Friday 4 October 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-10-2024 — Mexico

4th October, 2024: Mexico.

It’s officially official: I’ve checked my bank again.

And … ?

There’s still nothing in it!


I get the impression it’s going to take awhile … !


It’s equally official: my nephew, Jude, was over, last night.

Amidst all the fun, games, onion rings and jokes about Tescos vans?

He’s managed to post another video.

Feel free to head to YouTube and hit the ‘Like’ button.


Just as a thought … ?

It’s been announced that Labour MP, Kim Leadbeater, is to introduce an assisted dying bill to the House of Commons on 16th October, this year.

I hope that law goes through: I think we need clarity on the matter.

Something Esther Rantzen emphasised, this morning, in an interview on the Today programme: as the law stands, anyone helping a loved one to die can be charged with murder.

Something else she emphasised?

Was that the decision to dies early was hers: rather than the government’s.

It was her choice: and no-one else’s.

I think she’d get support from Terry Pratchett, there: if no-on else.
“If I knew that I could die, I would live. My life, my death, my choice.”
Shaking Hands with Death, Sir Terry Pratchett.

Just as a last thought … ?

You couldn’t make it up, could you … ?


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th October saw Mexico adopt a new constitution.   In which year of the 1820s?

Q2)        It founded Mexico as a what: federal monarchy, federal republic or confederate theocracy?

Q3)        Mexico’s then capital was Mexico City.   What’s modern Mexico’s capital?

Q4)        The Taco comes from Mexico.   It consists of a filling wrapped with a what: naan bread, tortilla or roti?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Corona, Noche Buena and Montejo are all Mexican whats?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Vercingetorix surrendered on 3rd October, 52BC.   To a force led by whom: Julius Caesar, Octavius Caesar or Tiberius Caesar?
A1)        Julius Caesar.

Q2)        Vercingetorix led a tribe called the Arverni.   The Arverni were what: Gauls, Hispanians or Judeans?
A2)        Gauls.

Q3)        3rd October is the (Jesuit) feast day of Saint Francis Borgia.   He’s a patron saint of where: Spain, Portugal or France?
A3)        Portugal.

Q4)        The 3 October Festival takes on 3rd October: in the city of Leiden.   Where is Leiden: the Netherlands, Austria or Belgium?
A4)        The Netherlands.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Boris 3rd acceded the throne: on 3rd October, 1918.   The throne of where: Albania, Bulgaria or Croatia?
A5)        Bulgaria.
Here’s a thought …
“Mexico ranks first in the Americas and seventh in the world by the number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Mexico.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, they’re hooks.   Or barrels.   Cheers, Olga, that was puzzling me!   I like the name of the manufacturers, as well: lool, indeed!
        Hopefully, the cash won’t be much longer.   I think it’s the wait is the more frustrating thing, rather than the lack of cash.
        That sounds like a very handy read!   I might just have to get a copy: especially if it’s got any useful advice for those of us navigating the benefit system.   (Hmmm … in the UK, you’d be able to claim Carers Allowance, and your mother would possibly qualify for Attendance Allowance: I don’t know what the Spanish equivalent would be.)
        Either way … ?   I hope the tests turn up something positive!

†        Hello, Mum!   (It was Gauls, not Pauls!)

        I’m always think of Paranoia, Debbi: the game.   The blurb on the back of the first edition summed it up, well.
“If you are not happy, you will be used as reactor shielding.”


Olga said...

Q1) 1824

Q2) federal republic

Q3) Mexico City

Q4) tortilla

Q5) Beers
Fingers crossed it doesn't take long for the money to come through. Here I am still trying to find out what could be available, but it all depends on what the assessment decides on her level of dependency. At the moment, what I'd be more interested in would be that they give me some sort of recognition as a carer, because I am not employed at the moment, and other than the pension from the years I worked in the UK, I won't be entitled to very much at all in the future. That way, at least I'd be on the list and, hopefully, once you're in the system things might be a bit more straight forward. (Although everything seems to take ages, from what I hear).
This is the book I mentioned:
It is very general and it doesn't have specific advice on benefits, etc, because, as the author says, things change too quickly, each condition has different needs and assessments work differently. Of course, every change in government and benefits turns things around as well. But the general comments on how to deal with these kinds of things is "interesting" to say the least.

Mum said...

1 1821
2 Federal Republic
3 Mexico City
4 Tortilla
5 Beer

Debbi said...

Uh oh. Better keep smiling. :)

1. 1924
2. federal republic
3. Mexico City
4. tortilla
5 . beers

Happy Friday/Saturday! :)