Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-3-2025 — Rupert The Bear

11th March, 2025: Rupert the Bear.

Right … it’s Tuesday … !

And … ?

I’ve officially put on weight: about a hundred grams: roughly a fifth of a pound.

I think I’m going to have to lay off the crisps … 


I had another reason to go to town, yesterday: in the afternoon.

My left lens popped out.

In my spectacles.

I’m grateful my opticians were able to fix to, and do so for free.

But resent the fact I’ve had to go up Warley Hill twice in one day.


Hmmm … 

Apparently, the Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, had a meeting with Labour MPs, last night.

And said that the Government is going to have to cut benefits, in order to reduces costs.

As one of the suggested ones is Personal Independence Payments, one of two benefits that I’m on?

I’m, understandably, concerned.

I know there’s a general attitude: that God — or the Government — giveth and taketh away … but it’s not something I like the sounds of.


Just as a last thought … ?

Long term regular, Olga, lives in Barcelona: and has visiting birds, visiting ocells, nesting in a tree outside her flat.

It’s official, I think: spring is on its way … 

Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Irene‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring six out of six, Irene on five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        11th March saw the birth of media mogul, Rupert Murdoch.   In which year of the 1930s?

Q2)        He was born, where: Australia, New Zealand or South Africa?

Q3)        He got his start in the media, as the owner of one his country’s whats: newspapers, TV stations or glossy magazines?

Q4)        1968 saw him buying his first UK newspaper.   What was it called: The Sun, The Times or The News of the World?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Thinly veiled versions of Rupert — and his rival, Robert Maxwell — feature in The Forth Estate.   Who wrote The Forth Estate: Jeffrey Archer or Geoffrey Archer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Snap elections took place on 10th March, 2024.   Where: Spain, Portugal or Lusitania?
A1)        Portugal.

Q2)        The country in question has a one-house parliament.   A parliament called the Assembly of the what: Republic, Monarchy or Theocrats?
A2)        The Assembly of the Republic.

Q3)        Poet, Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, was born on 10th March, 1788: in the Kingdom of Prussia.   The Kingdom is now part of where: Germany, Italy or China?
A3)        Germany.

Q4)        10th March, 1977, saw rings discovered.   Around which planet: Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus?
A4)        Uranus.

Q5)        10th March is the UN sponsored International Day of Women … what: barristers, judges or solicitors?
A5)        Judges.

Q6)        Finally … ?   10th March saw Massachusetts ratify the Articles of Confederation. 10th March of which year: 1778, 1780 or 1782?
A6) 1778.
Here’s a thought …
“People are reading news for free on the web, that’s got to change.”
Rupert Murdoch.
A song Don Henley keeps dedicating to Rupert …

And an earworm …

The next ten question set is on 14th March: it’s about Michael Caine.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hope you don’t mind, Olga, but I’ve embedded the video in today’s post!
        I know what you mean about the dates: sometimes, pinning one down can be a bit of a pain … !

        Hello, Mum … !   (Can you ask Ruth and Jude to let me know if I have Jude, this week?)

‡        Morning, Irene: how is the day … ?

§        Oh, I don’t know if AI’s been integrated into Siri that much, Debbi.   I was thinking more that Wozniak’s handed his joke book to the company he founded … 


Olga said...

Q1) 1931

Q2) Australia

Q3) newspapers

Q4) The News of the World

Q5) Jeffrey Archer
Thanks for sharing the video, Paul. I will try to take more, but it is a matter of being there at the time and also the birds looking in the right direction. I think as the little one keeps growing it will get easier, because the nest is tiny. For a while I wasn’t sure if the eggs had hatched or not, until one day I saw the little head.
Oh, there was a festival in the neighbourhood where the radio station is, la Bordeta, la Festa de Sant Medir, where go on parade with horses and horse drawn carriages and throw candy and sweets to the people. You can see the pics here. The big bell tower you can see on the back is where the radio station is (we are on floor 7th and 8th, right below the bell), and you can also see the radio’s mobile unit.

Mum said...

2 Australia
3 Newspapers
4 News of the World
5 Jeffrey Archer

Irene said...

Morning Paul,
Love today's subject and music
My answers as follow:
1. 1931
2. Australia
3. Newspapers
4. News of The World
5. Jeffrey

Debbi said...

I didn't know he had a joke book. A Dad joke book. :)

1. 1931
2. Australia
3. newspapers
4. The News of the World
5. Jeffrey Archer