Wednesday 3 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-7-2024 — Belarus

3rd July, 2024: Belarus.

Right then … Wednesday … 


I’m looking forward to the day, to be honest: hopefully, my nephew, Jude, will be visiting.

I’d like to know exactly what he’s planning, video-wise.


At any rate … ?

I read this article on the BBC’s news site, today: about how a charity in Basildon is giving away refurbished desktops to those in need.

It’s an interesting piece.


Doesn’t say if there’s other companies in other parts of Essex doing the same thing.

Nor how families in Basildon can apply.

Nor who to contact, in order to ask.

Granted: one hundred families have been invited through the charity’s partners.

It’s good to report on these things.

If you also can pass on contact details, or how to apply, or — ha! — how to join the Invitation list, that would be better.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        3rd July is Independence Day in Belarus.   It marks the country’s independence from where: the USSR, Russia or Taiwan?

Q2)        Belarus is a what: republic or monarchy?

Q3)        What’s the Belarus capital: Warsaw, Kyiv or Minsk?

Q4)        What’s the country’s currency: the Belarusian Mark, the Belarusian Ruble or Belarusian Crown?

Q5)        Finally … ?   A lot of Belarusian bread is made with what: barley, rye or wheat?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        2nd July is the Feast day of Saint Otto of Bamberg. Bamberg is now, where: Germany, the Netherlands or Estonia?
A1)        Germany.

Q2)        2nd July, 1983, saw the birth of cricketer, Kyle Hogg. He’s a left handed what: bowler or batsman?
A2)        Batsman.

Q3)        Barry George was sentenced to life imprisonment: on 2nd July, 2001. For the murder of whom: Nick Ross, Sue Cook or Jill Dando?
A3)        Jill Dando.

Q4)        The US Mint issue a commemorative Susan B Anthony coin: on 2nd July, 1979. The coins was worth how much: one cent, twenty-five cents or a dollar?
A4)        A dollar.

Q5)        Finally … ? 2nd July is Police Day. Where: Azerbaijan, Brazil or Croatia?
A5)        Azerbaijan.
Here’s a quote …
“Belarus [ … ] is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe”.
From the Wikipedia entry about Belarus.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum … !   (Can you ask Ruth and Jude not to forget the thingies?   Ta!)

        It’s a few years old, Olga: I think the only way to find it, is if people have posted clips to YouTube.
        I think the batting/bowling thing is more common than you think.   I know there’s a few golfers who play left-handedly: despite being right handed for everything else.
        When I played guitar, I played left handedly: I’d strum with my left hand and fret with my right.   But I play pool right handedly: with my right hand on the back end of the cue.   I cut bread with the knife in my right hand: and spread butter with the knife in my left.   I think eye dominance has something to do with it, but don’t know.

        It’s quite fun, Debbi: an AI version of “Straight Outta Compton” … as if Hank Williams was performing it!   (There’s a whole bloody CHANNEL of the stuff!)


Olga said...

Q1) the USSR (It’s a bit weird, as they celebrate the date of Mink’s liberation from the Nazis by the Soviets, so…)

Q2) republic (sort of, at least in name)

Q3) Minsk

Q4) the Belarusian Ruble

Q5) rye
I hope you have fun today with your nephew. As per the desktops... I suspect they are worried that they could have tons of people applying if they gave the details, as I don't think they would have such a huge supply, so it might be by invitation only. It might also be a test to see how it works before they set something more formal in place, but, who knows? You are right, though. It isn't very complete.

Mum said...

2 Republic
3 Minsk
4 Ruble
5 Rye

Debbi said...

Good heavens! The mind boggles.

1. the USSR
2. republic
3. Minsk
4. the Belarusian ruble
5. rye