9th March, 2025: Lithuania.
I had a good day, yesterday: I finally managed to sell a second hand computer.
I’ve been wanting to sell my
2023 model Mac for some time: ever since I managed to replace it with a
2024 model.
So … ? Given I knew CeX* were selling the model for a hefty amount of cash, and that I’d only get a fraction of that price if I sold it to them?
And started getting enquiries, by Friday morning.
Including one from a customer we’ll call Sid, to preserve his privacy: who seemed both genuine, and friendly.
Facebook Marketplace throws you buyers who aren’t, buyers who are chancing it, buyers who are ‘just looking’ … and buyers who are making genuine, but low, offers.
Sid seemed genuine, and was prepared to put in a good offer.
And had done enough research into the seller — me! — to make sure I was kosher!
And felt confident enough to turn up from London, with the cash … and walk away with the machine, a copy of Genesis of the Daleks, a free HDMI cable … and a discount.
The man was a Dr Who fan, after all: one quite happy to natter about the relative merits of various episodes.
Good customers — and friendly ones, at that — are hard to find.
Sid, if you’re reading this?
Thank you, sir!