Saturday 29 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th June 2024.

29th June, 2024.

Right, then: it’s Saturday.

And I’ve just had a phone call from — assuming I’ve used my landline handset correctly — 01899 565244.

Yes: you’re right.

Two minutes to eight in the morning, and I’ve got myself a Microsoft Technical Department scammer phoning!

I actually strung him along for about five minutes.

It turns out that he had the wrong address listed for me.

The right post code, right phone number, but the wrong address.

And — as always in these situations — thought I had a Windows PC.

Like I say … it took me five minutes or so to explain Macs didn’t need security updates from Microsoft!

Hey … ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi on nine.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        According to the UN, 29th June, 2024, is the International Day of the what?

Q2)        Isabel Peron was sworn in as president: on 29th June, 1974.   President of where?

Q3)        29th June is the feast day of Saint Hemma of Gurk.   Gurk is in what’s now which European country: Austria, Slovenia or Hungary?

Q4)        Actor and singer, Nelson Eddy, was born on 29th June, 1901.   He was a what: tenor, baritone or bass?

Q5)        Finally … ?   29th June, 1919, saw the birth of Slim Pickens.   He played Hollis P. Wood in which Steven Spielberg film: E. T: The Extraterrestrial, Raiders of the Lost Ark or 1941?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Mel Brooks was born on 28th June.   Of which year of the 1920s?
A1)        1926.

Q2)        In which US city: Chicago, Seattle or New York?
A2)        New York.   (In Brownsville, to be exact.)

Q3)        His parents were from what’s now where: Saint Petersburg, Gdansk or Mumbai?
A3)        Gdansk: then called Danzig.

Q4)        At the age of fourteen, Brooks was a pool-side entertainer.   At a what: sports centre, hotel or country club?
A4)        Hotel.   (Both he, and Danny Kaye, were what’s called tummlers, MCs and entertainers)

Q5)        Around the same time, Brooks was taught drums.   By whom: Buddy Rich, Ringo Starr or Jack Bruce?
A5)        Buddy Rich.

Q6)        Brooks co-wrote a part-improvised sketch with Carl Reiner: that was first performed privately in the 1950s.   It was about a what: a yeti, a 2000-year-old man or a cowboy?
A6)        A 2000-year-old man.

Q7)        Brooks also co-wrote a comedy series about a spy.   Which series: The Prisoner, Get Smart or Man in a Suitcase?
A7)        Get Smart.

Q8)        Brooks won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar in 1969.   For which film: The Producers, Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles?
A8)        The Producers.

Q9)        Brooks co-wrote, and directed, Blazing Saddles.   The film was a comedy what: romance, western or thriller?
A9)        Western.   (The Cleavon Little role was originally supposed to be played by Richard Pryor: but the film’s insurers refused to cover him.)

Q10)        Finally … ?   Brooks produced which 1980 film: Gloria, The Elephant Man or Song of the South?
A10)        The Elephant Man.
Here’s a thought …
“After Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, the roles, the dressing rooms and the checks all started gettin’ bigger.”
Slim Pickens, June 29, 1919 – December 8, 1983.
A song …

And an earworm§ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, hello, Olga!   I’m Pete, again!   🤣
        At any rate … ?   The local deaf-blind association, you say?   I should possibly get Helen Keller’s Teacher: we had excepts read to us when I was at junior school.

        Hello, Mum!

‡        I’m going to have to watch Blazin’ Saddles at some point, Debbi!

§        “Freak of Nature” has one hell of a bass-line!


Mum said...

1 Day of the Tropics
2 Argentina
3 Austria
4 Baritone
5 1941

Olga said...

Q1) Tropics

Q2) Argentina

Q3) Austria

Q4) baritone

Q5) 1941
Sorry! It's Saint Peter and Saint Paul today, and we have "coca" (I think you probably remember the tradition. We have one for Saint John, but there are a few others, and there are fireworks (bonfires for Saint John, although that is becoming less common, due to the problems with the draught, although that has improved. Mind you, we had a yellow warning for rain, but we've only had a few drops today, although it looked really cloudy first thing this morning (sunny now).
There is a movie based on Helen Keller's story and Anne Sullivan, the woman who taught her.

Debbi said...

Great movie. Could never be made today. :)

1. Tropics
2. Argentina
3. Austria
4. baritone
5. 1941