2nd February, 2025.
Right … I’m officially up late.
Because … ?
Stupidly, I switched my alarm off, last night.
Would you mind kicking me … ?
I’d miss, if I tried.
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring six out of six.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s [insert number here] questions, shall we?
Q1) 2nd February 2025, is a Sunday. When was it last a Sunday?Q2) 2nd February is the earliest date Shrove Monday can fall. When’s the latest: 7th March, 8th March or 9th March?Q3) Buenos Aires was founded on 2nd February, 1536. The city is in which South American country?Q4) The Last Frost Fair ended on 2nd February, 1814. The Last Frost Fair on which English river?Q5) Finally … ? Ulysses was published on 2nd February. In which year of the 1920s?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st February is World Hijab Day. A hijab is a what: hat, head covering or house?A1) A head covering.Q2) 1st February is the feast of Saint Brigid. She’s a patron saint of where: Kerry, Kildare or Kilkenny?A2) Kildare.Q3) 1st February is Federal Territory Day in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya. All three territories are in which Southeast Asian nation?A3) Malaysia.Q4) Britain’s Chancellor announced that the ½p would be phased out: on 1st February, 1984. Who was the Chancellor that made the announcement: Nigel Lawson, John Major or Rachel Reeves?Q5) What was on the back of that coin: Saint Edward’s crown, the Houses of Parliament or Westminster Abbey?A5) Saint Edward’s crown.Q6) Finally … ? Clive Swift died on 1st February, 2019. He played Richard Bucket in which BBC comedy?
Here’s a thought …
“Come forth Lazarus! And he came fifth and lost the job.”From Chapter 6 of Ulysses, by James Joyce: first published on 2nd February.
And a song …
The next ten question set is on 19th February: it’s about EastEnders.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.
Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.
* Hello, Mum!
† It’s OK, Olga, we’ve found her: apparently, she had a busy day.
As for the plane … ? Well …
‡ Oh, Debbi … ! I left you a Lord of the Rings themed comment, the day before yesterday: you missed a video or two.
1 2020
2 8th March
3 Argentina
4 River Thames
5 1922
Q1) 2020
Q2) 8th March
Q3) Argentina
Q4) The River Thames
Q5) 1922
Let's hope for some good news, but it doesn't look likely
No, I read the books in high school. The movies came out long after I'd graduated. :)
1. 2020
2. 8 March
3. Argentina
4. the Thames
5. 1922
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