Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 2 — Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship — A Review

29th September, 2020.

Right … 

I have to confess, this is — quite possibly — going to be one of those posts I start tonight: on 29th September, 2020.

But may well finish, tomorrow.

In case you hadn’t guessed?

I got awakened, this morning, at just after 4 o’clock.

To find a drunk sleeping on my doorstep.

You can find out more about it in today’s Daily Teaser: here.

Yes: I ended up phoning the police.

Which is when my mysterious visitor decided to move on.

After swearing at me a lot.

Frankly, after all that … ?

I’m knackered: and going to bed.

But wanted to get started on this review: of what I’ve seen on TV, tonight.

Yes: I’ve seen episode two of Watchmen


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-9-2020: The Truman Show.

30th September, 2020.

Right … 

After some six hours?

My mystery visitor went.

I’d been phoning the police since he turned up at four in the morning.

He finally heard me phoning them at about ten: that was when he kicked off, making all kind of threats … 

And wondered off, after not being to get through the door.

I’m thankful.

The disappointing thing about it?

Is simply this.

The police turned up at five: and couldn’t get into the building.   Despite being told that I’d be up, and would answer the door.

I had a menacing looking drunk sleeping on my doorstep, after all.

Despite repeatedly telling me they’d be over, yesterday?   For no other reason than to pick up the photo?

The police were a no show.

I can appreciate they’re busy.

But the local police only seem interested in headline grabbing drug raids: rather than the little things.


Going totally off the subject?

You’ll have worked out by now that I’m job hunting.

And that — possibly — that I’m on Universal Credit.

I had a pay raise in April: of an unusually large amount.

Usually, any increase in benefit would be a lot smaller.

I believe — based on what I can see of the online information I get from the government — a healthy chunk of this is a result of the Covid 19 situation.

My cynical side?   Believed that I, and others, would not get another for a good two to three years.

That’s sort of been borne out: by this piece on the BBC’s new site: telling us various charities have written to the government … asking them to not reduce the payments, next April.

I hope that works.   The increased payments are bloody helpful.

I expect the letter will be ignored by a cash strapped Chancellor.

Which is a shame: that money’s handy!


Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th September, 2020.

29th September, 2020.

Right … 

This is getting silly … 

I have a chap asleep on my doorstep!

And yes: he’s still here, at what’s now eight in the morning!

He seems pleasant enough: and is going to be moving on: “… in a minute.”

He’s been there since four in the morning.

I minute is taking a long time … 


With lines from Dune going through my head, about the sleeper awakening … ?

I notice there‘s news.   There’s always news.

However?   It seems the Government is planning to offer fully funded a-levels from April.

To help those of us without a job, find one.

I might just have to think about that.

Assuming I get — say — an O-level, or GCSE, in a helpful subject, first.

It’s something to think about.


Monday, 28 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-9-2020: World Rabies Day

28th September, 2020.

Right … 

It’s a Monday morning … 

And it’s — metaphorically, at least — nose to the grindstone time.

Back to job-hunting … and the mild depression that comes with minimal cash.

Hey … ho!


I’ve not been paying much attention to the Covid-19 situation.

But I’m very aware that the new NHS Contract tracing app is now available … and been updated, over the weekend.

But … ?

It seems the original version, the one that got tested on the Isle of Wight … ?

Worked on more phones.

Additionally?   The initial version of the new app, released last week?

Gives false positives in a third of cases.

I hope that gets updated.   Again.

I know newly released software will have some bugs in it … but that’s a bit much … 


Sunday, 27 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th September, 2020

27th August, 2020.


I hate that!

I prep up a video.

One telling you I’m going to have a posh lunch to celebrate my sister’s birthday on Thursday … 

And than spill my tea: spending twenties minutes mopping up.

Oy veh … !


Saturday, 26 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th September, 2020.

26th September, 2020.

It’s official: I had just enough cash, yesterday, to have a haircut.

Something I’m thankful for, I know that.

I was getting … uncomfortable … let’s uptimes it that way.

And I managed to find the one barbers in town that was open, didn’t have a queue … and could do something straight away.

So that’s nice.

View this post on Instagram

Just had the hair done here …

A post shared by Paul Nikolas Nak Downie (@mrcuddy2977) on


If you’re in the UK … ?

You’ll have seen news of the killing of police officer, Sgt. Matiu Ratana, yesterday.

By a drug dealer armed with a gun.

These events are incredibly rare: they last time a police officer was shot was in 2012.

I’ve got one question.

How on Earth did the dealer manage to shoot someone … with his arms handcuffed behind his back … ?

Dear god!


I’m just listening to Radio 4’s Today programme, at the moment.

They’ve just had a fascinating — ish — piece about NASA’s latest fund-raising effort.

NASA’s going to let Estée Lauder shoot ads on the International Space Station.

“That’s one small step for man, one giant lap for blusher!”

As Neil Armstrong didn’t say!

In all honesty, though?

I know science — especially big science like the ISS, or CERN — need funds.

Raising cash through make-up ads?

Seems an odd way of doing it!


Friday, 25 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th September, 2020.

25th September, 2020.

Yep: I’m going to looking at fish and chips, tonight.

I’ve got them in the freezer — at least, got the fish in the freezer — already.

All that needs … ?

Is home made chips.


One thing I … 

No, scrub that.

Two things I know?

One is that the weather out looks terrible.

I think we can safely say Autumn’s coming.

Another … ?

Is that I’ve got a meeting today: with the Shaw Trust, the guys running the Work and Help Programme I’m on.

It’s not my usual case worker, I should add.

He’s on holiday.

How will it go?

We’ll have to see.


As a third thing?

I’ve managed to picked up the blu-ray version of Fury from the Deep: the latest Patrick Troughton story to receive the reanimation treatment.

I’ll tell you what, I wish I’d managed to preorder the thing!

Amazon, itself, was charging £27·99, but have run out: so the third party sellers on the site are charging a fortune!


Thursday, 24 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th September, 2020.

24th September, 2020.

Right … I got paid, yesterday: and will be scrimping and saving for the rest of the month.

As you do!

However?   I’ve managed to order the basic Christmas presents for my family.

Including … a hat!

You can possibly guess who that’s for.


One thing I did notice, when I went shopping, yesterday?

Was Sainsbury’s.

The place is hard to miss.

The one thing I seriously noticed?

Was the amount of empty shelves.

It’s not as bad as it was at the heart of Lockdown.

But enough to pay attention to the low amounts of stock: of bread, of milk, of toilet paper.

I’ve been hearing rumours — rumours, mind — that there’s panic buying going on.

Giving what I saw, yesterday?

That wouldn’t surprise me.


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd September, 2020.

23rd September, 2020.

Yes: I’ve had a late night.

Or, at least, comparatively late: compared to late nights I had when I was a teenager.

Isn’t is always the way?

At any rate … ?

I was up, watching Watchmen.

I have to say, I was impressed with Penny Dreadful: City of Angels and The Mandalorian.


Is a step or two above both.


Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 1 — It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice — A Review

22nd September, 2020.

Laundry … ?

Laundry, laundry, laundry … !

I knew there was something I needed to do: take the laundry out of the tumble dryer!

Never mind!

I can do that in the morning.

Right now?

I’ve just seen a TV series: one that’s won awards.

One with superheroes.


I’ve started watching series one of Watchmen.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-9-2020: François Duvalier

22nd September, 2020. 

Right: I’ve now had the first face to face Job Centre meeting for quite some time.

It seemed to go well enough.


And I was able to get my gripes about the laptop situation off my chest.

Granted, I don’t think there’s much he could do about it.

Indeed, he said as much, himself: the programme’s arranged at a national level, so any local complaints really don’t register.

Something I though would be the case.

It — if I’ve understood how it works, correctly — works like the Work Programme I was on, many years ago.

Both get/got paid to take us on from the Job Centre.   Both get/got their expenses covered by the Government.   Both get/got a bonus if they find us a job.

And, right now?   I’m convinced I’m going to come out of the other end of the Shaw Trust’s Health and Work Programme … 

As jobless as I went into it, and its predecessor.


Monday, 21 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-9-2020: 21 Seconds to Go.

21st September, 2020. 

Right … It’s officially the case I have a meeting with my Job Centre case worker, today.

And not over the phone, for once: in person, at the Job Centre.

I’m … 

Well, I’m not looking forward to the walk up Warley Hill.

As Old Peculiar Regular, Debbi Mack will tell you, it’s not steep, compared to San Francisco, but it’s steep enough for me.

The upside … ?

Is that I get out of the house … and quietly have a word about the Shaw Trust.

I’m still not exactly pleased about the laptop situation … 


Sunday, 20 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th September, 2020.

20th September, 2020.

Yes: I’m up later than usual.

I think it’s the oncoming of autumn: the nights drawing in, the sun’s getting lower … the weather is cooler.

At least, the weather’s cooler … in theory!

I have to admit, this September’s been quite summery.

I think we can blame global warming, there.


Hmmm … 

Right … I have to ALSO admit, I’m at the very early planning stages for my next piece for PhoenixFM.

It’s going to hopefully be about Brentwood’s long since gone cinema.

I just need to check on a couple of points.

I want to make sure that I can also write about video piracy.

I need to hang the piece on something.


Saturday, 19 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-9-2020: Talk Like a Pirate Day.

19th September, 2020.

Right … 

I know that introductory video’s fairly subdued: but today is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Just in case you didn’t know?

It’s a minor Pastafarian holiday.

Apparently?   The decline in Golden Age Pirates is responsible for global warming: therefore, talking like one will make the world cooler.

Much — I’d assume — like the Fonz.

Hey ho!


I mentioned news, as well, didn’t I … ?

According to this piece from the BBC, a woman in a German hospital has apparently died … as a result of a ransomware attack on the hospital she was in.

She died in an ambulance on a way to another hospital: after being moved, as a result of the attack.

From what I understand, if shown that her death was a result of the attack?

It’s be a world first.

William Gibson once said “The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.”

I can only hope events like this don’t get more distribution … 


Friday, 18 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-9-2020: Greta Garbo.

18th September, 2020.

Right: it’s official.

Those of us who use Blogger as our main blogging platform have now been permanently switched to the new Blogger interface.

Without having been given a specific date for that to happen: just a generic advisor.

I’m … 

Well, I’m not happy.   Although I’ll give Google credit for tidying up some aspects.

I’ll adjust … 

But it’s a definite pain.


Thursday, 17 September 2020

Experiment 3

 OK, as Google’s removed the Revert To Legacy option?

This is a quick experiment to see if they’s revised Compose mode, to allow embedding YouTube videos and lists.

This is todays video: added through the new interface’s tools.

This is the embed code, added in HTML mode.

This is the embed code, add in Compose Mode.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As you can see, adding YouTube Embed code to a post, in Compose mode, does not work the same way it did in the Legacy inteface.

I suspect adding Spotify or other embed code, would also not work: adding extra time to a post.

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-9-2020: The National Football League

17th September, 2020.

Yep: I managed to finish watching Des, last night.

And … ?

I think I’ve just seen one hell of a series.

Last night’s episode covered the trial.

Actually, I remember the trial!

As I recall, the newspaper coverage of the psychiatric elements of the trial were quite something.

From what I remember, there were arguments about whether Nilsen had Borderline Personality Disorder, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, what either of them were … and whether they actually existed.

Yes: I can see why David Tennant’s getting the plaudits he is.

He’s done his usually fantastic job.

That’s … 

Actually unsurprising: it’s David Tennant.

We expect the man to do a fantastic job: which he has, in his take on the serial killer.

Like I say, it’s unsurprising.

The actor who does get my praise is Daniel Mays.

I first saw him in Outcasts, many year ago.

And didn’t necessarily come away impressed with him, or it.

The things I’ve seen him in, since, though?

Have been definitely better choices.


Was an utter winner, in that sense.


Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-9-2020: Di Lauro

16th September, 2020

Right … I’m officially baby sitting my nephew, this afternoon.

Which will be fun and games!

Or, at least, see a hell of a lot of videos by Jelly, being watched.

It should be an interesting afternoon.


I can’t help but notice — the UK’s Justice Secretary is getting interviewed on Radio 4’s Today programme as we speak — that the Government’s announced it will be toughening prison sentences.

Violent offenders will have to serve more of their sentence.

Younger offenders will be given longer sentences.

What have you.

From where I’m sitting?

That means more offenders in prison … alongside no announcements about building more prisons.

What am I not surprised?


Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-9-2020: Rather Corse

15th September, 2020.

It’s got to be said, I had an early late night, last night.

I was up … watching TV: and didn’t do a review.

I saw the first episode of the ITV miniseries, Des, last night.

I didn’t review it: in part, because crime series aren’t usually something I’d usually cover for the blog.

And partly?   Because — knowing me — I’d actually finish the review, and get to bed, by two in the morning!

Saying that … ?

The actually episode itself?   The episode covers Nilsen’s original arrest: after human remains were found in the drains of his flat*.

It’s beautifully done, with the main cast — David Tennant as Nilsen, Daniel Mays as DCI Peter Jay and Jason Watkins as Nilsen’s biographer, Brian Masters† — being absolutely riveting.

I have to say, the last few things I’ve Daniel Mays in, he’s impressed me.

I first saw him in Outcasts, many years ago: which was god awful.

He has, thankfully, picked up better scripts: choosing ones where he can play the everyman, and play the part very well.

In doing so … ?   Managed to get himself cast, up against an on-form David Tennant:  playing a sympathetically creepy killer.

And up against Jason Watkins, playing a killer obsessed Masters.

All of this in a script that’s taking its stylistic cues from Chernobyl.

Frankly?   I’ll be watching episode two … 


Monday, 14 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th September, 2020.

14th September, 2020.

It’s official: it’s Monday morning … 

And I still have 21 Second To Go banging around my head!


The only song that’s earwormed me for longer … ?

Is Jessica Lange’s version of The Name Game.

Come back Lana Banana, all is forgiven … !


I mentioned a couple of days ago, that a bag of human remains had been found in a river.

In the believe it may — may — be linked to a possibly serial killer.

So far?   And as far as I know?

No other bodies have been found.

On the other hand?

According to the most recent piece of news I’ve seen?

No one’s been able to identify the remains … 


Sunday, 13 September 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13th September, 2020.

13th September, 2020.

It’s official: I’ve got up with another earworm.


21 Seconds, by the So Solid Crew.

Which, it has to be said, is still a bloody good tune.

I have to admit, though: I’ve got this bad habit — following the silly nicknames given to the Spice Girls — of giving various band members as a silly nicknames.

I’ve been thinking of the Bangles as Happy Bangle, Sad Bangle, Pouty Bangle and Wiggly Bangle for years, for example.

Wiggly Bangle

Sad Bangle

Pouty Bangle

Happy Bangle

With the end result?

Megaman’s now officially Hat Solid … 

Um … 

Hat Solid

As a final quick though?

I’m looking for to pay day.

I can just about afford a copy of Fury From the Deep, the missing Patrick Troughton Dr Who story to be re-animated.

It get’s released, tomorrow: so I’ll have a bit of a wait.

The sooner I get it, the happier I’ll be.


Saturday, 12 September 2020

Altered States — A Review

12th September, 2020.

OK: for those who’ve actually watched my intro video, there?

I think we can safely say a couple of things.


I’ve reached a conclusion.

It’s possible to watch a film, AND do a Max Headroom, impression in the same evening.

And, yes: in case you were wondering.

It’s the first time I’ve sat down with a movie, in quite a while.


Right now, it’s rather late.

I MAY start this now.

But finish the write up in the morning.

At any rate … ?

You’ll have possibly guessed from the poster: that I’ve seen the 1980, Ken Russell directed, William Hurt vehicle: Altered States.

It’s been years since I saw it last … and it’s … interesting … 


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th September, 2020.

12th September, 2020.

Right: I’ve finally finished the first season of The Mandalorian: having caught the last episode, last night.

It’s got to be said, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.

What’s more?

There’s a potential new villain … 

Does that cutting tool look familiar … ?

Hmmm … 


I have to admit, I got tinkering, when I was writing the review of that episode.

I’ve been tinkering with the new Blogger interface: and not found it totally to my liking.

There’s no way of embedding YouTube videos into a post: in what’s called Compose mode.

As it turns out … ?

You can insert embed code in what’s called HTML mode.

Which looks like this: 

And is very intimidating, if you’re not used to it.

Last night’s Mandalorian post looks OK, but took a lot of jumping about.

Which means I’m going to take a bit of time, using the new interface for the Teasers.


Friday, 11 September 2020

The Mandalorian — Series 1 Chapter 8 — Redemption — A Review

11th September, 2020.

OK … 

I can safely say two things, at the moment.

I’ve had dinner.

Fish and chips, if you must know.

And, right now?   I’m telling you that: through the medium of my blog.


The mild difference?

Is that I’m experimenting with the new Blogger interface.

At the moment, there’ll be a time when I won’t be able to use the legacy version.


Frankly, getting slowly used to the new version — when I don’t have to use it — seems fair enough.

Right now, though?

I have understandable concerns.

I suspect that I won’t be able to use the prepared html links I usually use, nor YouTube embed code.

I have’ve over the past few weeks, I know that.

In that sense?

There’s little change from there.

There is, however, one page that tells me I can use the embed code … if I switch between HTML, and COMPOSE mode: the pen icon in the top left hand corner in this photo.

HTML mode looks like this … 

If you’re not used to it … ?

That can be very confusing!


That isn’t necessarily want I wanted to tell you.

You’d possibly guessed.

No, I wanted to tell you about what I’ve just seen on TV.

Yes: the last episode in series one of  The Mandalorian.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th September, 2020.

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