Monday, 30 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-11-2020: Saint Andrew’s Day

30th November, 2020.

Right … 

Right at the moment, I’m quietly hoping that intro video works.

It should: as far as I can tell, from the feedback I’ve had.

Thanking you for helping!


At any rate … ?

I’ve a phone meeting, today: with my case worker from the Work and Health Programme.

It should go well enough.

Although, to be frank … ?

I’m not expecting very much from it.

Although, frankly?

That could well be the psychological effects of blah years of job hunting.

Out of work for this long?

Frankly, I’m not in the best frame of mind.


As a last point?

The trailer for the upcoming Dr Who New Years Day special, Revolution of The Daleks, has been released.

And looks interesting.

Defence drones … hmmm … 


Sunday, 29 November 2020

Star Trek Discovery — Series 3 Episode 4 — Forget Me Not — A Review

28th November, 2020.

Right … 

I have to admit it, I‘ve just been watching TV: after having dinner.


I’ve had one of my regular commenters let me know, this morning, that there’s a problem.

That videos I’ve uploaded to the post — rather than embedded into the post from YouTube — don’t seem to be playing.

If you can let me know which of the above play?

I can try and do something about it.

Or, at least, complain to Google!


Something I’ve now done.

After much swearing.

At ANY rate?

It’s been a usual Saturday night: I’ve watched another episode of Star Trek Discovery.

And will tell you more in the morning.


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-11-2020: I Want To Hold Your Hand.

29th November, 2020.

It’s got to said, I’ve woken up to issues.

It turns out that some videos — ones I directly upload to a post, and represented by the blue square in the accompanying picture — don’t play.

Or, at least, haven’t played for a couple of days.

I got tipped off about it by both Trevor and Debbi, when they left they’re answers on yesterday’s Teaser: thanking you both.

I’ve filled out the relevant forms in Google’s online Help form: and posted a question on the Google Communities.

We’ll have to see how that goes.

At any rate … ?

If you’re reading this, could you let me know which one of the above videos plays?

I’d appreciate it.


At any rate, and on other fronts … ?

I’ve noticed the rather sad news about the death of actor and bodybuilder, Dave Prowse.

At 6’6”?   The man was a giant.

But also left an impression in other ways.

As a bodyguard … 

As the Green Cross Code Man … 

And, of course, as Darth Vader … 

He’ll be much missed … 


Saturday, 28 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-11-2020: Blake

28th November, 2020.

Yes: I’m officially going to be waiting … 

Until at least Monday.

Remember that my landlord’s have loaned me a laptop, so I can do a course?

And that I need the user or admin password, so I can install some software … ?

Well … I’ve emailed my landlord’s Digital futures team: or, at least, the rep who’s dealing with my case … 

Now all I have to do … ?

Is wait for them to contact me … 

I’m inpatient: I hate waiting!


For those of you who didn’t know?

I’ve now got a great big pot.

That was yesterday: where it was getting used to boil my teatowels.

Granted, they’ve not turned out perfect … but they are better than they were.

At least, they turned out well enough that I’ve got the pot on the stove, again.

So I can boil wash my socks, and bedsheets.

At this rate … ?   My underwear could be next … 

Now … would live streaming that be a good idea … ?

Cue the music … !


Friday, 27 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27-11-2020: Lancashire Day

27th November, 2020.

It’s a Friday … 

It’s quite assertively a Friday … and it’s Black Friday, if you didn’t know it.

In other words, it’s the Friday after the US Thanksgiving holiday: as anyone who read yesterday’s teaser would realise.

If I’ve understood it correctly?

Many Americans will be making a long weekend of it: I’m assuming that would include Old Peculiar regulars Debbi Mac, and her husband, Rick, and Edith will be have having a weekend off.

There’s one thing

The Black Friday sales.

From what I’ve understood, many US businesses will be holding sales: knowing well that their fellow Americans will have plenty of time to browse shops, websites and catalogues.

My issue?   Is that, over the past few years, many companies in the UK will be having Black Friday events.   Including Apple, this year.

I know KFC was, when I worked there.

To me, it’s stupid, and offensive.

Stupid, because we, in the UK, don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.   We the United Kingdom: Thanksgiving’s not our holiday.


Because, to me, it smacks of the USA trying to conquer the world.

I voted Remain in the referendum: because I think the UK’s better off as part of the European Union.   Many will have voted Leave, as they felt — and still feel — Britain should be independent of outside influence …

And yet … ?

Will be happily buying something cheaply, on Black Friday … an event imposed, effectively, by a foreign power.

But if anything sounds like cultural imperialism … ?

Or the US equivalent of the East India Company, slowly buying power for its home nation*?

Well … 

All I can do is congratulate those companies not joining in with the silliness.


Thursday, 26 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-11-2020: Thanksgiving

26th November, 2020.

It’s got to be said, you have to ask what’s going on, occasionally … 

Especially in a world where the deep deserts of Utah start sprouting monoliths.

How weird are those?

Possibly not weird enough: when you realise whoever’s installed it … isn’t a fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

It’s the the wrong shape to be the monolith.


Something else I’ve managed to pick up … ?

Is a little bit of news about the upcoming Dr Who special, Revolution of The Daleks.

Guess who’s back … ?



Just as a last point … ?

Yesterday saw Chancellor Rishi Sunak made various announcements in a major spending review.

One of those … ?

Is what he called the Restart scheme.

It’s aimed at those of us who’ve been out of work for more than a year, back into work.

Frankly?   It sounds too much like the Work Programme I had to do, many years ago: one that was distinctly unhelpful.

I expect this — if I end up having to sign up for it — to be just as helpful.

The announcement he didn’t make?

Was about Universal Credit: the benefit those of us in the UK claim, if we’re out of work.

It’s been put up by roughly £20 per week, as a result of COVID-19.

And is due to end in April.

Mr Sunak didn’t say whether it would be removed, or made permanent.

Merely that an announcement would be made, nearer the time.

I hope it stays at its current level.

The extra few quid are bloody handy!


Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th November, 2020.

25th November, 2020.

It’s official: stuff’s happening.

At least, stuff in general is happening.

On a personal front … ?

I have still not managed to take the laptop out of the box.

Basically, I’m waiting for my tutor to get back to me to let me know what’s happening.

I can then get in touch with my landlord’s Digital Futures team, to see what we can do about it.

I can only hope that’s soon.

Or, at least, get’s done before my orders from Amazon* turn up.


Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-11-2020: Black Beauty

24th November, 2020.

It’s got to be said: I think I have an issue … 

You’ll remember, of course, that I’m due to start a European Computer Driving License course.

And, to that end … ?

Managed to borrow a laptop from my landlord’s Digital Futures team.

I got a call from them, last night: they check up on a regular basis, it seems.

The one thing I managed to clear up?   Was that I’d not be able to install an extension I’d need: one that would let me use the course’s online software.

I don’t know if there’s any alternatives, there.


How am I feeling about that … ?

Well … I’d love to say I’m annoyed.

I’m not.

I can understand why my landlord’s don’t allow someone who’ve they loaned a laptop to, to install stuff on it.

It’s a basic security measure: they’d rather not have something nasty installed along side any apparently safe software.

So I can understand it.

I’m disappointed, though, however much I can appreciate it.

We’ll have to see what happens, when my (potential) tutor contacts me.


Monday, 23 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-11-2020: Dr Who

23rd November, 2020.

It’s official: I’ve seen episode three of Star Trek Discovery’s third series.

And, it has to be said, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it!

Keep your eyes peeled for it, it’s rather good.

The downside to me finishing the video fairly late in the evening?

I still feel shattered this morning.

Which is awkward: it’s pay-day.

Which means trudging into town to stop, pay bills, and make phone calls!


Sunday, 22 November 2020

Star Trek Discovery — Series 3 Episode 3 — People of Earth — A Review

21st November, 2020.

It’s got to be said, I’m starting this … at the end of a comparatively long day.

Which means?

I’ve got even more excuse to finish what I’m starting, tomorrow.

But, for those of my readings following the story about the laptop I’ve borrowed?

I’ve finally picked it up: from the main Brentwood Post office, in Brentwood High Street.


As an extra thought …?   Or maybe question … ?

Have you been watching the animated Daleks series on YouTube?

It’s rather fun!

But I had to laugh, when I saw the second episode, tonight.

That Destroy without Pity acronym they used?

Is a direct lift from an old Dalek annual published in the 1960s!

I should know: I’ve got a copy!

At any rate … ?

I’ll be back later: to tell you about episode three of Star Trek Discovery … !


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-11-2020: Well Done, Cutty Sark!

22nd November, 2020.

Yep: as I mentioned on Instagram, yesterday?

The laptop has turned up.

Or, at least, and after a lot of phone calls to my landlord?

Picked up from the Post Office in Brentwood High Street.

Turns out that’s where Parcelforce take parcels they can’t deliver.

Boy … but this course is proving to be a bother … 


Saturday, 21 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st November, 2020.

21st November, 2020.

Hmmm … 

I had a day, yesterday: chasing up laptops with my landlords.

Apparently?   Parcelforce tried delivering on Thursday: at 14:45.

I know I didn’t hear them ring.

As a result?   The laptop’s at the post office.

I’m going to try and pick it up, today: from the Royal Mail’s collection office in Saint Thomas’ Road.

Assuming, of course, that it’s open by the time I get there: I’m going into town to have a ’Flu jab.

The last time I went to the place on a Saturday?   It was only open from 7am to 9am.



Just as a quick minor point?

Thus far, I’m happy with macOS Big Sur.

I’ve got a couple of relatively minor quibbles.

The one that’s staring me in the face?

Is simply that there’s no icon for blu-ray discs.

Which makes finding the Blu-ray Disc I’ve currently got, tricky.


Friday, 20 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th November, 2020

20th November, 2020

Hmmm … 

I was due a delivery, yesterday.

A couple of them, actually.

A blu-ray box set, and a USB stick in one.

And a laptop: for a training course I’m due to start next week, and be assessed for, today.

The laptop hasn’t turned up.

I think I have a problem.


I’m must admit, I’m mildly annoyed.

Not just by the disappeared laptop … but by a song.

Or, at least, by Radio One’s decision to play an edited version Fairy Tale of New York.

Because teens might be offended.

Can I suggest you buy the ’87 original from your favourite music provider?

Or, at least, look it up on Spotify or Youtube, turn up the volume, and play the bejeebers out of it!

Honestly, you’d think rock and roll wasn’t supposed to be offensive!


Thursday, 19 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th November, 2020.

19th November, 2020.

Right, it’s official the case: I’m expecting deliveries, today.

A couple of bits courtesy of Amazon: or, at least, the Office of National Statistics.

I volunteer for their Covid 19 testing program: and get an Amazon voucher, as a thank you.

So, those are due, today … 

I’m also expecting a laptop.

I’m due to start a computer literacy course, next week, have the assessment, tomorrow … 

So my landlords are loaning me a Windows based laptop: it’s due, today.

I also know I’ve got to put up some medication, today.

I just hope I can get to town and, in time!


You’ll remember an old friend, Phil, died a few days ago … ?

I sent his widow a condolence card.

You have to, don’t you?   My sadness was nowhere near his immediate family’s … but needed expressing.

As did my sympathies: and the usual offers of help one makes at these times.

It has to be said, she sent a reply, bless her.

Not something I was expecting, to be honest: but nice to get.

Nice … and heartbreaking.

It was possibly the saddest thing I think I’ve read in years.

But also the happiest.

Phil, it seems, had a good, full and happy life: even if it was drastically shortened.

What can I say, bar that?


Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Watchmen — Series 1 Episode 9 — See How They Fly — A Review

17th November, 2020.

I think I can safely say I’m feeling a touch better.

I was at the GP’s, earlier: for various reasons: as I mention in today’s Teaser.

And frankly?

I’ve got a course of antibiotics, let’s put it that way!

Hopefully, they’ll have an effect.

If they don’t, I have to phone back in a fortnight.

Keep your fingers crossed.

However, and as is traditional, by now?

I’m starting my review of the climactic episode of Watchmen, on the night I’ve seen it.

Partly?   I’ve got some bedtime reading I want to do: a short story collection by Arthur Machen, if you must know*.

Partly?   To get my brain in order.

And partly?   Because I want some sort of sleep, thank you!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-11-2020: Oman

18th November, 2020

Right … 

It’s Wednesday: which means … ?

Well, a lot of things.

The main one … ?

Is that the surgery appointment went well.

There’s a course of antibiotics involved, at least!

Hey … ho!


Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th November, 2020

17th November, 2020.

Right … 

I’ve officially got a visit to my GP’s practise nurse, today: at 10.

Frankly, I’d rather keep the reason why to myself, thank you!

It’s not going to be necessarily pleasant, though!

But, boy, I’m going to need a bath!


Remember, yesterday, I was supposed to be going to an assessment: for the European Computer Driving License course I’m due to start?


It got cancelled!

And rearranged as a phone meeting for Friday.

Which is good.

The laptop turns up, on Thursday … 


On a final thought … ?

Radio Four comedy, I’m Sorry, I Haven’t A Clue, has been named as the greatest radio comedy ever made.

Hopefully?   That means that — in spite of the sad death of Tim Brooke Taylor, this year, — the show will be re-commissioned for another series.

And gives me an excuse to included this video: of possibly the best games of Mornington Crescent, ever!


Monday, 16 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th November, 2020

16th November, 2020.

Right … 

As I write … ?

I’ve got the Children in Need version of University Challenge on, courtesy of Youtube.

Which is rather fun.

Although I have to say, the BBC seem to be ahead … 


At any rate … ?

At any rate: 11 o’clock, today, sees me having another meeting with my Shaw Trust case worker.

Granted, they turned me down for a laptop: but I will give my case worker his due, he’s been digging up the occasional potential job.

I haven’t got them … but at least he’s found something.


Oh … with that said … ?

I’ve got an assessment, tonight: at a local adult education centre: for the European Computer Driving License course … 

I’m nervous … but more worried about getting there!

Hey ho!


Sunday, 15 November 2020

Star Trek Discovery — Series 3 Episode 2 — Far from Home — A Review

14th November, 2020.

Right … 

It’s a Saturday night: and I’ve just spent the past few minutes, filling in forms on the NHS website.

No, I’m, not going to tell you why: frankly, I’d prefer to keep that one to myself.

It’s one of those rare, slightly embarrassing ones.

And, believe me, there’s not much that embarrasses me!

At any rate … ?

It’s Saturday: and I’ve just seen another episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Series three.

More tomorrow, folks!


Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th November, 2020.

15th November, 2020.

Yep: it’s official … it’s Sunday!

Which means, frankly?

That there’s not a lot on.

Bar the odd bit of poking about: and maybe some laundry!

Hey ho!


Saturday, 14 November 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th November, 2020.

14th November, 2020.

Right … 

I think we can safely say I’ve upgraded to macOS 11 Big Sur.

Unusually?   The actual version number is 11.0.1: rather than 11.0, which is what I was expecting.

Why?   I couldn’t tell you.

Secondly?   The actual process was a touch more fraught than earlier updates I’ve done.

For starters, the Big Sur Installer weighed in at some twelve gigabytes: two to two and a half gigabytes bigger than the Catalina installer.

It also needed to have a lot more space to do its job: I had to delete various unused apps, photos and songs to make space.

And transfer my Photos and Music libraries to an external drive to give the installer room to room.

Then shift them back once Big Sur was installed.

The process — once that was done — was nerve wracking … but as relatively painless as ever.

Thus far … ?

This far, Big Sur’s a pleasure to use.

For starters, it sees the return of the Mac start up chime: people have been complaining about that, since 2016’s release of macOS Sierra.

The wallpaper is loud: but easily replaced through System Preferences: I’m using a dynamic shot of the Big Sur Coast.

The biggest differences?

Are in the immediate look and feel of user interface: there’s a lot more corners, the alerts are a lot funkier, and somehow, pictures seem a little sharper.

Some of the apps are a little laggy: but not much more so than under Catalina.

The menu Bar changing 

Handbrake, vlc and Transmission — some of my most used non-Apple apps — seem to be working well.

Granted, I’ve not used MakeMKV to tip anything as yet: I won’t know how it’s working, until I do.

Keynote, Pages, GarageBand, Numbers and iMovie have also been updated.

I haven’t used Keynote or Numbers, as yet: but judging by iMovie and Pages, they should work well enough.

GarageBand I’ve not used.   I’m not exactly musical!

So far?

Big Sur’s a pleasure to work with, especially on my Intel-based iMac.

Were I one of the new, ARM based Macs?

I couldn’t tell you what my experience would be like.

I’m possibly going to start having to save up for one of them, though: much as they did with the shift from Motorola chips, to PPC, and PPC to Intel chips?

At some point, they’ll stop supporting this machine.

Here’s hoping.
