20th February, 2025.
You know, Brentwood Council’s a contradictory thing.
In a
piece for the BBC news site, yesterday, the Council announced a planned pilot scheme: that will reduce black bin bag collections
from once a week,
to once a fortnight.
In an effort, we’re told, to “encourage recycling”.
Can I use the word “bollocks”, here?
The Council had a recycling scheme: that saw residents putting recyclable waste into orange bags, then — in flats like those in Rollason Way — putting those bags into communal recycling bins.
In the parts of town where the scheme operated, recycling waste went into the orange bags, food waste goes into food waste caddies, garden waste into green bags, everything else went into black bin bags, collected — usually — once a week.
The orange bags were phased out, a couple of years ago: replaced by blue sacks for cardboard and paper waste, and white ones for plastics.
Which get left on the kerbside on the relevant day.
Except … ?
Except those sacks aren’t used here on Rollason Way, nor in council-run properties in Railway Square, nor in Drake House, on the other side of Brentwood High Street.
Nor outside the (privately owned and rented) flats in Saint James Road or Wharf Road, around the corner from me.
Nor, I suspect, in the council-run Four Oaks, where I used to live.
Nor, I suspect, in other flats: private, or socially housed.
Yes, they’re used in streets with houses: you’ll see them out on collection day
But they’re not used in communal housing.
I can remember getting the letter about the oranges bags being phased out: it told us we’d be contacted about the blue/white bags, and the various collection dates.
We’ve not heard a word, since.
And, given I live in a ground floor flat?
I can see that nobody — nobody — in Rollason Way is putting out those sacks.
If they were, I would notice: and, I suspect, be tripping over the things on collection day.
As would everyone else.
I have sent an email to Barry Aspinell, the councillor named in the article: and to the councillors for the Brentwood West ward.
But fully expect to hear nothing.
And fully expect to repeat to use the
B word, again.
“Encouraging recycling”?
This is a cost cutting exercise.