3rd February, 2025.
We could possibly say this: that Monday is the first day of the week, that philosophers go wild about Mondays, that giants dance on Mondays and that stars fall.
We could say that.
But I suspect that if we did … we’d be talking out of our bottoms.
About all I can say … ?
Is yes: it’s Monday, I’m up early, my weight management meeting is today and that — considering I gained weight last week? — I’m hoping I’ve lost weight.
I have to admit, I keep have an eye on the news: I don’t know many that don’t in some way, shape or form.
I can’t help but notice that the US President is imposing tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada, threatening to do so to the European Union …
And implying that he’s thinking about applying tariffs to UK goods.
Except’s one thing possibly preventing that.
The President thinks Sir Keir Starmer, the UK’s Prime Minister, “… has been very nice”, and that “we're getting along very well”.
I voted Green in the last election.
And think that — in retrospect — that was a good move.
I’d hate to vote for someone the President* approved of …
I’ve got to admit, I’m sceptical about ghosties, and goblins, and things that go bump in the night.
One hosted by a chap called Danny Robins, and that covers a person’s experiences of the paranormal: and their childhood experiences of various haunted houses.
Yes, this bears repeating: I’m, personally, sceptical.
But … ?
The two episodes I’ve seen are a great deal of fun, and very entertaining.
Which is the important bit …
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Q1) 3rd February saw a collapse in the Dutch sales of what: tulips, edam or wheat beer?Q2) The House of Assembly sat for the first time: on 3rd February, 1639. Which House of Assembly: Bermuda’s, Barbados’ or Virginia’s?Q3) The Benelux Economic Union was founded on 3rd February, 1958. Name any one of the three nations that formed the Union.Q4) 3rd February is the feast day of Saint Blaise. He’s a patron saint of where: Bradford, Chelmsford or Glasgow?Q5) Finally … ? Setsubun (節分) is traditionally marked on 3rd February. Where: India, China or Japan?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd February 2025, is a Sunday. When was it last a Sunday?A1) 2020.Q2) 2nd February is the earliest date Shrove Monday can fall. When’s the latest: 7th March, 8th March or 9th March?A2) 8th March. (It’s on 3rd March, this year.)Q3) Buenos Aires was founded on 2nd February, 1536. The city is in which South American country?A3) Argentina.Q4) The Last Frost Fair ended on 2nd February, 1814¶. The Last Frost Fair on which English river?Q5) Finally … ? Ulysses was published on 2nd February. In which year of the 1920s?A5) 1922.
Here’s a thought …
“The reason why so few good books are written is, that so few people who can write know anything.”Walter Bagehot, 3 February 1826 – 24 March 1877.
And a song …
The next ten question set is on 19th February: it’s about EastEnders.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.
* The President’s a Republican: a party who use an elephant as a symbol. It’s tempting to tell you they’ve now got a jackass …
† Hello, Mum!
‡ We can only keep our fingers crossed, Olga! (Apparently, the US president think’s the UK current PM is “very nice”. How sarcastic do you want me to get, Olga … ?)
§ Ah … ! That explains that, Debbi! (The US president’s at it, again!)
¶ That specific Fair has had several mentions in Dr Who …
Q1) tulips (Perhaps the year should be added to this question?)
Q2) Barbados’
Q3) Belgium
Q4) Bradford
Q5) Japan
I hope the weight is going down, Paul. Oh, and yes, I know what you mean about Trump and the PM. It puts me in mind of Groucho Marx saying that he would not want to be a member of any club that would have him as a member, but in this case, applied to Trump.
1 Tulips
2 Virginia
3 Belgium
4 Bradford
5 Japan
What gets me is that so many of us here didn't vote for him or claim not to.
Yet, there he is ... doing whatever fool thing occurs to his people.
I don't think he comes up with his ideas on his own. He needs his entourage to do his dirty work. :)
1. tulips
2. Barbados'
3. Belgium
4. Bradford
5. Japan
All we can do is hang tough and keep going. :)
Keep calm and carry on? :)
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