Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Oh, Please!

Hmmm …

So that’s the way it’s going?

I’ve just picked up this week’s Brentwood Gazette, and seen the one bit of news I can have a good whinge about.

It seems my least favourite bunch of fascist idiots have reared their ugly heads, again.

By announcing they ’re to field a candidate in the upcoming General Election.

You can imagine my response, can’t you?

ANOTHER email to the Gazette …

Here’s what I wrote, this time …

Dear Editor,

So, once again, the blot on the political landscape that is the BNP, has reared its ugly head over Brentwood, again.

Only this time, by announcing that they’re to field a candidate in the up-coming general election.

I really think I’ve only one thing to say to a ‘non racist’ party, that had to change its membership rules, under threat of being sued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

That — famously and recently — kicked a Times journalist out of the Extraordinary General Meeting that made the changes.

And whose members have links with Holocaust denier, David Irving and fascist websites like Stormfront.

“You want my vote in the General Election? OVER MY DEAD BODY!”

Paul Downie

I think I’ll leave that there …

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