You know, it has been a while since I’ve written to the Brentwood Gazette, it really has …
Got me thinking that I should at least sound off about it.
Well write an email, if nothing else …
Here’s what I’ve said to them, this time …
Dear Sir,I’m writing in response to the Gazette’s article — and letter’s about — Brentwood Town Hall.Now, I’ll happily admit I’m very disappointed with the Lib-Dems — nationally — for joining the coalition, and not collectively voting against university tuition fees. Seriously enough to vote against the reform of the voting system, come May.However, I’m generally impressed with the work they and Brentwood’s sole Labour councillor in voicing Brentwood people’s concern over the idea of getting rid of Brentwood’s Town hall.After all, that’s what opposition is for: we can’t all button-hole Councillor McKinley, whenever her and Brentwood’s Conservatives come up with a bad idea.However, I’m fairly certain that suggesting that Brentwood’s local police take residence there … ?Doesn’t necessarily strike me as a good one.After all, while it may be useful to have the administrative side, there … ?The police themselves may well have things that the council offices won’t be able to deal with.Not just cells, either.I’m thinking forensic labs, evidence lockers.Things like that …Moving that lot to a set of council offices designed for civil use, especially in view of ACC Lowton’s comments … ?Seems a definite bad idea …
Hopefully, they’ll publish that.
Actually, there’s a side point, there …
Something I know I’ve alway’s been fairly unfussed about, over the years, is voting reform.
After all, however much politicians assure us our votes matter, there’s been times — for me, and many others, I’m sure — that I’ve felt that there’d be very little point.
Now I know Councillor Chilvers has had a link to this site on her’s for a while, now.
I can understand that.
After all, the Liberal-Democrats have long supported voting reform, over the years.
I’ve generally gone along with that.
But given that most forms of Proportional Representation and Alternative Voting system seem to lead to various forms of coalition government … ?
And that I’m not pleased about the one we’ve now have … ?
Well, I’m not going to use the word ‘gerrymandering’, here.
But I’m really wondering …
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