Friday 28 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-6-2024 — Mel Brooks

28th June, 2024: Mel Brooks.

Right … it’s a Friday.

And, for once, this week?

I have very little in my diary: bar setting up a few bits and bobs!



You’r possibly aware that — here in the UK — it’s election time: and that D-Day is next Thursday.

You possibly may not bet aware of some of the ins-and-outs … beyond the fact there’s a lot of parties to choose from.

Reform UK — led by former UKIP leader, Nigel Farage — are one of them: and are slightly more right-of-centre than I’m comfortable voting for.

Going by news from Channel Four, last night?

It’s turns out some of the party’s campaigners are even more hard right than we thought: with at least a couple making comments — on camera — that count as homophobic, racist, and lord knows what else.

As much as I’m not voting for Reform?

I’m willing to bet that some people in Brentwood — given those views — will.

Some folks in my home town can be a little bit nasty, like that.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi and Mum scoring four out of five.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Mel Brooks was born on 28th June.   Of which year of the 1920s?

Q2)        In which US city: Chicago, Seattle or New York?

Q3)        His parents were from what’s now where: Saint Petersburg, Gdansk or Mumbai?

Q4)        At the age of fourteen, Brooks was a pool-side entertainer.   At a what: sports centre, hotel or country club?

Q5)        Around the same time, Brooks was taught drums.   By whom: Buddy Rich, Ringo Starr or Jack Bruce?

Q6)        Brooks co-wrote a part-improvised sketch with Carl Reiner: that was first performed privately in the 1950s.   It was about a what: a yeti, a 2000-year-old man or a cowboy?

Q7)        Brooks also co-wrote a comedy series about a spy.   Which series: The Prisoner, Get Smart or Man in a Suitcase?

Q8)        Brooks won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar in 1969.   For which film: The Producers, Young Frankenstein or Blazing Saddles?

Q9)        Brooks co-wrote, and directed, Blazing Saddles.   The film was a comedy what: romance, western or thriller?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Brooks produced which 1980 film: Gloria, The Elephant Man or Song of the South?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        27th June is Independence Day in Djibouti.   It marks the country’s independence from where: Germany, France or Spain?
A1)        France.

Q2)        It’s a what: monarchy, caliphate or republic?
A2)        A republic.

Q3)        Name either one of the country’s official languages.
A3)        Arabic or French.

Q4)        What’s Djibouti’s currency: the Djiboutian Mark, the Djiboutian Shilling or the Djiboutian Franc?
A4)        The Djiboutian Franc.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Djibouti’s capital city?
A5)        Djibouti: also called Djibouti City.
Here’s a thought …
“Who’s the dummy writing this show?!”
Mel Brooks.
And a song that’s going to offend someone … … !

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum§!

        Well … it’s quite a trip, Debbi§: especially as there’s a long-ish train journey, then a bus!   If I get to the interview stage, I’ll have to ask about a video one: that’ll be easier.

        It sounds like you’ve got a busy one, Olga§!   I hope those appointments/editting sessions go well!

§        The next ten question set’s on Monday: and all about Ontario.


Olga said...

Q1) 1926

Q2) New York

Q3) Gdansk

Q4) hotel

Q5) Buddy Rich

Q6) a 2000-year-old man

Q7) Get Smart

Q8) The Producers

Q9) western

Q10) The Elephant Man
Thanks, Pete. I am going to do some editing this afternoon. The president of the blind-deaf association talked quite a lot, so I will have to be inventive...

Anonymous said...

1 1926
2 New York
3 His father was from Gdansk, his mother from Kyiv
4 Hotel
5 Buddy Rich
6 2000 year old man
7 Get Smart
8 The Producers
9 Western

10 The Ekephant Man

Debbi said...

This is a great subject. Mel Brooks is a genius.

1. 1926
2. New York
3. Gdansk
4. country club
5. Buddy Rich
6. a 2000-year-old man
7. Get Smart ("Missed me by *that* much!")
8. The Producers
9. western
10. The Elephant Man