMI higher than what: twenty-five, thirty or thirty-five?A2) Thirty. Mine’s went down a point, last time I checked. That doesn’t mean I’m telling you what it is, just that it’s gone down. (It’s calculated by dividing your weight in kilos, by your height in metres, squared: it’s weight/height²=BMI. You’re underweight if it’s under 18.)Q3) ‘BMI’ stands for Body Mass what?A3) Body mass index.Q4) We can help ourselves lose weight by monitoring our whats: diets, dysentery or dog bothering?A4) Diets.Q5) Finally … ? We can help ourselves lose weight by getting some what: exercise, exorcisms or existential dread … ?A5) Exercise. (Existential Dread … existential dread … No … ? Never mind …)
Here’s a thought …
“Swing those hips anywhere near me, creep … I'll add another 5 years for Indecent Behaviour.”Judge Dredd, on meeting Devlin Waugh.
And a Human League song …
The next ten question set is on 14th March: it’s about Michael Caine.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.
* Hello, Mum!
† Morning, Irene: thanks to you and Jim for the card … !
‡ Cheers, Olga: we ended up having a good meal!
Yes: I’d seen similar articles, here: about how measuring fat content, along side weight and height, would be useful. I don’t know how we’d go about checking fat content, though: at least, not in the context of my Monday morning meeting. BMI, as it stands, is relatively easy to check at a volunteer run organisation.
I knew there were some ethnic differences: I thing the few British Bengalis I worked with, at KFC, are more at risk than I am. Ami in particular. (Huge fan of cricket, Ami!)
§ Oh, rubbish, Debbi! You’re barely a day over 21!
Oh, has some of the Dr Who gossip floated past you? Ncuti’s filmed his regeneration scene: and the show’s been cancelled. I’ll believe it when I see it!
1 UK
2 Justice Dept
3 Clone
4 Face
5 Writers
1. UK
2. Justice Dept
3. Clone
4. Face
5. Written
Q1) UK
Q2) Justice Department
Q3) clone
Q4) face
Q5) written
Actually, measuring body fat (at least getting an estimate) isn't very difficult. I've had it done using callipers, and they basically pinch a fold of your belly, measure it, and make calculations. I know some of the scales can calculate it as well, if you enter your height, sex and such, but I am not sure how accurate they are (or if the one they use at your weight group does that). They can save up different profiles, but I imagine it would depend on how many people use it. Of course, just checking the waistline is also a good indication and it seems to have more to do with general health than BMI or weight alone.
It sounds as if you (mostly) enjoyed your meal. Good!
Oh, and yes, these scammers always seem to want to get hold of WhatsApp details. I'm sure I've read somewhere that through those they can access all kinds of Apps and information you might have on your phones, but I don't know if that is true. Well done to spot it.
Haven't heard about that. But I'll believe it when I see it, too.
1. the UK
2. Justice Department
3. clone
4. face
5. written
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