You know, I’ve GOT to admit, I’m a little worried for a friend of mine.
Remember me mention Carly the poet, a while ago … ?
Bless her, she’s in hospital: would you believe, suffering complications from having a kidney out!
Like I say, it’s a bit worrying!
Hopefully, she should be ok: she’s a tough woman.
But I’m going to keep me fingers crossed. JUST in case … !
Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?
Yes, lets … !
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting her answers: and, along with having a go at spelling ‘color’ the UK way, — AND be flattering about yesterday’s Teaser* — ALSO saw her bagging 10 out of 10!
Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 1st December is World AIDS Day, marking the fact that 1st December was the date the virus was first recognised. But in which year … ?Q2) More to the point, the AIDS awareness ribbons were originally designed by which New York based art group.Q3) 1st December is ALSO Grand Union Day: this celebrates the union, in 1918, between Romania, and what’s now which of its provinces … ?Q4) 1st December, 1964 saw Malawi and Malta join the United Nations: along with which other country … ?Q5) 1st December, 1923, saw the birth of Admiral Stansfield Turner: which US agency did he lead … ?Q6) And finally … 1st December, 1885, saw the first serving of which soft drink … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 30th November is Saint Andrew’s Day: name either of the two Eastern European countries that Saint Andrew is a patron of?A1) Romania and Russia.Q2) Which east coast port is known as the Granite City?A2) Aberdeen.Q3) Which Scottish city famously holds an annual Arts Festival?A3) Edinburgh.Q4) Which Isle was linked to the mainland by a bridge in 1995?A4) Skye.Q5) Which islands give their name to ponies and wool?A5) Shetland.Q6) Which small Caribbean Island celebrates Saint Andrew’s Day, after gaining its independence on 30th November, 1966?A6) Barbados.Q7) Moving on … 30th November, 1886, saw the The Folies Bèrgere hold it’s first revue: what does the word Bergère translate as … ?A7) Shepherdess.Q8) 30th November, 1968, saw the introduction of which trades legislation in the UK … ?A8) The Trades Description Act.Q9) 30th November, 2005, saw the Right Reverend John Sentamu named as the Church of England’s first black archbishop: is he the 97th, 98th or 99th Archbishop of York … ?A9) 97th.Q10) And finally … 30th November, 1995, saw the official end of which Operation … ?A10) Operation Desert Storm.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later.
* Why thank you, Debbi! (My surname’s Scottish: so I like to at least try. Plus, the Teasers have their origin’s in the table rounds for the quizzes I used to run. Saint Patrick and Saint George always used to be relatively easy to write. Saint Andrews’ on the other hand … ? Could be hard work … )
Almost forgot to mention, as well, that’s it’s ALSO Nina’s birthday, today, as well.
Happy Birthday … !
Thank you, sweetheart... :) I need to tell you this: When I was at Uni, it was a real hoot being the birthday girl. The student organisations used to give free condoms (AIDS-day, as you mention in the quiz) and telling them it was my birthday always resulted in HEAPS of condoms for me and the whole gang of my friends... :D :D :D
Oh well, on with the quiz!
1) 1981
2) the Visual AIDS Artists' Caucus
3) Bessarabia
4) Zambia
5) CIA
6) Dr Pepper
...Did you know Richard Pryor and Woody Allen also were born Dec 1st? ;) As well as Bette Midler... Oh, and moi... ;)
You DO know that’s why I’ve included Gilbert O’Sullivan’s Claire as the soundtrack …?
It’s his birthday, today …
You, him, Bette Midler, Woody Allen … And Byzantine historian and chronicler, Anna Komnene, if you REALLY want to be flashy and show off some incredibly obscure knowledge … !
Happy birthday, Nina! :-D
It's still Dec. 1 in my time zone, so I'm just in time. :)
1. 1981
2. the Visual AIDS Artists' Caucus
3. Transylvania
4. Zambia
5. the CIA
6. Dr. Pepper
Dec. 1 was the date my husband and I had our first date. We still keep track of the anniversaries. :) Would you believe it's been 32 years?
32 years, Debbi … ?
The pair of you don’t look old enough … !
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