Friday, 31 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-8-2018: Roy Castle

31st August, 2018.

Believe it or not, I stayed up late, last night.

Which is a bit daft, the day before I have a long weekend at work.

On the other hand?

I manage to get to see Fiddler on the Roof, last night.

Now, that … ?

Is a fantastic little film: tunes you can hum — TRADITION! — a story with relevance to all of us, not just one ethnic group, and acting the like of who I’ve not seen in some time.

Go see it.

Me raving about isn’t quite the same.


Oh, by the way … 

I’ve just watched this piece on the BBC’s news website: that explained how some medical devices so that they could do serious damage to a pacemaker.

That’s a little worrying.

And gets me thinking that William Gibson’s cyberpunk future — hackers using software as a killing machines — is nearer than we think!


Fiddler on the Roof — Wow!

30th August, 2018.

It’s a Thursday night.

It’s a Thursday night off.

And it’s a Thursday night off I think I’m going to value.

I’ve seen a film tonight.

And, if you’ve paid attention to both the intro video, and to the title card I’ve used as openers for this post?

You’ll realise which film I’ve seen.

Can I tell you something, here?

There’s a few — possibly a lot — of films out there people will tell you to put on your bucket list.

I’m know regular commenters, Olga Nuñez-Miret and Debbi Mack has both heavily suggested They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? several times, over the years.

I’ve still not caught it!

Other films have been suggested, too.

Metropolis for one.

The Third Man and as — HA — still extra films to add to a filmic bucket list.

There’s more.

Other people I know would suggest musicals.

And, granted?   I’ve seen both Cabaret and West Side Story.

And am very aware there’s possibly more around I should be adding to any given bucket list.

Including the one I’ve caught to night: a Norman Jewison directed musical based on Sholem Aleichem’s Tevye and his Daughters … 

Better known to us … ?

And yes: I think ‘Wow’ is the right word.


Thursday, 30 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th August, 2018

30th August, 2018.

Yes: I’ve updated my screen savers: to include the XScreenSavers that get handed out for free..

In a word … ?


Gosh, you’re excited, aren’t you.

I’m not, either.

But the various Matrix style screen savers the thing includes are rather good.

As is the Lament Configuration one.

It’s all fun: assuming Pinhead doesn’t turn up.


I’ve been watching the technology news again.

And couldn’t help but notice that Air Canada, and a Chinese hotel corporation, have suffered major data breaches.

In the case of the hotel company?

One hundred and forty gigabytes of their customers data is being made available on the dark net.


If I were a customer of either, I’d be changing bank account passwords, if possible.

The thing that caught my attention, though?

Was the amount of data the Chinese hoteliers had stolen.

One hundred and forty gigabytes.

One hundred and forty gigabytes.

My horror film collection is bigger.

But not by much!


Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th August, 2018.

29th August, 2018.

You’re right.

You KNOW you are!

You’re looking at that intro video and thinking ‘He’s forgotten to write “INTRO” in the bit where it says “TITLE TEXT HERE.”’

Silly Me!

At any rate, I managed to catch Patient Seven, last night.

It’s possible not the best horror anthology I’ve seen.

But it is fun: and an entertaining watch.


Just as a quick point?

You’ll possibly realise I’m something of a news hound: following the news of the 3-d printed gun in the US with a certain amount of worry.

The makers, Defence Distributed, believe that selling the designs of three-d printable guns, online is a good thing.

I don’t.

I think a lot of people agree with me.

Including at least one US court: that’s banned them from selling the plans, online.

Defence Distributed have worked out how to get around that.

By selling USB memory sticks … with the plans on them … by mail order … 

There’s always one, isn’t there … ?


Patient Seven: Hmm … 

28th August, 2018.


Yep: it’s officially official.

I’ve had another day off.

As I write, I’ve some music on in the background.

Japan’s famed Tin Drum album.

Which may not be for everyone, I admit.

But frankly?

I like it.

Although I’m curious to know why a band call Japan produced tracks like Cantonese Boy or Visions of China.

Totally different country.

At any rate … another day … another dollar …

And another movie.


You’ve possibly worked out I like a film or two, haven’t you … ?

Possibly, he said!

At any rate, I like a film or two.

And occasionally?

Get recommendations.

Including from an old friend, Faye.

She’s managed another on, today.

The Danny Draven directed, anthology film that is … Patient Seven.


Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th August, 2018

28th August, 2018.

OK, this has literally been bothering for days.

Ever since — a little while back — I watched the video for Daphne and Celeste’s Ooh, Stick You.

And caught the woman in the photo.

And realised, with a bit of a shock, it looked a hell of a lot like actress, Jacqueline Pearce.

Best remember, of course, as Servalan: regular villain in British sci-fi series, Blake’s Seven.

I … 

Well, I couldn’t tell you for sure.

But am positive it’s her!


Monday, 27 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th August, 2018

27th August, 2018.


I hate that!

Sorry about inflicting my singing on you.

But that bloodsoddi

Dratted … 

Dratted Baby Shark meme has been banging around my head for a week!


Politics … 

Politics, politics, politics … 

I really do try to not get involved with politics.

But … ?

I voted Remain in the Brexit referendum, back in the day.

I believe staying in the EU is a good thing for the UK: and that leaving, as we will in March, next year, to be the stupidest thing the UK has done.

There’s others.

I don’t know if you knew about the Black Arrow project: but it was a British designed satellite carrier.

That got cancelled.

On budget grounds.

After four launches.

We’re the only country to have abandoned a satellite launch capacity.

AND to have abandoned a potential spaceport.

With most British rocketry experiments being done by commercial companies: the only ones willing to put up the money.

As a result of Brexit, though?

We’ll be pulling out of the Galileo satellite navigation project.

And — so the government tells us — will be investing in our own satellite navigation project.


Given our government’s history, I believe it will put out of that project by 2022.

The only way to have any kind of involvement in large scale space project?

Is to stay in the EU.


Sunday, 26 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th August, 2018.

26th August, 2018.

Yep: it’s a Sunday, again.

And yes: I’ve another day at work.

Along side the usual thing: of being up at four to make sure I get a post done, and get ready to work.

But one who’s looking at at a comparatively short shift: so at least can an early night.

An early night … 

Spent with a good book, I should add: I’ve been reading Moorcock’s Behold the Man.

Well worth a read, that … 


I’m ALSO someone who’s noticed something.

The big boxing match between YouTubers, Logan Paul and KSI.

I know it wasn’t an ‘official’ match: one regulated by the UK’s Boxing Board of Control.

But do know the pair made the match freely available on YouTube.

I’m an ex-barman: one very aware that — when I was working bar — most pubs would be charged a fortune by the likes of Sky and Virgin.

Both for the regular packages, and for pay-per-view events like that the KSI v Logan Paul gig.

I’m also one that’s aware some companies are making some events freely available to stream.

The BBC have made various matches available, as one example.   Facebook have announced various sports streams.

I’m ALSO thinking Amazon Prime and Netflix are showing an interest.


I welcome that.

I think that — depending on the pricing structure — will be a good thing for the hospitality industry.


Saturday, 25 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th August, 2018

25th August, 2018.

Yes: I have says, I had a bad night, last night.

The innards were playing up.

Not something I like doing: as, as you’ve possibly guessed, it means losing money.

Pleasures of being a long term temp.

At any rate, there was an upside.

It meant getting a comparatively early night.

With a good read, before you ask.

Moorcock’s Behold the Man, so you know: about a time traveller going back in time to met Jesus.

It’s an interesting read, I should add: and very unlike his Elric stories.

And … ?

I think, were it to be filmed?   It would cause a bigger stink than The Last Temptation of Christ.


Friday, 24 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-8-2018: Jean-Michel Jarre

24th August, 2018.

I’m definitely feeling a bit dicky this morning, I really am.

The usual trouble: the innards are playing up, again.

To the point where I might just have to phone in ill: I’d rather not be too far away from a toilet … 

The shame of it … ?

Is simply that last night — eating the dinner I think caused the flare up … ? — went well enough that I caught a movie.

Split, so you know.

That was rather good … 


Thursday, 23 August 2018

Split: That’ll Do.

23rd August, 2018.

You know … 

I woke up this morning, with the intention of watching a movie.

Made point of mentioning it on today’s Teaser, even.

Thinking Fiddler on the Roof would be a good one to see: I’ve never seen it.

But, after finishing dinner, teasers and laundry?

But felt three hours of musical was maybe a bit much … 

So … ?

Money being tight, I let my finger browse through my back catalogue.

I felt there’d be something in the collection that would … you know …

Appeal … 

As it turned out, there was.

The 2016, M. Night Shyamalan film, Split.

Nice film … 

But about James McAvoy … 


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd August, 2018

23rd August, 2018.

Yep: I’ve a day off, today.

And … ?

In amongst the day’s events, I’m thinking I should dig up a movie.

But not sure which movie … although, I do have Fiddler on the Roof sitting around.

Tempting.   Long, but tempting: after all, it’s supposed to be one of the movies.

But … 

Well, we’ll see … 


Which sort of brings me to another subject.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story, the Star Wars Anthology film that tells us about Han Solo’s early years.

It’s not due to be released until September, this year.

The on-demand version on the 14th, the blu-ray on the 25th.

Which gets me thinking …

You’ve heard or ripping, haven’t you?   The idea you can copy a film or TV show on a DVD or CD, into a form that can be played on a computer: or on a phone, tablet, streaming box, what have you.

There’s also what’s called web ripping, or sometimes VOD ripping.

In other words ripping video from websites like Twitch or YouTube: again, so you can watch the video offline.

Needless to say, it’s rather shady, legally.

Doable, but shady.

I’m looking at the difference in release dates for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

And thinking that gap in dates will encourage some to web rip the video on demand versions.

And to release them via torrent sites like Pirate Bay, ExtraTorrent and Demonoid.

Two weeks before the blu-ray versions out.

Just a thought … 


Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-8-2018: Madras

22nd August, 2018.

You know, that’s an interesting bit of news.

If you’re a film fan, that is!

A few months back, Eon Productions announced they were hiring Danny Boyle to direct the next James Bond film.

All well and good.

Today … ?

He’s stepped down.

Creative differences, apparently.

Hmmm … 

I replacing him … is going to be tricky … 


Oh, while we’re at it, there was something else I noticed.

Both Facebook and Twitter have announced they’ve deleted various dubious Iranian or Russian backed accounts that were spreading misinformation in the run-up to the US mid-term elections.

Much like Microsoft, who announced they’ve prevented Russian hacking.   Something I mentioned in  last night’s post about Westworld.

That’s a very good series, by the way.

I think they’ll have saved money on the cast for season two, incidentally.

At ANY rate?

I think we’re looking at three technology companies who are acting as informal security guards for America’s democracy.

All well and good: and possibly showing us the three are behaving better that the US president.

But I’d love to know what the US government is doing.   I can’t see it not planting false accounts on the Russian, Iranian or Chinese equivalent of Facebook.

What concerns me, though?

Is what is the UK doing about similar things happening in the UK.


Mrs May, what is your government doing about foreign interference in UK democracy?


Westworld — Series 1 — Episode 9 and 10: The Well Tempered Clavier and The Bicameral Mind

21st August, 2018.

Right … I’m almost at the end of — get this — a day off.

Frantically realising, whilst wandering, washing up, having dinner with the family — my nephew says there’s a giant eyeball, over there … ! — that stuff’s a going on … 

I’d seen the news, today.

That Microsoft has halted a hacking attack on various Republican Party/conservative groups in the US … 

From Russia.

OK, that’s bad.

But, being honest?   I’d like to know what US cyber spies are doing.

Not that I think they’d tell the likes of me.

But I’m willing to bet that there’s a US Cyber warfare department doing something similar.

Willing to bet the UK government’s resident boffins at GCHQ are involved with the same sort of activities.

And willing to bet Microsoft love the publicity.

At ANY rate … ?

I can remember reading about an open source software project, a few years ago, called ReactOS.

A product designed to be used instead of Windows, and free of charge, but compatible with Windows software.

You could go and install ReactOS on your PC, and use exactly the same Windows apps you’d already got.

Without having to buy separate versions*.

It’s only when my ageing memory caught up, I realised I’d read about ReactOS, a while back.

About how interested Russian politicians were in the thing.

I don’t know for sure … 

But I’m guessing something like ReactOS would give malicious agents a chance to would out how to put a spanner in Microsoft’s works … 

Without have to buy anything from them.


At any rate … ?

It’s a day off.

Or, at least, has been one.

And … ?

Yes: I’ve watched more TV.   I have finally caught the last two episodes of Westworld’s first series

Yes: … that WAS rather good … !


Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st August, 2018

21st August, 2018.

I know, I know: I’m starting to sound like a stuck record.

But … ?

We still have no announced airdate for Dr Who’s eleventh series.


To coin a phrase!

Right at the moment, I’m eyeballing the Radio Times for updates: they usually have something.


We’re getting nowt but puff pieces.

And leaks …

Oh, and personal speculation.

Right now?

I’m aware that this year’s series of Strictly Come Dancing is due to start soon.

There’s been over-excitable announcements about this year’s slew of contestants for the past few days.   About the only ones I’ve heard of are cub documentarist, Stacey Dooley, Danny Jules-Holland: better remembered as Cat from Red Dwarf and Faye Tozer, formerly of Steps*.

There’s no actual airdate for the first episode.   (Although, possibly?   That’s been leaked by a contestant.)

But I’m willing to bet the big announcement about the airdate for Dr Who’s eleventh series?

Will be in the run up, or end of, Strictly Come Dancing’s opening episode.

We’ll have to see.


Monday, 20 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th August, 2018

20th August, 2018.

Yes, faint … 

OK, couldn’t resist that one, given the filter.

At any rate … ?   There’s two things I think I should highlight.   Right here and now.

One?   I want to go back to bed.

It’s a Monday.

Refilling my pill box went wrong, for a start, and I had to take laundry out of, and put more laundry into, my tumble-dryer.

Oy … 

And two?

There’s STILL no air date for Dr Who!


I’m starting to wonder … 


Sunday, 19 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-8-2018: Caesar Augustus

19th August, 2018.

Yes, I’ve got another early start!

I hate early starts.

But then … ?

I also hate not having money: or a job.

Frankly, though?

I still want to go back to bed!

Mostly to sleep.

But also because I’m reading Moorcock’s Behold the Man.

I love being a mass of contradictions.


At any rate?

And in the awareness I’m not going to see anything about it, this early of a Sunday morning … ?

But it’s still frustrating to not have a formal airdate for the first episode of Dr Who’s eleventh series.

Aaarrrghghghgh … 

Is putting it mildly … 

Especially when the BBC’s made another big announcement about Strictly … 

Oy veh … 


Saturday, 18 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th August, 2018

18th August, 2018.

Yes: I’m up good and early, again.

And frankly?

I’m starting to to think working late nights — as I did, in the pub game, back in the day — looks good!

It meant I got late nights, rather than early mornings!


Friday, 17 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-8-2018: Mae West

17th August, 2018.

What do you say when a musical legend dies?

Honestly … ?

I don’t think I’ve ever been able to come up with something, when the likes of Bowie or Prince, died.

Now … ?

Aretha’s joined them in passing.

All I can do … ?   Is post an Aretha Franklin playlist.

The fact she — from wherever she is now — can still make the hair on back of my arms stand on end?

Is all the memorial I can offer.


There’s legends: authentic giants who’ve had an impact on the world, emotionally, financially, militarily or otherwise.

Whatever: they’ve made genuine changes to the world.

Aretha was one of them.

The reason I mention it?

Is that I’ve just looked at the cast list for this year’s versions of Celebrity Big Brother, and Strictly Come Dancing.

Of the twenty or so ‘celebrities’ doing the shows?

I’ve only heard of three of them.

We marked the birthday of Madonna, yesterday: possibly one of the savviest people in the music business, and one who will — I believe — be the academic case study on how to be a successful musician.

I’ve been watching Westworld: which shows us acting giants, Anthony Hopkins and Thandie Newton, showing us exactly what they can do.

Today’s Teaser is about the Hollywood legend, Mae West.

We lost a queen, yesterday, in the shape of Aretha.

And all the BBC and Channel Five have to offer as a sop?

Wannabies … 

Please feel free to comment … 


Thursday, 16 August 2018

Westworld — Series 1 — Episode 8: Trace Decay

16th August, 2018.

Yes: it’s true … 

The Queen of Pop — Madonna Louise Ciccone — officially turned sixty today.

I’m not an particular fan, I have to say.

But have to give the Material Girl credit.   She’s a good performer, she’s knocked out some very good pop tunes: my favourites get a look-in, in today’s Daily Teaser

And is possibly the savviest business woman in the industry.

Possibly one of the best business people, all round.

You don’t have a thirty-five year career in the music, without being clued up.


The day’s got a sad side, too.

The Queen of Soul died, today.

Aretha … 

There is literally nothing I can say or do to describe how her voice made the hair on the back of my arms stands on end: beyond saying she was the first of only a few singers who could make the hair on the back of my arms stand on end.

The only fit way of remember the best voice in modern popular music?

Is to play some … 


Sadness possibly doesn’t even start, now does it?

At any rate … ?   Today has been a day off: one of mixed emotions … and extreme dampness.

Yep: I went and picked up medication … 

And got rained on … !

Boy, did I ever get rained on!

I’m glad I got home, glad I got in … 

And glad, by the time I dried out?

I had something to watch.

Yep: another episode of Westworld series one … 


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th August, 2018

16th August, 2018.

Yes … I have to go and get … 


Gosh, the excitement, hey?

At any rate … ?   I’ve recently started a course of statins: dicky heart and all that!

And have to say, I do seem to be feeling less chest pain as a result.

We’ll have to see.


Hmmm … 

We know — know — that the new series of Dr Who is due to start airing in October.

Right at the moment?

We still have no formal airdate: although I’m told speculation has pointed at the 13th.

We’ll have to see.

The wait’s frustrating, though.

You can understand why photos have been leaking … 


Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th August, 2018

15th August, 2018.

Right … 

I’m back at work, today.

Wouldn’t you know it.

And have another day off, tomorrow.


I’m grateful for that time off.

Although thinking — when I put in for it — I should maybe have asked for a pay-rise, as well.


I should be so lucky … !

At any rate, another day off, tomorrow?

Means I can watch another episode of Westworld, tomorrow.

That’s something to look forward to.


Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Westworld — Series 1 — Episode 7: Trompe L’Oeil

14th August, 2018.

It’s true: and I make no excuses for it.

I have some strange taste in music.

When I say strange, I mean strange … 


I wish I knew where … 

No, I think I have an idea.

I always used to get extra homework: just to make sure my handwriting was up to  snuff.

And usually have Strauss’s Blue Danube on in the background.

That’s possibly what’s given me a taste for it.

Well, that … and 2001.

At any rate … ?

It’s another night off … 

Which means?

Yes: another episode of Westworld, series one.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th August, 2018

14th August, 2018.

Right … 

I’ve had a bed week at work, it has to said.

Bed week?

BAD week!

I’m right: when, in the intro video, I say I want to go back to bed!

It’s possibly a good way of spending my time!


Oh, as a thought … ?

You’ve possibly realised that long time Old Peculiar contributor, Debbi Mack, has — appropriately — a Mac.

AND a lot of recording gear.

Oh, and a copy of Final Cut Pro: a touch more feature rich than iMovie.

Given that … ?   Let me present …

It Happened in Howard County … 


Oh, I’ve just had a quick look at a post — about left-handedness — I shared on Facebook, yesterday.

I think it’s going to generate arguments: about eating left handed.

Just so you know, the definition I heard, was not about which way around you use a knife and fork.

It’s the hand you use a spoon: or a fork on it’s own.

I’m a southpaw.   I use my left hand, so you know.
