Monday 12 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th August 2024.

12th August, 2024.

Right … it’s Monday … !

And … ?

Frankly, I’ve got the Eurhythmics’ Doubleplusgood on in the background.

Mostly … because it’s a good tune, but also because the earworms have started early, this morning* … !


At any rate … ?

It’s a Monday: which means I’m off to my weight management class.

Hopefully, I’ll have lost some weight.

Especially after the colonoscopy!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, saw Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        In the UK, 12th August is known as the Glorious Twelfth.   In other words, it’s the tradition start of the what hunting season: duck hunting, grouse hunting or haggis hunting?

Q2)        12th August is the Queen Mother’s Birthday.   Where: Bhutan, Thailand or Japan?

Q3)        12th August, 1999, saw the birth of Dream.   He’s a what: YouTuber, TikTokker or Instagrammer?

Q4)        Tyson Fury was born on 12th August, 1988.   He’s a what: boxer, mixed martial artist or karateka?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Jean-Michel Basquiat died on 12th August, 1988: at the age of twenty-seven.   He was a painter from where: Chicago, New York or San Francisco?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        11th August, 2023, saw the launch of the Luna 25 probe: from the Vostochny Cosmodrome.   The Cosmodrome is where: Russia, Kazakhstan or Latvia?
A1)        Russia.

Q2)        The probe was launched by which agency: NASA, Roscosmos or JAXA?
A2)        Roscosmos.

Q3)        Did the probe have a human crew on board?
A3)        No.

Q4)        The Probe was launched on what: a Soyuz 2.1b rocket, a Space Shuttle or a catapult?
A4)        A Soyuz 2.1b rocket.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Where was the probe headed: Mars, the Moon or Venus?
A5)        The Moon.   That was obvious … !
Here’s a thought …
“I don’t think it’s good to be honest in interviews, I think it’s better to lie.”
Jean-Michel Basquiat, December 22, 1960–August 12, 1988.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I wonder if Stewart and Lennox had read Bester’s The Demolished Man.   The whole ‘Your attention, tension tension’, ‘t-t-t-ten, ten, nine eight’ riff reminds me of the ‘Tenser, said the Tensor’ earworm that Bester introduced in Chapter Three.   (According to the book?   Earworms can stop telepaths reading your mind, as they can’t get past the song: something Julian May uses in one of the books in her Galactic Milieu trilogy.)

        Hello Mum.

‡        It’s always the way, Olga: something’s going to happen … !
        I have to admit, I never had the patience's for jigsaws.   Or chess, come to think of it.   Space Invaders or Backgammon, though … ?   That’s a different story.

§        We’re turning into a drill sergeant, aren’t we, Debbi … ?
        At any rate … I can still remember seeing Cosmos, back in the day.   Sagan’s voice was like nothing I’d heard, before!


Olga said...

Q1) grouse hunting

Q2) Thailand

Q3) YouTuber

Q4) boxer

Q5) New York (I think I told you I went to see an exhibition about Basquiat and Warhol’s collaboration in New York, at the Bouiton Museum last time I visited my friends in Paris. Interesting doesn’t quite cover it. And the building is worth a visit in its own right).
I am fond of jigsaws, although I mostly do them online these days, and it isn’t quite the same. This one I liked the look of (it is made of wood, and they suggest you can frame it later or just stick it on an adhesive film they provide and hang it somewhere), and I thought it might be something I could do with my mother, but it was a bit too complicated. I’ve asked for another one, that is a composition of plants, and as it has areas of different colours, it might be easier for her and I to do together. We shall see. And it is part of Amazon Vine, so I plan to give them away as presents for the radio station Christmas Campaign. Mind you, it is too complicated for very young children, but good for families. I’ll try to share a pic of the finished version on Twitter later.
I’ve mentioned my friends in Wales, the author and his husband, whose house and dogs I looked after a few times when they were on holiday. They loved jigsaws, and as they weren’t very big on cooking, but had a big house with a wonderful modern-farm like kitchen, with a big isle on it, they always had a huge jigsaw on the go on the isle, so anybody who walked by would always stop and have a go. They might last for ages, but nobody could resist.
Oh, and good luck with the session today. I'm sure you're right about the weight loss. Fingers crossed!!

Mum said...

1 Grouse
2 Bhutan
3 Utuber
4 Boxer
5 New York

Debbi said...

Hey! It's the Python Boys! :)

Always a welcome sight!

1. grouse hunting
2. Thailand
3. YouTuber
4. boxer
5. New York