Thursday, 19 December 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-12-2024 — A Bit of a Goa …

19th December, 2024: Goa.

Right … I’m at my computers … 

And … ?

The boiler is quite ably humming, as it heats the room.

And the front room … ?

Warming up.



Just as a quick thought … ?

You’re possibly very aware Apple’s updated a lot of software and features: which includes a lot of improvements to Siri, the voice assistant on both the Mac, and iPhone.

The array of British voices are an improvement: I’m using one with a generic northern English accent, so you know.

The voices are an improvement.

The Dad jokes … aren’t!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s [insert number here] questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        19th December is Goa Liberation Day.   Where is Goa: China, India or Japan?

Q2)        It was liberated from colonial rule on 19th December: of which year of the 1960s?

Q3)        Up until that year, Goa was ruled by which European nation: Spain, Portugal or France?

Q4)        What’s Goa’s main, official, language: Konkani, Hindi or Urdu?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Traditional Goan vindalho is better know as what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        18th December, 1787, saw New Jersey become the third US state to do what: join the Union, ratify the constitution or introduce an income tax?
A1)        Ratify the constitution.   (I should rewrite this: as there’s two right answers in the options given.)

Q2)        Epimetheus was discovered: on 18th December, 1966.   It’s a moon of which planet: Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus?
A2)        Saturn.

Q3)        18th December is the UN sponsored Arabic Language Day. It’s which most widely spoken language: first, second or third?
A3)        It’s the third most widely spoken language.   At least, going by the relevant Wikipedia entry.

Q4)        Steven Spielberg was born on 18th December.   Of which year of the 1940s?
A4)        1946.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Leila Steinberg was born on 18th December, 1961.  She was the original manager for which rapper: Tupac Shakur, 50Cent or Grandmaster Flash?
A5)        Tupac Shakur.
Here’s a thought …
“Goa is visited by large numbers of international and domestic tourists each year because of its white-sand beaches, active nightlife, places of worship, and World Heritage-listed architecture.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Goa.
And a traditional Goan dance …

The next large question set is on the 31st of December.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’ll have to keep that in mind, then, Olga: for when and if.
        You’re right, though: building one’s own house would be nice.   I wish I could find the video on Facebook —one of those guided tour type things — but it was of a four century old Dutch town house that had been transplanted to New York.   This one.   That’s a design worth pinching, wouldn’t you say … ?
        Hang on: I’ve found it on YouTube … !

        Hello, Mum!

        You know, Debbi, I knew I got something wrong with that question: it’s got two right answers!
        Oh, apparently, there’s a Dr Who — The Collection blu-ray release in the pipe lines.   Season 7: Pertwee’s first.   Apparently, artwork’s been leaked … 


Mum said...

1 India
2 1961
3 Portugal
4 Konkani
5 Curry

Olga said...

Q1) India

Q2) 1961

Q3) Portugal

Q4) Konkani

Q5) Vindaloo
Thanks for sharing that house. It is gorgeous! And it feels a bit like Dr Who's police box. It looks much bigger in the inside than it seems from the outside. I remember a hospital in the outskirts of Manchester, that had been adapted to an old building, and it felt like a maze inside, and it looked right out of a Gothic novel. They had put the ECT suite in the old chapel! Not sure I liked the distribution, to tell you the truth.
It's this place, but I see that it has been taken over by the Priory. It was run by a different company at the time.

Olga said...

Sorry, I don't think I included the link:

Debbi said...

Leave it to Doctor Who to regenerate and carry on. :)

1. India
2. 1961
3. Portugal
4. Konkani
5. curry

I could go for a curry now. :)