31st August, 2018.
Believe it or not, I stayed up late, last night.
Which is a bit daft, the day before I have a long weekend at work.
On the other hand?
I manage to get to see Fiddler on the Roof, last night.
Now, that … ?
Is a fantastic little film: tunes you can hum — TRADITION! — a story with relevance to all of us, not just one ethnic group, and acting the like of who I’ve not seen in some time.
Go see it.
Me raving about isn’t quite the same.
Oh, by the way …
I’ve just watched this piece on the BBC’s news website: that explained how some medical devices so that they could do serious damage to a pacemaker.
That’s a little worrying.
And gets me thinking that William Gibson’s cyberpunk future — hackers using software as a killing machines — is nearer than we think!