Saturday 15 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th June 2024.

15th June, 2024.

Right … Saturdays … Is the day of the week to be doing something.

If you have the time, money or inclination!

Which frankly?

I don’t!

No … I intend to watch TV at some option, today.

The penultimate episode of Dr Who’s on!


Did I mention my pharmacist is wonderful?

My pharmacist is wonderful!

I’ve run out of one specific medication — Trulicity — yesterday.

And, at the time I picked up the rest of my meds?

They had no alternatives.

However … ?

I managed to email my pharmacist: who was able to recommend a couple of (thankfully available) alternatives.

Hopefully, when I talk to the surgery on Tuesday?

We’ll be able to sort something out.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        15th June is Valdemar’s Day.   Where: Norway, Denmark or Sweden?

Q2)        15th June is the feast day of Saint Trillo.   He’s a saint who lived and worked, where: England, Ireland, Wales or Scotland?

Q3)        Bilbao was found on 15th June, 1300.   It’s in which country: Spain, Italy or France?

Q4)        15th June, 1776, saw Delaware vote to become separate from where: Pennsylvania, Virginia or West Virginia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   15th June, 2022, saw Microsoft retire what: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office or Paint?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Che Guevara was born on 14th June.   Of which year of the 1920s?
A1)        1928.

Q2)        What was his first name?
A2)        Ernesto.

Q3)        Which country was he born in: Argentina, Brazil or Cuba?
A3)        Argentina.

Q4)        He took part in a revolution, where: Argentina, Brazil or Cuba?
A4)        Cuba.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Che identified as what: a Marxist, Maoist or Machinist?
A5)        A Marxist.
Here’s a thought …
“Our nerves are strong, and we do not base our policy on emotions.”
Yuri Andropov, 15 June 1914 – 9 February 1984.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        They’re a similar sort of age to some of the UK’s heavy weights, then, Olga.   Yes: the concert shows up!   I’m going to have to stream it over to my telly, though!   I’d imagine the one at the book shop would’ve been quite something!   Small venue gigs can be very intimate!
        I think ‘dharma’ crops up in Hinduism and Jainism, as well as Buddhism: it’s one of those Indian concepts that’s got around, a bit!

‡        It sounds like Rick would get on with a Discworld character called Rincewind, Debbi!   (Remind me to mention The Last Continent: Rincewind’s potato fixation get a mention.)


Olga said...

Q1) Denmark

Q2) Wales

Q3) Spain

Q4) Pennsylvania

Q5) Internet Explorer
Yes, you're right about Dharma and about the concert. It was lovely to be so close by, and I got there quite early, so I saw them rehearsing, adjusting the sound, etc. The percussionist used a percussion box (un cajón), rather than a full battery, that wouldn't have fitted in there, and a tambourine. I was fascinated because he had the tambourine seemingly just resting on his knee, but when he stood up I realised that it was fixed there. Very handy!
At the concert they collaborated with a lot of well-known local musicians, and they told me they were all new collaborations, apart from Maria del Mar Bonet, whom they've played with in the past.
About their age, yes, you're right. It's the most veteran group in the whole of Spain. It was quite funny because Maria, the sister who plays keyboards, commented that people would still tell her that she was "new", and she reminded us that she had been playing in the band for 35 years already!
The pharmacists and their suggestions sound really useful. I hope you can sort it all out.

Mum said...

1 Denmark
2 Wales
3 Spain
4 Virginia
5 Internet Explorer 11

Debbi said...

That reminds me. I need to read more Terry Pratchett. Can't get enough! :)

1. Denmark
2. Wales
3. Spain
4. Pennsylvania
5. Internet Explorer

So many books, so little time ...