Saturday, 1 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-3-2025 — Ohio.

1st March, 2025: Ohio.

I think it’s official: I had a late night, last night.

Please don’t ask why!

It’s complicatedly messy!

At any rate … ?

I’ll have the film review up, later: once I’ve had more sleep … !


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Irene‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga, Irene and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Ohio was admitted to the USA.   On 1st March of which year: 1803, 1805 or 1807?

Q2)        It was which state to do so: the sixteenth, seventeenth or eighteenth?

Q3)        How many US presidents have come from Ohio: six, seven or eight?

Q4)        Ohio was on which side during the US Civil War: Union or Confederate?

Q5)        How many stars are on Ohio’s flag: sixteen, seventeen or eighteen?

Q6)        What’s Ohio’s capital: Cleveland, Columbus or Cincinnati?

Q7)        Devo, Tin Huey and The Waitresses are from which Ohio city: Akron, Barberton or Cairo?

Q8)        The Cincinnati Reds are from Ohio.   They play what: basketball, American Football, baseball or pickleball?

Q9)        Buckeye candies are from Ohio.   They’re made from peanut butter fudge, covered in what?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Waynesville, Ohio, hold’s an annual what festival: spam festival, sauerkraut festival or sausage festival?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th February, 2024, saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi open India’s second what: space port, airport or railway station?
A1)        Space port.

Q2)        28th February is Andalusia Day.   Where is Andalusia: Spain, Italy or Portugal?
A2)        Spain.

Q3)        Tim Bresnan was born on 28th February, 1985.   Before he retired from the game, he played for which country side: Essex, Lincolnshire or Warwickshire?
A3)        Warwickshire.

Q4)        Portugal and Morocco were hit by an Earthquake on 28th February.   Of which year of the 1960s?
A4)        1969.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Barry McGuigan was born on 28th February, 1961.   He usually boxed in which weight division: featherweight, lightweight or welterweight?
A5)        Featherweight.
Here’s a thought …
“With God, all things are possible”
Ohio’s motto.
And a state song …

The next ten question set is on 14th March.   It’s about Michael Caine: not a lot of people know that.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hang on, Olga: US courts get funny about imprisoning presidents!   Actually, I think the word is ‘snotty’.   And that’s being polite!
        At any rate, have a good day, today!

        Hello, Mum!   (India opened its second spaceport, Mum.)

        Morning, Irene: how is the day … ?

§        Well, it was four years ago, Debbi.
        Break a leg!


Olga said...

Q1) 1803

Q2) seventeenth

Q3) seven

Q4) Union

Q5) seventeen

Q6) Columbus

Q7) Akron

Q8) baseball

Q9) chocolate

Q10) sauerkraut festival
Well, I don't think democracy is very high up on this president's list of priorities...

Mum said...

1 1803
2 17th
3 6
4 Union
5 17
6 Columbus
7 Akron
8 Baseball
9 Chocolate
10 Sauerkraut

Debbi said...

It was a mammoth session, but I made it through. :)

There's some real acting talent out there! :)

1. 1803
2. seventeenth
3. eight
4. Union
5. seventeen
6. Columbus
7. Akron
8. baseball
9. chocolate
10. sauerkraut

I'm going to sleep well tonight! :)

Nik Nak said...

So everyone knows, Irene’s put her answers, here

“Answers to Ohio
1st March 2025

1. 1803
2. 17th
3. 7
4. Union
5. 17
6. Columns
7. Aaron
8. Pickleball
9. Chocolate
10. Sauerkraut”