6th March, 2025.
Here we go, again … !
The Government — blessed be their bureaucrats — has decided that those of us on various health benefits need help to get back to work.
Going by this piece on the BBC’s news site?
The Government — or, at least, the Department of War and Pensions — is to redeploy roughly one thousand work coaches, the case workers who deal directly with clients.
So that the officers can “… focus on tackling economic inactivity”.
I think that sounds familiar.
It sounds a lot like the things previous governments have done.
They’re re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic …
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Irene†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) At least three hundred and fifty people died in battle in the African city of Huambo: on 6th March, 1993. Battle, and city, are in which African nation?Q2) Strikers called off industrial action: on 6th March, 1974. Striking whom: miners, firefighters or nurses?Q3) 6th March, 1882, saw Milan 1st named as king of where: Serbia, Montenegro or Croatia?Q4) 6th March, 1665, saw the first publication of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. The magazine was about what: sport, science or sculpture?Q5) Finally … ? The Michelangelo virus went into effect: on 6th March, 1991. It affected what: sheep, computers or pine trees?
Q1) Judge Dredd first appeared 5th March, 1977, in a comic called 2000AD. 2000AD is a comic originally published, where: the US, UK or France?A1) The UK.Q2) Dredd works in Mega-City One. For Mega-City One’s what: Justice Department, Public Health Service or Highways Maintenance Division?A2) Mega-City One’sJustice Department.Q3) Dredd, himself, is a what: clone, alien or mutant?Q4) Traditionally, Dredd’s what is never shown: face, hands or boots?A4) Face.Q5) Finally … ? Alan Grant, John Wagner and Pat Mills, have all done what for Judge Dredd: written, drawn or lettered the strip?A5) Written the strip.
Here’s a thought …
“Comics are a dime a dozen — good straight men are hard to find!”Lou Costello, March 6, 1906 – March 3, 1959.
And a song …
The next ten question set is on 14th March: it’s about Michael Caine.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.
* Hello, Mum!
† Morning, Irene: how IS the day … ?
‡ Yeah: I think you can do some sort of hijacking through WhatsApp, Olga: although I don’t know how. I think it’s similar to the hijacking hackers can use to get access to your online accounts. Session hijacking, they call it: it happened to a well known YouTube channel called Linus Tech Tips, a while back. I’m just glad I asked them about emailing the detail, if that IS the case … !
Actually, now I’ve looked? This piece from the BBC seems relevant. The girl concerned was conned out of her bank details by a message exchange that sounded VERY similar to the one I got.
Yeah, the meal was good: although I think a smaller amour of rice would’ve been nice.
Ohhh … it sounds the “Pinch More than an Inch” thing from a few years back: yeah, that would be easy for the team to do.
§ Those are the wisest words I’ve heard you say, Debbi!
Oh, I don’t know if they’ve released Jon Pertwee’s first season in the US: but some of the extras look rather good!
1 Angola
2 Miners
3 Serbia
4 Science
5 Computers
Q1) Angola
Q2) miners
Q3) Serbia
Q4) science
Q5) computers
There are very similar things here as well. And I keep getting phone calls (evidently AI or automated) telling me a big company has received my CV and they want me to add them to WhatsApp, blah, blah, blah... Of course, not a company I've ever applied for, and yes, as they always say... If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
1. Mogadishu Somalia
2. Miners
3. Serbia
4. Science
5. Computers
I've seen quite a few with Pertwee, but I'm not sure which seasons. I know I saw the one where he regenerated. :)
1. Angola
2. miners
3. Serbia
4. science
5. computers
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