Friday, 31 January 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-1-2025 — Derek Jarman

31st January, 2025: Derek Jarman.

It’s usually the case that a man in possession of nothing to do … is going to end up with an earworm banging through his head.

Yep: and I’ve woken up with one this morning.

Why I’ve got “Don’t Quote Me On That” in my head … ?

I really don’t know!


Trump’s a twit!

There’s been a plane crash in Washington DC: only a few days ago.

And … ?

The US president has made a speech about it.

A speech in which — instead of just sticking to the script, instead of just offering words of consolation — he blamed policies introduced and promoted by his predecessors as President.

At the risk of repeating myself … ?

The man’s an idiot … 


As a final thought … ?

I’ve picked up a couple of comics.

One specific title?

The book covers the early days of the US east cost as it slowly transforms into Mega-City One.

For someone who’s interested in the Dredd universe’s back-history?

It’s a riveting read.

Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s [insert number here] questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Director Derek Jarman, was born on 31st January: of which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        He directed the video for “It’s a Sin”.   Which band released “It’s a Sin”?

Q3)        Jarman’s Sebastiane was filmed in which language: Latin, Ancient Greek or Archaic Chinese?

Q4)        Jarman’s Jubilee was released in 1978.   The character of Mad was played by whom: Toyah Willcox, Adam Ant or Siousxie Sioux?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Jarman’s last film was called what: Blue, Pink or Green?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Mazda — the Japanese carmaker — was founded on 30th January, 1920.   What did it originally make: cars, cork, or corrugated iron … ?
A1)        Cork.

Q2)        During World War Two, the Battle of Cisterna started on 30th January, 1944.   Where is Cisterna: Italy, Germany or Japan?
A2)        Italy.

Q3)        Which former PM’s state funeral was held on 30th January, 1965?
A3)        Winston Churchill’s.

Q4)        The African National Party was formed on 30th January, 1960.   In which country: Burundi, Chad or Djibouti?
A4)        Chad.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Naro-1 rocket was launched on 30th January, 2013.   It was a carrier rocket launched by whom: North Korea, South Korea or Vietnam?
A5)        South Korea.
Here’s a thought …
“People say to me, ‘You make fantastic films’ and I say, ‘No, I make documentaries.’”
Derek Jarman.
And an interview …

The next ten question set is on 19th February: it’s about EastEnders.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You know, that wouldn’t surprise me, Olga?   I think we have a lot in common with Jackdaws … 

        Hello, Mum!

‡        The movie version was when you were in High School, Debbi … ?   We ARE talking about the Ralph Bakshi version, yes?   Or the ’77 version of The Hobbit?
        Are you’re right: the Chronicles of Narnia, and The Lord of the Rings, have been doing the rounds for years.   (I enjoyed The Magician’s Nephew: mostly for Lewis’s attempt at filling in the back story …)


Olga said...

Q1) 1942

Q2) Pet Shop Boys

Q3) Latin

Q4) Toyah Willcox

Q5) Blue
Well, what to say about Trump? The press conference was incredible. And he said he knew what had happened because one only needed to have "common sense". Common sense? He wouldn't know what common sense is if it punched him in the face. And, of course, he had just frozen the hire of air controllers and also the responsible for the running of transportation (well, I think he left after Elon Musk kept pestering him, but...). The man is a bully, dangerous, and has no insight. The problem is that he is unlikely to suffer for it, but many others will.

Mum said...

1 1942
2 Pet Shop Boys
3 Latin
4 Siousxie Sioux
5 Blue