Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-1-2025 — Lord Byron.

22nd January, 2025: Lord Byron.

Right: it’s official: my boiler has been repaired.

The loss of pressure that caused the loss of heat and hot water was not caused by the problem I though was causing it.

I though it was a problem with a pressure valve.

Oh, no.

It was a jammed knob.

One that — as it turns out — I could have done myself … if I’d had an adjustable wrench.

At any rate … ?

My boiler’s now working.

About the only issues I have were that fact the repairman turned up at 20:30, after I’d phoned the repair in at 6:30.

And thet fact I’m trying to avoid any sentence with the word ‘twist’ or ‘knob’ in them.

It sounds ever-so-slightly naughty … !


In the wake of Axel Rudakubana, the Southport Killer, being sentenced?

I notice that there’s various points being discussed:
  • The ease he was able to buy knives.
  • The number of times he was referred to the counter-terrorism programme, Prevent.
  • And concerns about him passed to other authorities.
The one thing that caught my eye?

Was that he’d downloaded what’s described as an ‘al-Qaeda terror manual’ known as the ‘DECLARATION OF JIHAD [HOLY WAR] AGAINST THE COUNTRY’S TYRANTS’.

What I’m not surprised about … ?

Is how easy it is to get how of that … 


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Lord Byron was born on 22nd January.   Of which year of the 1780s?

Q2)        What was his first name?

Q3)        He was educated at which Cambridge college: Trinity, Trinity Hall or Wolfson?

Q4)        As a result of a holiday with Byron, in Switzerland, Mary Shelley wrote which horror story?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Byron’s only legitimate child was Ada Lovelace.   Ada’s considered the world’s first what: computer programmer, poet or mathematician?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st January is National Hugging Day.   Where: Canada, the USA or Mexico?
A1)        The USA.

Q2)        21st January is the feast day of Saint Fructuosus of Tarragona.   Tarragona is where: Catalonia, Alsace-Lorraine or Bavaria?
A2)        Catalonia.   (Is there a Suctuosus?   Or Gluctuosus?)

Q3)        21st January is Errol Barrow Day, in Barbados.   He’s a former Barbadian what: Chancellor?, Prime Minister or President?
A3)        Prime Minister.

Q4)        Footballer, Emiliano Sala, disappeared on 21st January, 2019.   He disappeared on his way to join which British football team: Burnley, Cardiff City or Coventry City?
A4)        Cardiff City.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip.   On 21st January of which year: 2007, 2009 or 2011?
A5)        2009.
Here’s a stanza …
“Hope withering fled, and Mercy sighed farewell!”
From Canto 1, stanza 9, of Byron’s The Corsair.
And a song …

The next ten question set is on 29th January: it’s about Desert Island Discs.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yeah, it’s one of those films, Olga!   Oh, keep your eyes peeled for a five question set on 15th March: it’s a five-question Cronenberg set.   Not that mentioning Scanners, et al, has anything to do with it!

        Hello, Mum!

        So you’ve got the personnel sorted, Debbi!?   That sound’s like one hell of a leg up!
        Oh … apparently the President’s announced a new AI infrastructure project: and is referring to it with a name nicked from the movies.   Wouldn’t be the first time a Republican’s done that!   (Why does the phrase, ‘attention-seeking glory-hunter’ spring to mind, Debbi?)


Mum said...

1 1788
2 George
3 Trinity
4 Frankenstein
5 Computer programmer

Olga said...

Q1) 1788

Q2) George

Q3) Trinity

Q4) Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

Q5) computer programmer
Oh, I look forward to that! Good to hear the boiler problem wasn't complicated, but, as you say, it can be frustrating when you wait for a long time and then realise it wasn't a big thing anyway. But, having all the tools is mission impossible (my father had a big collection and I'm still trying to decide what to do with them, as some are completely useless to me, and many had been replaced by more modern and easier to use versions) but thanks to him and his visits I also ended up accumulating quite a few back in England that I sold/gave away in the end. I know they can fetch some money, but they were not professional standard by any means, so I was grateful a neighbour took them off my hands for some cash, and I'm sure they'll come handy to him.

Debbi said...

That and the word "lunatic." :)

1. 1788
2. George
3. Trinity
4. Frankenstein
5. computer programmer