Friday 27 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-9-2024 — Michael Gambon.

27th September, 2024: Michael Gambon.

Right … 

That Amazon delivery finally turned up, yesterday.

After being delayed … and me complaining as a result.


I’m glad I did.

I managed to get the delivery charge refunded, if nothing else.

That … ?

Should turn up on Monday.


Did I mention I had to attend a tribunal, yesterday?

By phone?

To see if I qualified for extra financial help.

I felt it went well enough: although, inevitably, there’s things I felt I should have mentioned … and didn’t get the chance to.

And things I tried to stress: but felt weren’t taken account of.

At any rate … ?

I was told I’d hear, by post, ‘early next week’.

With that lot out of the way?

I’d like to thank two friends — Sophie and Graham — who’ve offered advice about the process over the months.

And Carly: who’s offered both advice and encouragement.

And too Louise, on Facebook: who, in one comment, told me the results could be in, early: and be listed on the website, if that was the case.

She was right.

It seems I’ve been awarded a back-dated award.

I still — as far as I know — need to get the letter as confirmation.

And, I’m told, a call from the Department of Work and Pensions, to check on bank details.

The sooner that lot happens?

The happier I’ll be.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Michael Gambon died on 27th September, 2023.   He played Philip Marlow in which Dennis Potter series: Pennies from Heaven, The Singing Detective or Blackeyes?

Q2)        Gambon played Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films: except in the first two films.   Who played Dumbledore in the first two films: Jude Law, Richard Harris or Keanu Reeves?

Q3)        Gambon played the Thief in The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover.   Who directed The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover: Peter Greenaway, Lindsey Anderson or Derek Jarman … ?

Q4)        Gambon was born, where: London, Dublin, Belfast or Edinburgh?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Gambon played Baltus Van Tassel in the 1999 film, Sleepy Hollow.   Who directed Sleepy Hollow: Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton or George Lucas?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Battle of Polygon Woods started: on 26th September, 1917.   During which war?
A1)        World War One.

Q2)        The 2024 Vancouver International Film Festival starts on 26th September, 2024.   Where in Canada is Vancouver: British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador or Quebec?
A2)        British Columbia.

Q3)        William 2nd was crowned as King: on 26th September, 1087.   King of where: England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?
A3)        England.

Q4)        T. S. Eliot was born on 26th September, 1888.   Where: Missouri, Kentucky or Florida?
A4)        Missouri.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Anne Robinson was born on 26th September, 1944.   What was the first newspaper she worked on: the Daily Mail, Sunday Times or the News of the World?
A5)        Daily Mail.
Here’s a thought …
“A child did approach me in a restaurant in Cornwall, but he thought I was Gandalf.”
Michael Gambon.
An interview …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        It went well enough, I think, Olga: although I’m waiting for the letter to turn up.   That should have more details.
        I know it sounds strange, Olga: but have you thought about replacements?   If I’ve understood how these things works, getting another Kindle would be a safe bet: as transferring your content over would be easy.

        I hope you can get some help for those, Debbi.   US healthcare really is a train wreck … !


Mum said...

1 The Singing Detective
2 Richard Harris
3 Peter Greenaway
4 Dublin
5 Tim Burton

Olga said...

Q1) The Singing Detective (I remember it from long ago. I’d love to watch it again).

Q2) Richard Harris

Q3) Peter Greenaway

Q4) Dublin

Q5) Tim Burton.
I saw Sir Michael Gambon in Sheffield, in the Caretaker. Impressive.
I’m happy things worked out, although I know until you get confirmation in writing you’ll be a bit uneasy (but if it has been published in the website, it should be a done deal). I hope it helps a bit, because it sounds as if things were going to get pretty tough.
And yes, I got another one. The thing is that although Kindle Fire doesn’t compare well to other tablets, I liked precisely that it was easy to use as an e-Reader and everything should get transferred without problem. While the e-readers have more battery life, this one has got more memory, it is in colour, and it has a socket for headphones and speakers, and I tend to use the TTS feature to listen to books (not necessarily audiobooks, any of their books) while I exercise and do chores, and with the e-readers, you need to use Bluetooth to connect to an external speaker or headphones, and it makes it that bit more complicated. The problem being that they don’t make Kindle Fires any more, but I found one, with 3 years guarantee, and a newer model than mine, so I hope it might last me for a bit, and it was very cheap...

Debbi said...

That it is. :)

1. The Singing Detective
2. Richard Harris
3. Peter Greenaway
4. Dublin
5. Tim Burton