I’m going to be sat indoors for part of the morning.
At least, until just gone 10:30.
That’s when my Job Centre appointment.
I’m … a touch nervous about it.
I’ve a new case officer: it’s my second meeting with her.
The call, itself? Is to prepare what’s called a Commitments review: prepare for going over what I have to do to find work.
We’ll have to see how that goes!
Let’s move on, shall we?
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on two.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) 20th April is UN Chinese Language Day. Standard Chinese is a version of which dialect of Chinese: Mandarin, Wu or Yue?Q2) Yue Chinese is also called what: Cantonese, Pekingese or Symbionese?Q3) Hokkien is a version of Southern Min Chinese. It’s widely spoken in the Republic of China. The Republic is also called what: Malaysia, Taiwan or Hong Kong?Q4) Chinese has been compared to the Romance language family. Romance languages have their origins, where: Europe, Arabia or Africa?Q5) Finally … ? Chinese writing is what: hieroglyphic, pictographic or logographic?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Salyut 1 was launched fifty years ago, today. In other words, on 19th April of which year?A1) 1971.Q2) It was the world’s first what: space station, TV satellite or lunar probe?Q3) According to one Wikipedia entry, salyut means salute. According to that same article, and Google Translate, salyut means what: rocket, firework or bomb?A3) Firework. (The Britannica entry about the Salyut programme gives salute as the translation. None of them cite a reference.)Q4) Salyut was launched by the USSR’s what: army, navy or space programme?A4) Space programme.Q5) Finally … ? Salyut 1’s mission ended in which year?A5) 1971. It burned up over the Pacific, in October.
Here’s a thought …
“About 1.3 billion people (or approximately 16% of the world's population) speak a variety of Chinese as their first language.”From the Wikipedia entry on the Chinese language.
And a playlist …
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.
Have a good day.
* Sounds like an idea, Olga: the meal we had, Saturday was great … but it did get a bit nippy! And I think I’m going to need luck for the sales: it’s taking a lot of organising!
Hmmm … I don’t suppose a couple of Dr Who box sets grab you … ? (Actually? Some of the extra’s are great. I’m ripping a Tom Baker set, as we speak: they’ve replaced some of the model work with CGI effects which look great!)
† I did see Neil’s hair, Trevor. He’s not nicked a tea cosy: just run out of sheep-dip …
‡ Hello, Mum!
^ Don’t worry, Edith: you haven’t offended me. I don’t think you could, if you tried! And it sounds like you had quite a rough childhood. It strikes me you’re doing alright, though: you come across very well, and seem to know a good song when you hear it.
And Welcome to the Pleasure Dome was a classic, I think! I think I know the performance you mean: it’s a shame they couldn’t talk Holly, the original lead singer, out of retirement! You’re right, though, it’s very impressive!
ª That they are, Debbi: they’ve managed to replace some of the model work in The Ark in Space, with some CGI equivalents. Equivalents that look rather good! (I did think the process the BBC used to upscale the pictures had affected the colours in the title sequence. But I had a look at my original copies, and they’re the same.)
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Q1) Mandarin
Q2) Cantonese
Q3) Taiwan
Q4) Europe
Q5) Logographic
Interesting quiz as I'm trying Chinese on Duolingo as well (don't ask me how I ended up studying about 5 languages in Duolingo, some, like French, more out of a wish to keep up a bit of practice and improve for whenever I go to visit my friend, if we can ever travel again, the others... Well, I studied a bit of Italian a while back, I started German as a challenge a few years back, we went to Portugal for a visit when we last were on holiday in Galicia, the place where my Dad is from, in the North of Spain that's quite close to Portugal, and I thought it could be handy, and Chinese... Well, I had tried a BBC lesson once, and found it impossible, but then I tried Duolingo, and although I don't think I've learned much at all, there is something about how different it is, but with some internal logic to it that appeals to me. I'll never dedicate it enough time to learn much, but it keeps my brain ticking). Good luck with the call...
I know there are fans and collectors of Dr Who here as well, but not sure how well people are doing at the moment. It's all pretty uncertain.
Oh, I had bought some story dice early on when I started with the classes, and I took them to Anna's yesterday, as their teacher is sick and that has delayed the classes, and I thought practising speaking would be a bit different, and she enjoyed it. She's definitely more relaxed around the classes and the language.
Stay well.
A1 Mandarin
A2 Cantonese
A3 Taiwan
A4 Europe
A5 logographic
I see that Wikipedia has changed it’s day index page. It has divided the main sections into year range groups with bold headings.
1 Mandarin
2 Cantonese
3 Taiwan
4 Arabia
5 Pictographic
Phone playing up again Paul Hi to all your quizzers.
Hmm. Interesting.
1. Mandarin
2. Cantonese
3. Taiwan
4. Europe
5. pictographic
2. Cantonese
3. Hong Kong
4. Europe
5. Pictographic
Thank you, Paul You found the Clip I watched. You are a good researcher. Did you see this newer version of putting on the Ritz?
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