You know, in BETWEEN everything else … ? In between getting bilked by Amazon, the loss of quite a LOT of data on a now junked external drive, and the intermittent mail theft in my area … ?
In BETWEEN all of that, I get spam … !
Like the one that caught my eye, while I was cleaning out my emails, earlier. It claimed to be from the Royal Mail, and told me I needed to pick up a parcel. From a given link.
The fact it was in my junk mail box, AND the postman usually sticks a card into my letterbox, anyway, told me everything I needed to know.
So I clicked the link, JUST out of curiosity. Being VERY aware that I should be careful.
I got redirected to a page — the link in the URL bar was ‘things travel dot com/mobile’ — that said I should use a PC browser to access the page: rather than a Mac or mobile device.
Hmmm …
Can you do me a favour, if you’re reading this on a PC?
Make sure your email client’s junk mail filters are up to date!!
At any rate: it’s Wednesday.
Which means, obviously, it’s time for the Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser.
Q1) 10th June, 1829, saw the running of the first University Boat Race. On which river is the race run?
Q2) Name either British University that takes part in the Race.
Q3) The race is run from Putney: to which part of Richmond upon Thames?
Q4) Shades of which colour are traditionally worn by the crew of the boats?
Q5) How many people are on each boat … ?
Q6) Who’s the only one of those people isn’t rowing … ?
Q7) The lead up to the 1959 and 1987 Races saw one side do what: mutiny, sink or capsize?
Q8) Which side won the 2015 Boat Race, held in April of this year … ?
Q9) True or false: the Race is raced downstream.
Q10) The Boat Race finishes by which Bridge?
Q1) 3rd June, 1888, saw the first publication of Casey At The Bat: the USA’s best known poem about baseball. The piece was published by a major newspaper: in which US city?
Q2) Its writer, Ernest Thayer, published it under a pen name: ‘Phin’. Phin was short for what: Phineas, Phinston or Phibuli?
Q3) The poem is about a team from Mudville. Two US cities claim to be the original Mudville. Stockton, in California, is one. Holliston, the other, is in which US state?
Q4) Casey, himself, is modeled on Michael ‘King’ Kelly. Kelly spent most of his baseball career with teams based in two US cities. Name either city.
Q5) Kelly played in many positions, in baseball: and was known for being a competent catcher. What’s cricket’s equivalent to a catcher: a fielder or the wicket-keeper?
Q6) Cricket has bowlers. What’s the equivalent position, in baseball?
Q7) Like cricket, baseball features players who both field: and bat. Someone who bats on behalf of the player who throws the ball, is called a designated … what?
Q8) A game of baseball is played between how many teams: two, three or four?
Q9) How many players are on each team: ten, nine or eight?
Q10) Finally … what name is given to the USA’s Major League Baseball championships?Answers.
A1) San Francisco.
A2) Phineas.
A3) Massachusetts.
A4) Chicago or Boston. (The two teams were the Chicago White Stockings and the Boston Beaneaters.)
A5) Wicket keeper.
A6) Pitcher. (The roles are equivalent, in that both are aiming a ball towards the batsman: but not exactly the same. From the little I know, a baseball pitcher literally throws the ball: bowling, in cricket, features very different elbow action, action that sees the elbow stay much nearer the body.)
A7) Designated hitter.
A8) Two.
A9) Nine.
A10) The World Series.
I’ll catch you next time.
* All that means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets. All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license. A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated: as would pressing my donate button, here.
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