27th December, 2024.
Right then … my nephew, Jude, is now, officially fourteen.
And the proud — or possibly confused — owner of a Chromebook.
Whether he’s one or the other?
He was very polite about it.
Especially as I helped him set the thing up, and find out some of its basic capabilities.
You know: where the camera is, how to do screen shots, look up things on line.
Oh, and learn how to do a barrel roll.
I’m mildly jealous of the barrel roll … !
Now …
Did I mention I got biffed in the face by Bobby the Cat … ?
Oh, just as a quick thought … ?
I’ve had at least one comment on my review of The War Games In Colour.
From one of the people involved with its colourisation!
I’m grateful to them for leaving it: and pleased I got it!
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring six out of six, and Mum on five.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) 27th December is the Feast Day of Saint Fabiola. She’s the patron saint of whom: leper colonies, the hospice movement or cows?Q2) Torah Bright was born on 27th December, 1986. She’s an Olympic class what: water-skier, snow-boarder or fencer?Q3) 27th December is the UN sponsored International Day of Epidemic Preparedness. The UN resolution that set up the day was passed in which year: 2019, 2020 or 2021?Q4) 27th December is which of the Twelve Days of Christmas: the second, third or fourth?Q5) Finally … ? 27th December is the 361st day of a non-leap year. What is it in a leap year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) As it’s Boxing Day … ? Box Hill is a wooded hill popular with bikers. It’s where: Surrey, Essex or Kent?Q2) Flight recorders on aeroplanes are what boxes?A2) Black boxes.Q3) A Box Brownie was a what: camera, phone or cheese?A3) Camera.Q4) Box 500 is better known how: MI5, MI6 or GCHQ?A4) The UK’s Security Service: AKA MI5.Q5) If you’re wearing a box, you’re a what: a cricketer, a boxer or a snooker player?A5) A cricketer.Q6) Finally? Boxey was a character in which science fiction show: Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5 or The X-Files?
Here’s a thought …
“Baseball fans are pedants, there is no other kind.”Wilfred Sheed, December 27 1930 – 19 January 2011.
And a song …
The next large question set is on the 31st of December.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.
* Hello, Mum! (Can you tell Ruth the Jude like’s iMovie … ?)
† Do you mean the one in Kazakhstan, Olga? Apparently, Russian media’s blaming flocks of birds§. I think an unbiased investigation could help, there: and that the survivors will have issues for years …
Thankfully? This one came with a charger: one that goes into the thing’s one USB-C port. What he’d have to do if he had an extra monitor, I don’t know. A lot of them connect through a USB-C port, these days.
(Oh, he got the message and replied with a ‘👍’. Which is Jude all over … ! :D )
‡ I knew it’s orange, Debbi. It’s a shade called ‘International Orange’: and also used by NASA for their flight suits. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it in a question, somewhere …
You’re right about the regenerations. Although I’ve gotten a little blasé about them, myself. I’ve got through about eleven of them, I think!
Oh, Ncuti’s had the treatment …
Q1) the hospice movement
Q2) snow-boarder
Q3) 2020
Q4) third
Q5) 362nd
Well, I know they trained birds during the wars and they even got medals (pigeons, mostly), but perhaps they have them using weapons as well...
Judging by what they were saying on television (and the images people took from the plane and after the crash), it seems that similar incidents had happened before, always around Russian airspace...
Most laptops don't seem to come with many ports these days, compared to the good old times. I guess one of those hubs you can plug into one of the ports and turn it into several might be the answer, but it means that if you intend to take it with you, you must remember to always grab everything...
(I've found some as part of the offerings on the Amazon Vine programme, but not sure how good or bad are they, and they vary in price from around 10 € to 17 or so... (The links are to the Spanish site, but they are only examples. I'm sure you already know them...)
1 Hospice movement
2 Australian Snowboarder
3 2020
4 3rd
5 362
There was something particularly moving about actually seeing Patrick T regenerate into non other than Jon Pertwee and exiled to Earth!
I remember thinking (before I saw any of the Troughton episodes) "why is he stuck on Earth?"
I first saw Doctor Who with Tom Baker and when he regenerated, I think I literally cried.
I know I did when Adric died. :-(
The episodes proceeded from there, Davison, C. Baker, McCoy. It was quite a while before I saw anything before T. Baker, but I was so delighted when the few episodes MPT had appeared!
And then there was Red Dwarf. Which I also loved!
1. the hospice movement
2. snowboarder
3. 2020
4. third
5. 362nd
BTW, happy birthday, Jude! Nice stach you got going there! Mustache, that is. :)
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