Thursday 6 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6-6-2024 — D-Day

6th June, 2024: D-Day.

Yay!   It’s Thursday!

Possibly going ‘YAY’ is possibly not appropriate … given it’s also the D-Day anniversary.

That’s possibly something I should have mentioned to my nephew, Jude, yesterday: after all, his grandfather’s step-dad was one of the troops that landed, that day.

You never think to mention these things, do you … ?

At any rate?

Yes: Jude’s managed to post another video: an FA Cup final.

Feel free to hit the ‘Like’ button: and mention Ernie Mills.


I watch election news: you’d possibly guessed.

So I know that the current PM, Rishi Sunak, has been accused of lying about Labour’s tax plans.

Or, at the very least, inventing Labour’s figures: despite warnings about it from the relevant permanent secretary.

On top of that … ?

They’ve received a substantial donation from a man called Frank Hester: known to have used several derogatory terms about Labour MP, Diane Abbott.

The fact they’re getting a backlash from at least one constituency — about overruling local party candidate processes — is completely incidental.

That last piece?

Really doesn’t make the Tories sound democratic, does it … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        6th June, 1944, saw the start of D-Day.   In other words, of Allied landings, where: Normandy, Cyprus or Algiers?

Q2)        D-Day was known as what: Operation Neptune, Nonesuch or Nevermore?

Q3)        The operation was part of Operation what: Overlord, Overmuch or Over the Rainbow?

Q4)        The land troops were part of the 21st Army Group.   The group consisted of troops from the British Second Army. And the First what Army: Canadian, American or Australian?

Q5)        The group was led by whom: Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery, Field Marshal Archibald Wavell or Admiral of the Fleet Lord Louis Mountbatten?

Q6)        Who was the American officer in charge of the Operation: General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Major General Irving Fish or Brigadier General Augustus M. Gurney?

Q7)        21st Army Group landed on three beaches.   Gold Beach was one, Juno the second.   What was the third: Sword, Shield or Shark?

Q8)        US forces landed on two beaches.   Omaha Beach was one.   What was the other: Utah, Nevada or California?

Q9)        Hobart’s Funnies were used during the Operation.   Hobart’s Funnies were specialised whats: spitfires, tanks or battleships?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Allies ran a deception operation in the run up to D-Day.   An operation called what: Bodyguard, Counterfeit or Deniable?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        5th June is the UN sponsored International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated what: fishing, farming or mining?
A1)        Fishing.

Q2)        It’s also the UN sponsored World what Day: World Environment Day, World Sustainable Agriculture Day or World Fart Day?
A2)        World Environment Day.

Q3)        The most populated city in Texas was incorporated: on 5th June, 1837. Which city is it?
A3)        Houston.

Q4)        The Allied Control Council took power: on 5th June, 1945. Where: Germany, Italy or Japan?
A4)        Germany.

Q5)        Finally … ? The Lake Bodom Murders took place: on 5th June, 1960. In which country: Finland, Denmark or Sweden?
A5)        Finland.
Here’s a quote …
“[ … ] often referred to as D-Day, it is the largest seaborne invasion in history.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the landings.
And an popular song from the day …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        That he does, Olga, that he does.   I’m thinking I should get in tough with Ruth: and suggest he audition for the next James Bond film.   Blofeld could do with a menacing looking cat!   (Oh, the video has a clip of Charles Grey in drag.   Why on EARTH I’m thinking of Dick Emery, I don’t know!

‡        That was a very good innings, Debbi.   Actually, incredibly good.   His youngest son is the 35-year-old Alfred Enoch.   Which means William Russell was sixty-four when his son was born!   There’s possibly a lot we can say there!
        Oh, hopefully, today’s answers are short!   The next ten question set’s on the 18th, Debbi, so you know!


Olga said...

Q1) Normandy

Q2) Operation Neptune

Q3) Overlord

Q4) American

Q5) Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery

Q6) General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Q7) Sword

Q8) Utah

Q9) tanks

Q10) Bodyguard
I'm beyond exhausted with politics and all their shenanigans here, but it seems it is not different anywhere else.

Mum said...

1 Normandy
2 Neptune
3 Overlord
4 Canadian
5 Montgomery
6 Eisenhower
7 Sword
8 Utah
9 Tanks
10 Bodyguard

Debbi said...

And away I go!

1. Normandy
2. Neptune
3. Overlord
4. Canadian
5. Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery
6. General Dwight D. Eisenhower
7. Sword
8. Utah
9. tanks
10. Bodyguard

Still alive and kicking! :)