Tuesday 15 October 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-10-2024 — Nature vs Nietzsche

15th October, 2024: Nature vs Nietzsche.

Right, I have to admit, I was up early, again, today.

I’m getting a mattress delivered, this morning.

And … ?

I’m getting the old one removed by the delivery company.

After a bad night’s sleep.   Stress induced, I think: I had a few deliveries, and my weight management meeting … 

And a phone call from the Department of Work and Pensions: to review my Universal Credit claim.

Mostly about my bank, and PayPal, statements for the last few months.

All that … and waiting for yesterday’s batch of deliveries?

Well, stress is the word, I think!


I follow the news: so?

When Radio Four’s Today programme announces news that interests me, I pay attention.

I’m obese, so you know: managing my weight by a mix of meal-monitoring, and taking at least one dual use medication.

I’m on Mounjaro: but have used Ozempic.

So notice the piece on the Today programme: that tells us the Health Secretary is planning to introduce weight loss drugs for the unemployed.

As he feels it will save the National Health Service money, long term: and improve the economy, by reducing the amount of sick days taken by people like me.

I’d welcome that: knowing the good these drugs can do.

But … ?

Wonder why it hasn’t been done earlier.


Monday 14 October 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th October 2024.

14th October, 2024.

You know, I don’t know if I approve.

I follow the news: like many of us do.


I couldn’t help but notice that the US is sending troops to Israel: to help the latter use the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, missile defence system.

Granted, it’s only about a hundred or so troops.

But … ?

I can’t help but think that’s what started US involvement in the Vietnam War: sending in troops as — ha! — military advisers to help train South Vietnamese troops.

I find it mildly worrying.

And also know it’s election year in the US: and wonder if President Biden is trying to get Kamala Harris a few extra votes.


Sunday 13 October 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-10-2024 — Ankara

13th October, 2024: Ankara.

Right … 

I’ve come into money.

Not much — if you’re Jeff Bezos or Time Cook — but enough to make a difference to me.

I’ve already picked up a few useful bits for around the house.

And have a new mattress coming, on Tuesday.

I’m also sizing up sofas.

The prices for some of those are eye watering!

But it’s something that’s much needed.

The biggest problem … ?

Getting rid of the old furniture: at a good price.

I’m going to have to shop around, there!


Something I have managed to get — which I’m not planning to tell the DWP about — was a couple of reasonably priced, high capacity, external drives.

It’s a long held believe of mine: having lots of drive space is like having lots of shelf space.

There’s no such thing as having too much shelf space!


Saturday 12 October 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-10-2024 — Yom Kippur

12th October, 2024: Yom Kippur.

It’s now, officially, Saturday: and a few smaller bits have been delivered.

Including a few Christmas presents: ones the driver would only deliver, once I’ve given him a code number,

Finding that on my phone was fun!

At any rate … ?

One thing I got was a new kettle … 

One with a measure on both sides: and therefore, easy to use for a left hander like me.

That’s a result, I think.


Friday 11 October 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th October 2024.

11th October, 2024.

I’m rich: I’m rich … !

Actually … ?

No, I’m not!

But I have — finally — had the initial payment of Personal Independence Payment, the back-pay portion, through.

Granted, a chunk of that’s gone: Christmas, and some new bits and bobs, are on order.

But … ?

That’s a load of my mind!
